Hell Gaming League Rules

�If you break any of the following rules (in all sections of the rules), you will be banned or unvouched.

�Stay friendly and mannered at all times while chatting, posting on forums etc.

�Don't insult anyone - flaming is NOT tolerated on HGL.

�All communication MUST be in English at all times on the site, in games (and the game lobby)

�Registering, owning or using more than one account on HGL is FORBIDDEN. Multiaccounting will result in a permanent ban.

�Misleading a team or an admin will be punished.

�No hacks are allowed, i.e MapHack etc. Using hacks will result in a permanent ban.

�No pornographic, racist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive text or pictures are allowed in profiles or anywhere on the site.

�Flaming admins or ignoring admin warnings will not be tolerated and should you chose to disregard this rule, the admin who warned you may give you.

General Rules

�Latest and current map: 6.72f

�Any mode can be played at HGL.

�It is 5 on 5 - Only 5 vs 5 games will be counted. The stats page will show all over games played on HGL but when the analysis at each end of a season is made we only count the 5vs5 games.

�A default win can be claimed by a team if their opposition fails the game and wants to end. (Use !FF command)

�Any team has the right to pause game for up to 5 minutes, but only with a proper countdown of at least 3 seconds. A maximum of 2 pauses per team are allowed per game. A team is also obliged to give a countdown of at least 3 seconds before unpausing.

�If a player disconnects/leaves before 10 minutes both teams are obliged to remake the game. (Use !rmk command) Make sure you report the leaver for game ruin.

�If you remake the game all players must choose exactly the same heroes and same items. Additionally all heroes must be in the same lane as they were for the first game and all wards must be placed on the same places or not placed. After creep contact on the lane you can change lanes.

�If a player disconnects you are allowed to EITHER
1) Use the hero and ALL his items as they are
2) Team sell ALL items from the hero, and freeze the hero ! If you want to take any of the leavers items, kindly pause the game and talk to your team-mates if they agree or not.

�The game is over and the winners found when:
1)The World Tree or Frozen Throne is destroyed.
2)The other team gives up and their captain types "ff" in all chat to confirm that they have given up(note that the captain is always the blue/pink player)

�Backdoor is allowed ! TP'S cost 135 Gold - Learn to carry them =))

�To reserve a hero, ask the captain for it ! If two or more gamers want the same hero in mind, they can both "-roll" for it. The gamer with a higher number of roll takes the hero.

�Going away from keyboard is forbidden. If there's a gamer that's afk after 2 minutes of game time or haven't picked their hero yet:
1) Staff can "!rmk" (Team Captain Privilege)
2) Normal gamers must "!votermk". If not submitted, the players that haven't !votermk'd will suffer a ban.

�If you're a team of 4 or 5, you can either sign for the game together and then make sure you all join fast to fix your slots, or if you have a team captain rank over the league just host a game by your name example "!host blah" it means you can kick anyone who has joined this game as in it's your game and not a signed one. You are not allowed to open slots/kick gamers from a signed game that they signed in.