@MGN-BOTv1 Teams of Game #1865: The winner was: Sentinel - Duration: 31 minutes
* @MGN-BOTv1 Team Sentinel (1148): AVHaltqq(+24), qojqva(+24), IAMBLI5TER(+24), PoA.Evrooo(+24), canceL^^(+24)
* @MGN-BOTv1 Team Scourge (1130): BignumQ(-24), JERRYTHESLAYER(-24), MASTEROK_BLR(-24), Manik-(-24), AiRoSpAcE(-24)

<+qojqva> 1865->1
want to demote him

rage quit by manik = unvouch him
score 10-3
Yes I know, in the long term we would lose, but rules are rules!