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  1. #1
    Rank: Forum Addict
    • Join Date: Aug 2011
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    [20:40] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: LOL
    [20:40] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: akira
    [20:40] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: in another acc
    [20:40] ADMlN: ?
    [20:40] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: (((
    [20:40] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: xD
    Your friend coming4you is now online.
    [20:40] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: HHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    [20:40] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: :P
    [20:40] ADMlN: wtf
    [20:40] ADMlN: they stole
    [20:40] ADMlN: my rank
    [20:40] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: loooooooooooooooooool
    [20:40] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: LOL
    [20:40] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: Admin
    [20:40] ADMlN: ok
    [20:40] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: ADMlN
    [20:40] ADMlN: ill call my ddoser
    [20:40] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: go fight
    [20:40] ∙♪∙YusukeReena:
    [20:40] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: enough trolling here.. ​ ​
    [20:40] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: xD
    [20:41] ADMlN: omg
    [20:41] ADMlN: !baninfo bilchgotraped
    [20:41] ADMlN: sm1
    [20:41] ADMlN: xd
    [20:41] RG`RPG^Cloud3: Admin
    [20:41] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: ADMlN
    [20:41] RG`RPG^Cloud3: now stop it
    [20:41] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: you soon going to have compban
    [20:41] ADMlN: yes admin stop it
    [20:41] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: cloud
    [20:41] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: do you have idead?
    [20:41] RG`RPG^Cloud3: everything has a limit.
    [20:41] ADMlN: give me my rank back
    [20:41] ♀♂MasterwolfieIzSexeh`: !kick admln fake
    ADMlN has been kicked by Masterwolfie.
    [20:41] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: you hl wrong ppl
    [20:41] ADMlN: im the orginal copy
    [20:41] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: hhh
    [20:41] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: HHHHHHHHHHHH
    Your friend AkrZ` is now online.
    [20:42] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: soon compbas
    [20:42] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: S
    [20:42] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: ban*
    [20:42] ADMlN: akrz` tell them
    [20:42] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: i hope master wolfie kick worn ppl
    [20:42] ADMlN: akrz
    [20:42] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akira
    [20:42] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stfu
    [20:42] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: jad enak zene5
    [20:42] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: *wrong
    Your friend NeW| is now in (EU) Public #39 -ap [00:00]
    [20:42] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: hi
    [20:42] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: -.-
    [20:42] ADMlN: akrz`
    [20:42] Stupidmirc: u get compban
    [20:42] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ur sick bro
    [20:42] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: LOL
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now in ap Leave = ban ​ ​(Lobby)
    [20:42] Stupidmirc: for trying to impersonate
    [20:42] ADMlN: stupidmicr
    [20:42] Stupidmirc: u know?
    [20:42] ADMlN: ill demote u
    [20:42] ADMlN: so fast
    [20:42] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: good
    [20:42] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: LOL
    [20:42] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: Compban
    [20:42] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: akira
    [20:42] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: actually miric
    [20:42] ADMlN: u cnt ban me
    [20:43] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: roger is good in talking arabic
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akira trolled me yesterday
    [20:43] ADMlN: im roger
    [20:43] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: there are 3 globals
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: and admin
    [20:43] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: ho ahead
    [20:43] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: can you them?
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: was loling
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: about it
    [20:43] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: arab a bit
    [20:43] ∙♪∙YusukeReena:
    [20:43] ADMlN: alah w akbar
    [20:43] ADMlN: see?
    [20:43] ADMlN: im roger
    [20:43] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: HHHHHHHHHHH
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: no ur not
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: -.-
    [20:43] RG`RPG^Cloud3: ADMlN
    [20:43] ADMlN: ich haich hitler
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stop
    [20:43] ADMlN: i talk german
    [20:43] RG`RPG^Cloud3: Can u stop please
    [20:43] RG`RPG^Cloud3: enough.
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: HAHAHAHAHA
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akira
    [20:43] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahahahaha
    [20:43] ADMlN: ich fash ash nay
    [20:43] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: hhhhhhhhhhh
    [20:43] ADMlN: eshbi sh fash nash admin
    [20:43] RG`RPG^Cloud3: This aint a trolling room or chatting room.
