Now Recruiting

EU Staff is a group of friendly, experienced and motivated personnel. We are expected to act in a mature way no matter what the situation is. We are known as one of the best staffers in the client. We expect our members to work in a serious way yet remain friendly as much as possible. Ego, Trolling, Flaming won't be tolerated, members who don't or/and can't maintain a positive image will be removed at once.

Job Description:

Maphack Staff.

2 New Maphack Staff Will Be Picked.

Selected members will gain Team Captain Rank immediately and a chance to be promoted in the future to moderator, voucher, admin, RGC team...

Start filling out your applications here.
Please provide True information!


  1. Must be a member of RGC for at least 3 full months.
  2. Must have a low warning level.
  3. Must be aware of the RGC's penalization rules.
  4. No spamming/low quality.
  5. No scam reports what so ever.

Application Form
  1. Your RGC Username:
  2. How can you contribute to the group?:
  3. Links to any contributions If any:
  4. Reason why you want to join?:
  5. What is your motivation?:
  6. Why do you deserve to be Staff?:

Additional Information
  1. Your name:
  2. Age:
  3. State, Country:
  4. Tell us something about yourself:
  5. Scale your grammar on a 1-10 scale:
  6. How often active are you?:

We will select the members really soon, there is no need to pm admins and saying please take me as a staff. In fact this will reduce your chance of becoming a staff member.

Thank you for your interest in making RGC a better place.