    [20:44] ADMlN: cloud3 stupidmirc u mad
    [20:44] ADMlN: ?
    [20:44] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: LOL
    [20:44] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: wait
    [20:44] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: HHHH
    [20:44] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: !baninfo bilchgotraped
    [Account Ban] :: 23:51 on 10/01/2012 [Admin] :: admin [Reason] :: shakira tard
    [20:44] RG`RPG^Cloud3: Stop it.
    [20:44] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: XD
    [20:44] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: for any global :P
    [20:44] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: LOOOL
    [20:44] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!
    [20:44] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: :P
    [20:44] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: !baninfo skyflre
    [Account Ban] :: 18:41 on 08/01/2012 [Admin] :: skyfire [Reason] :: .
    [20:44] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: XD
    [20:44] ADMlN: wtf
    [20:44] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: LOL
    [20:44] ADMlN: who banned my staff
    Your friend coming4you is now offline.
    [20:45] ADMlN: who are these fakes
    [20:45] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: sky himself
    [20:45] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: LOOOL
    [20:45] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: :P
    [20:45] ADMlN: ff
    [20:45] ADMlN: !globalaccess skyfire **
    Permission Error. You cannot use this command on someone with higher access than you have yourself.
    [20:46] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: lool
    [20:46] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: !host Ap Mode
    [20:46] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: :P
    [20:46] nelvin: pasali po
    [20:46] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: whats up fake?
    [20:46] ADMlN: hi fan
    [20:46] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: why are you inviting compban?
    [20:47] ADMlN: cuz im the real roger
    [20:47] ADMlN: and i love it
    Your friend Aphrodite` is now away from keyboard.
    [20:47] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: have fun
    Your friend Trexy is now online.
    Your friend AkrZ` is now offline.
    [20:47] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahahhaha
    [20:47] ADMlN: wow
    [20:47] ADMlN: il join to ur room and destroy it with my coding fist!
    [20:47] RG^SkyFire: ADMlN time up?
    [20:47] ADMlN: no sky
    [20:47] ADMlN: xtc game
    [20:48] ADMlN: then it's up
    [20:48] RG^SkyFire: Then go hide till then.
    [20:48] RG^SkyFire: ^^
    [20:48] ADMlN: yes
    [20:48] ADMlN: i will
    [20:48] ADMlN: see guys?
    [20:48] ADMlN: im the real roger
    [20:48] ADMlN: and i trolled u all
    [20:48] ADMlN:
    [20:48] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: O.o
    [20:48] ADMlN: yeah sky i will
    Your friend CrissaO is now online.
    [20:48] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akira
    [20:48] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: ADMlN
    [20:48] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stop dude
    [20:48] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: Whos the adin right there on the top?
    [20:48] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: if u are the Sir-roger
    [20:48] ADMlN: it's me
    [20:48] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: lol
    [20:48] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: *admin
    [20:48] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: Pls close this rgx
    [20:48] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: he can cr8
    [20:48] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: Rgc
    [20:48] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: 1000 acc
    [20:48] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: I wan see
    [20:49] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: O.o
    [20:49] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: not just him
    [20:49] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: all of us
    Your friend CrissaO is now in (EU) Public #50 -ap (Lobby)
    [20:49] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: and login at the same time
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now in ap Leave = ban ​ ​[00:00]
    [20:49] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: I know
    [20:49] ADMlN: ?
    [20:49] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: Eh
    [20:50] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: if u are The godfather pls close this rgc
    [20:50] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: Admin can give me 10 rgd.
    [20:50] ADMlN: yes right away
    [20:50] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: eh
    [20:50] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: Thanks.
    [20:50] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: Admin
    [20:50] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: Give me 200rgd
    [20:50] white-KAC|~Roma: stop trolling this channel
    [20:50] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: I wam diamond member
    [20:50] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: AHAHHAHAA
    Your friend __-MeetphunnyCV is now away from keyboard.
    [20:50] SkyFire:: stop spaming.
    Your friend coming4you is now online.
    [20:50] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: oO
    [20:50] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: wAhh
    [20:50] ADMlN: yo skyfire
    [20:50] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: aHAhah
    [20:51] SkyFire:: hey bro
    [20:51] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: AGHAHAHAHAHA
    [20:51] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: AKIRAAA
    [20:51] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: Lol
    [20:51] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ur sick
    [20:51] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: O_O
    [20:51] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: Haha
    [20:51] RG^SkyFire: !clientban SkyFire: .
    SkyFire: has been banned by SkyFire.
    [20:51] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: Admin and Skyfire
    Your friend __-MeetphunnyCV is now offline.
    [20:51] Aphr0dite`: ahem2
    [20:51] SkyFire:: stop spam.
    [20:51] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: anyone has 10 rgd??? can anyone give me...i need it for name change...
    [20:51] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: aa.
    [20:51] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: haiz
    [20:51] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: anyone has 10 rgd??? can anyone give me...i need it for name change...
    [20:51] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: Now sir-roger change
    [20:51] SkyFire::
    Your friend coming4you is now offline.
    [20:51] SkyFire:: nooooooooo
    [20:51] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: nooo
    Your friend CrissaO is now in (EU) Public #50 -ap [00:00]
    [20:51] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ffs
    [20:52] RG^SkyFire: !clientkick SkyFire: .
    SkyFire: has been kicked by SkyFire.
    [20:52] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: LOL
    [20:52] ADMlN: XD
    Your friend jayber is now online.
    Your friend coming4you is now online.
    [20:52] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: someone
    [20:52] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: create
    [20:52] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: superwomen
    [20:52] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: Lol
    [20:52] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: lol
    [20:52] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: i will laugh
    [20:52] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: xD
    [20:52] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: anyone has 10 rgd??? can anyone give me...i need it for name change...
    [20:52] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: some one creat superraichu ffs
    [20:52] Aphr0dite`: affff
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: ._.
    [20:53] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: O_O
    >>>> [20:53] Aphr0dite`: YusukeReena
    [20:53] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: OK
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: Aphrodite`
    [20:53] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: AHAHAHAHA
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: hi
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: fake
    [20:53] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: dear god
    Your friend coming4you is now offline.
    [20:53] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: anyone has 10 rgd??? can anyone give me...i need it for name change...
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: thanks for hacking my accout
    [20:53] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: how did they do that..? ​ ​-__-
    [20:53] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahahahahhaa
    Your friend jayber is now in ap no leave (Lobby)
    Your friend coming4you is now online.
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: hhhhh
    [20:53] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`:
    [20:53] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: anyone has 10 rgd??? can anyone give me...i need it for name change...
    [20:53] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: he is sick
    [20:53] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: god damn it
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now away from keyboard.
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: who is sick?
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: you know who am i??
    Your friend jayber is now online.
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`:
    Your friend jayber is now in (EU) Public #129 -ap (Lobby)
    [20:53] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: akira
    [20:53] ^GooDIn_My_ControlTroLL^: :P
    [20:53] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ur akira
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: noooooo
    [20:53] soul*keeper: hi
    [20:53] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: el gay
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: DD
    [20:53] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: how did they do that..? ​ ​-_-
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`: faill
    [20:53] Aphr0dite`:
    [20:54] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yes u are
    [20:54] soul*keeper: I NEED HELP
    [20:54] Aphr0dite`: DD
    [20:54] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: hello soul..maybe i can help you.. ​ ​
    [20:54] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: hi yoona
    [20:54] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: I need help
    [20:54] soul*keeper: I CAN'T JOIN IN THE SERVERS
    Your friend jayber is now online.
    [20:54] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: Can i ask u to sing 1 song for me?
    Your friend jayber is now in farfooor <3 (Lobby)
    [20:55] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahahhahaa
    [20:55] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: More likely to be an issue with your Server or PC...
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now in farfooor <3 (Lobby)
    Your friend jayber is now online.
    Your friend jayber is now in (EU) Public #129 -ap (Lobby)
    [20:55] -Y00na-: hi
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now away from keyboard.
    [20:55] -Y00na-: im yoona
    [20:55] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahahahahahaa
    [20:55] ADMlN: >
    [20:55] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: O_O
    [20:55] ADMlN: sign
    [20:55] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: zz
    [20:55] soul*keeper: CAN HELP ME?
    [20:55] Aphr0dite`: nice to meet you yoona
    [20:55] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: So many ppl copy
    [20:55] -Y00na-: brahhh
    [20:55] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: heey
    [20:55] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: haha
    [20:55] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stop
    [20:55] -Y00na-: id hacked
    [20:55] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: 7aywan
    [20:55] -Y00na-: fake yoona
    [20:55] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: yona
    [20:55] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: 3amel account zay accounte
    [20:55] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: hahaha
    [20:55] Aphr0dite`: same here
    [20:55] RG^SkyFire: Akira.
    [20:55] Aphr0dite`:
    [20:55] ∙│αm̲̅_K3LviN: another skyfire.
    [20:55] desahih: moss
    [20:55] RG^SkyFire: Stop
    Your friend jayber is now online.
    [20:56] RG^SkyFire: Trolling here.
    [20:56] ADMlN:
    [20:56] RG`RPG^Cloud3: Can u people stop this shit.
    [20:56] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: eh
    Your friend jayber is now in (EU) Public #31 -cm (Lobby)
    [20:56] RG`RPG^13Lue_cloud: Stop trolling around la
    [20:56] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akira
    [20:56] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: wen accounte?
    [20:56] RG`RPG^Cloud3: It aint a trolling channel
    [20:56] ADMlN: for sid
    [20:56] ADMlN: ill stop
    [20:56] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: -Yoona-
    [20:56] Aphr0dite`: hhhhhhhh
    Your friend jayber is now online.
    [20:56] RG^SkyFire: Troll them in private.
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now in ap no leave (Lobby)
    [20:56] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: ur twin is on the channel
    [20:56] ADMlN: ill close
    [20:56] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ma abya5o
    [20:56] Aphr0dite`: im akira loool
    [20:56] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: shoof!
    [20:56] soul*keeper: IS THIS SUPPORT?
    [20:56] ADMlN: all
    [20:56] Aphr0dite`: faill
    Your friend jayber is now in (EU) Public #129 -ap (Lobby)
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now away from keyboard.
    [20:56] ADMlN: no im not akira
    [20:56] 3D|ONEX: [14:56] RG^SkyFire: Troll them in private.
    [20:56] ADMlN: lol
    [20:56] 3D|ONEX: xD
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now in -ap no leavers (Lobby)
    Your friend coming4you is now offline.
    [20:56] Aphr0dite`: D
    Your friend jayber is now online.
    [20:56] SkyFire|: me>al
    [20:56] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahhahahahahaha
    [20:56] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: soulkeeper pm me
    [20:56] SuperPlka: no me>all
    Your friend jayber is now in -ap no leavers (Lobby)
    [20:56] ADMlN: omg mme>all
    [20:56] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: maybe i can help you
    [20:56] Superpicachu: lol
    [20:56] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ur superpika
    [20:56] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: is ugly
    [20:56] Aphr0dite`: aphrodite
    [20:56] ♀♂Plut0niuMIzSexeh`: lollll
    [20:56] RG^SkyFire: !clientban SkyFire| .
    SkyFire| has been banned by SkyFire.
    [20:56] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: fail
    [20:56] Aphr0dite`: loooooool
    Your friend coming4you is now online.
    [20:56] RG^SkyFire: !clientkick SkyFire| .
    You cannot kick a user that is not logged on.
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now away from keyboard.
    [20:57] ADMlN: skyfire
    Your friend jayber is now online.
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now in -ap no leavers (Lobby)
    [20:57] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: soul*keeper
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now away from keyboard.
    [20:57] ADMlN: wowo i can make x200 acc of urs
    [20:57] ADMlN: xd
    [20:57] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`:
    [20:57] RG`RPG^Cloud3: ADMlN
    [20:57] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: do you have the lates map..?
    [20:57] RG^SkyFire: I can ban 200 times.
    [20:57] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: and he can just
    [20:57] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: latest*
    [20:57] RG`RPG^Cloud3: Stop this.
    Your friend AkrZ` is now online.
    [20:57] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: COMPUTER BAN U
    [20:57] Aphr0dite`: btw yoona aphrodite
    [20:57] ADMlN: i dnt get computerbanned
    [20:57] Stupidmirc: !kick soul*
    Invalid command input for !kick
    [20:57] ADMlN: xd
    [20:57] ADMlN: stupidmirc
    [20:57] Stupidmirc: !kick soul*keeper no signing
    soul*keeper has been kicked by Stupidmirc.
    [20:57] ADMlN: h
    [20:57] ADMlN: i
    [20:57] Aphr0dite`: im not akira lool
    [20:57] RG^SkyFire: And.
    Your friend jayber is now in (EU) Public #162 -ap (Lobby)
    [20:57] RG^SkyFire: I can remove that exception.
    [20:57] RG^SkyFire: XD
    [20:57] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: no
    [20:57] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: u wnt
    [20:57] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: XD
    [20:57] Aphr0dite`: how come
    [20:57] Aphr0dite`: akira
    [20:57] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stop
    [20:57] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ffs
    [20:57] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: :\
    [20:58] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: AkrZ`
    [20:58] RG`RPG^Cloud3: Please stop it.
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now in -ap no leavers (Lobby)
    [20:58] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: amir
    [20:58] Aphr0dite`: im miss yr D
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now away from keyboard.
    [20:58] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: !kick Aphr0dite` stop wana be me
    Aphr0dite` has been kicked by AkrZ`.
    [20:58] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: dont
    [20:58] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: -.-
    [20:58] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: use same acc
    [20:58] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: enough now
    [20:58] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: graytz D
    [20:58] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: of aphro
    [20:58] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: LOOOL
    [20:58] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: AKIRA TARD
    [20:58] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`:
    [20:58] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: stop kicking me
    [20:58] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: relax guys
    [20:58] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ban this account
    [20:58] -Y00na-: im still here with yoona
    [20:58] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: akira you did copy my name..?
    [20:58] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akira
    [20:58] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: but always knw 1 rule
    [20:58] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: am gnna kill u
    [20:58] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: u can troll every1
    [20:58] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: and me as master of troller
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: like u did to me
    [20:59] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: i failed to troll 1 person
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yesterday
    [20:59] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: named superman
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now in ap no fucking leavers (Lobby)
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: and admin was loling
    [20:59] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: he isnt human
    [20:59] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: he cnt be trolled
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: thought he gnna compban u
    [20:59] 3D|ONEX: xD
    [20:59] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: srsly
    [20:59] Aphr0dite`: ._.
    [20:59] Aphr0dite`: <<<333
    Your friend __-MeetphunnyCV is now online.
    Your friend __-MeetphunnyCV is now away from keyboard.
    [20:59] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: ?
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: come on
    [20:59] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: FGS
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stop using my account
    [20:59] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: what the hell is this
    [20:59] Aphr0dite`: :3
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: u know
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: reena
    [20:59] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: !banhistory aphr0dite
    Cannot banhistory a non-existent user.
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: i have rgdz
    [20:59] Aphr0dite`: looool
    [20:59] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: i can cr8 one just like urs
    [21:00] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: and give it diamond
    [21:00] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`:
    [21:00] Aphr0dite`: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    [21:00] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: wanna see?
    [21:00] Aphr0dite`: no need
    [21:00] Aphr0dite`: wasting
    [21:00] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: D
    [21:00] Aphr0dite`: DD
    [21:00] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: do it
    [21:00] Aphr0dite`: see ya
    [21:00] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: like that
    [21:00] Aphr0dite`:
    [21:00] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akira enta
    [21:00] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: this is reena?
    Your friend jayber is now in (EU) Public #162 -ap [00:00]
    [21:00] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: sof 3la janeb
    [21:00] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: ull hve to buy again
    [21:00] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: akira you dare to copy my name..?
    [21:00] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: reena is atroller
    [21:00] Aphr0dite`: hhhh
    [21:00] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: now..
    [21:00] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: FF
    [21:00] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: hhh
    [21:00] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: DD
    [21:00] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: reena copying me
    [21:00] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: but she fails
    [21:00] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: brah
    [21:00] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: akira
    [21:00] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`:
    [21:00] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: Reena=observer bot
    [21:00] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: you fail faster D
    [21:00] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: -.-
    [21:00] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: D
    [21:01] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akira is retarded
    [21:01] STL|iFeedForFun-_-: akira is weber
    [21:01] STL|iFeedForFun-_-: online on skype
    [21:01] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: thats why he trolls us
    [21:01] STL|iFeedForFun-_-: ?
    [21:01] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: DD
    [21:01] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: akira is my son
    Your friend AkrZ` is now offline.
    [21:01] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: that was fun
    [21:01] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: no one talk to him
    [21:01] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: he is not my son
    [21:01] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: OMG
    [21:01] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: i don't want a troller son
    [21:01] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: he is from another mother
    [21:01] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: akira dont you dare copy my name..not suit you ​ ​:P
    [21:01] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`:
    [21:01] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: looolyoona
    [21:01] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahahaha
    [21:01] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: -yoona-
    [21:01] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yoona
    [21:01] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: comeon
    [21:01] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: loool
    [21:01] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: btw
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ask for a vouch in girls gaming
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: its ur twin
    [21:02] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: i only allowed aphorodite to coppy my name coz she is pretty ​ ​
    [21:02] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: yeah and talk with speaker?
    [21:02] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: hhhhhhh
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ohhh
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: and how did u know
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: Thank you
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahahahahah reena
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: that shes pretty lesbo?
    [21:02] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: manners
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: u
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`:
    [21:02] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: D
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: !
    [21:02] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: see ya
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: she is hittin on my girl
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: :@
    Your friend __-MeetphunnyCV is now in (EU) Public #72 -ap (Lobby)
    [21:02] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: slap jesus aphrodite ​ ​
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: FF
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: :\
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`:
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: /slaps jesus
    [21:02] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: lool
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: -yoona-
    [21:02] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: :3
    [21:02] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: /facepalm
    [21:02] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: see ya
    [21:02] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: :S
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: i will troll u to death
    [21:02] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: now
    [21:03] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: cya reena
    [21:03] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: paammm!
    [21:03] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: Hf
    Your friend GodLike_Ice is now in ap no fucking leavers [00:00]
    [21:03] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: cya
    Your friend DyingInTheSun is now away from keyboard.
    [21:03] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: lol
    Your friend coming4you is now in (EU) Public #72 -ap (Lobby)
    [21:03] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: never follow the steps of akrz
    [21:03] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: AkrZ`
    [21:03] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: i gues roger
    [21:03] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: should Creat
    [21:03] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: it's dangerious
    [21:03] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ur still retarded?
    [21:03] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: trolling channel
    [21:03] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: dare to scrae me..i ddnt even scared your face
    [21:03] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: yeah really
    [21:03] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: ahaha
    [21:03] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: [21:03] [3108154] Ap Mode Observer : Reena has been hosted.
    [21:03] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: legend game
    [21:03] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: check
    [21:03] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: my tittle
    [21:03] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: >>
    [21:03] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: best troller
    [21:03] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: xd
    [21:03] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: wow
    [21:03] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: gj
    [21:03] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: and to be honestu are
    [21:03] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: be all jelly
    [21:03] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: doesnt make sense to me ​ ​:P
    [21:03] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: the best troller
    [21:03] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: hhhhhh
    [21:03] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: he is
    [21:04] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yesterday
    [21:04] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: he freaked me out
    [21:04] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: haha
    [21:04] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`:
    [21:04] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`:
    [21:04] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: i hate u
    [21:04] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: i want anas
    [21:04] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: abood went afk
    [21:04] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: to come online now!
    [21:04] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: planin on smthn bad
    [21:04] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: guys2
    [21:04] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: wait
    [21:04] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: superman is here
    [21:04] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: iwanna change my colour brb
    [21:04] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: go akira
    [21:04] ∙♪∙YusukeReena:
    Your friend coming4you is now offline.
    Your friend Aphrodite` is now offline.
    [21:04] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: Your friend Aphrodite` is now offline.
    [21:04] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: meh...
    [21:04] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: -_-
    Your friend Aphrodite` is now online.
    Your friend DyingInTheSun is now in (EU) Public #119 -ap (Lobby)
    [21:05] aO.`akirmish: Any prob?
    Your friend Aphrodite` is now away from keyboard.
    [21:05] aO.`akirmish:
    [21:05] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: your late
    [21:05] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: ahahah
    [21:05] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: akirmish
    [21:05] aO.`akirmish: :O
    [21:05] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: i will start trollin
    [21:05] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: in 5 min
    [21:05] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: you are alwys late comer
    [21:05] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: so care..
    Your friend coming4you is now online.
    [21:05] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`:
    Your friend coming4you is now in (EU) Public #72 -ap (Lobby)
    [21:05] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: u guys should get out of this channel
    Your friend FakeShit™ is now away from keyboard.
    Your friend FaKeDeath™ is now online.
    [21:05] aO.`akirmish: haha lol
    [21:05] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: do you think we are afraid..?
    [21:05] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: or we get ass raped+ comp bann
    Your friend FakeShit™ is now in Ap Mode Observer : Reena (Lobby)
    [21:06] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: Gay color
    [21:06] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ok then yoona
    [21:06] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: im out ​ ​:|
    [21:06] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: enjoy ur rape
    Your friend DyingInTheSun is now away from keyboard.
    [21:06] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`:
    Your friend FakeShit™ is now away from keyboard.
    [21:06] askrimish: `akirmish
    [21:06] askrimish: you are not late
    [21:06] aO.`akirmish: yes?
    [21:06] askrimish: dont worry
    [21:06] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: O_O
    [21:06] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: HAHAHAAHA
    [21:06] aO.`akirmish: askrimish
    [21:06] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: lol
    [21:06] aO.`akirmish: WTF
    [21:06] askrimish: stop hacking my account
    [21:06] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: rofl
    [21:06] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: rofl
    [21:06] askrimish: hhhhhh
    [21:06] aO.`akirmish: troller
    [21:06] aO.`akirmish: zzz
    [21:06] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: this is so funny
    [21:06] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: thats not akira
    [21:06] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: thats reena
    [21:07] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: lol
    [21:07] askrimish: nahh
    [21:07] askrimish: im not
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: u are
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`:
    [21:07] askrimish: hhhhhhhhhhh
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: see?
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`:
    [21:07] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: im afk guys
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yeah
    [21:07] aO.`akirmish: :S
    [21:07] askrimish: we are really wasting our time here
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: go cr8
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: more accounts
    [21:07] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: no i need
    [21:07] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: to eat
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: mhmm
    [21:07] white-esp_pauline3>: askrimish = `akirmish
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: u never say brb
    [21:07] askrimish: D
    [21:07] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: u just go afk
    [21:07] S1mple-_-!: guys
    [21:07] aO.`akirmish: that's not meee
    [21:07] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: i said that
    [21:08] S1mple-_-!: any problem with asian room ?
    [21:08] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: so u dnt think im trolling u
    [21:08] aO.`akirmish: haha
    [21:08] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: with that afk
    [21:08] S1mple-_-!: i can't join the hosted game.
    [21:08] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ok
    [21:08] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: Guys
    [21:08] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: brb
    [21:08] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: if needed pm
    FakeShit™ has added you to his/her friendslist.
    Your friend coming4you is now in (EU) Public #72 -ap [00:00]
    Your friend __-MeetphunnyCV is now in (EU) Public #72 -ap [00:00]
    [21:08] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: Am in love
    [21:08] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ^^
    [21:08] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: with my little puppy
    [21:08] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
    [21:08] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: -.-
    [21:08] askrimish: ._.
    [21:08] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: HAHAHA
    [21:08] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: am in love
    [21:08] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: with ur
    [21:08] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: BEST FRND
    [21:08] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: HA!
    [21:08] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: BEAT THAT
    [21:08] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: i can
    [21:09] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: am in love with ur mother
    [21:09] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: -_-
    [21:09] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: im in love
    [21:09] aO.`akirmish: askrimish
    [21:09] aO.`akirmish: who u
    [21:09] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: she is too old
    [21:09] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: with everygirl
    [21:09] askrimish: ?
    [21:09] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: who show me boobies and asses
    [21:09] askrimish: im akira
    [21:09] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahahahahaha
    [21:09] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: akira
    [21:09] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: come webcam
    [21:09] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: then
    [21:09] Superpicachu: rofl
    [21:09] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`:
    [21:09] askrimish: D
    [21:09] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: [Computer Ban] :: 19:58 on 29/12/2011 [Admin] :: abuse[r] [Reason] :: epic troller
    [21:09] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: ff
    [21:09] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: ill strip for u
    [21:09] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: life
    [21:09] aO.`akirmish: hahaha
    [21:09] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: no sense....tom cruise inloves me ​ ​
    [21:09] aO.`akirmish: akiraaa lol
    Your friend DyingInTheSun is now in (EU) Public #119 -ap (Lobby)
    [21:09] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: -yoon-
    [21:09] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: i brb now
    [21:09] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: am in love with u ugleh
    [21:10] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: she is not ugly
    [21:10] RG^[FaKeDeath™]Stаff: any one from euopre admins
    [21:10] RG^[FaKeDeath™]Stаff: can help me ?
    [21:10] Superpicachu: ahh all gays here
    [21:10] S1mple-_-!: can somone help me S:
    [21:10] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: Superpicachu
    [21:10] Superpicachu: ye
    [21:10] aO.`akirmish: Whisper superman
    [21:10] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akirmish we know its u
    [21:10] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: simple yes..? maybe i can help you
    [21:10] aO.`akirmish: fakedeath
    [21:10] aO.`akirmish: he is a global admin
    [21:10] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: Aphrodite`
    [21:10] aO.`akirmish: he can help you
    [21:10] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: u removed
    [21:10] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: ur title..
    [21:10] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ?
    [21:10] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: and ur dis..
    [21:10] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: Awesome
    [21:10] S1mple-_-!: i join a game
    [21:10] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: cuz
    [21:10] S1mple-_-!: it auto kicks me.
    [21:10] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: I Go emo now..
    [21:10] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yesterday
    [21:10] aO.`akirmish: btwm what's ur prob
    [21:11] aO.`akirmish: FaKeDeath™
    [21:11] Superpicachu: S1mple-_-!
    [21:11] Superpicachu: get new map
    [21:11] S1mple-_-!: Yes mate,
    [21:11] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: do you have the latest map 6.73C..?
    [21:11] Superpicachu: 6.73c
    [21:11] S1mple-_-!: ohh
    [21:11] S1mple-_-!: new map xDD
    [21:11] S1mple-_-!: i'm such a newb
    [21:11] S1mple-_-!: thanks guys
    [21:11] RG^[FaKeDeath™]Stаff: akrimish
    [21:11] askrimish: akirmish
    [21:11] askrimish: i am
    [21:11] askrimish: yes?
    [21:11] RG^[FaKeDeath™]Stаff: i need to talk to admin from europe public
    [21:11] askrimish: DD
    [21:11] askrimish: yes im here
    [21:11] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: Lol
    [21:12] Superpicachu: stop it guys dont troll some one who needs help
    [21:12] Superpicachu: xD
    [21:12] askrimish: hhhhhhh
    [21:12] Stupidmirc: zz
    [21:12] aO.`akirmish: askrimisssh !!!
    [21:12] Stupidmirc: go fap or something
    [21:12] Stupidmirc: don troll here
    [21:12] Stupidmirc: :S
    [21:12] askrimish: :D
    Your friend FaKeDeath™ is now in a private game.
    [21:12] askrimish: ok2
    Your friend FakeShit™ is now in a private game.
    Your friend Aphrodite` is now offline.
    [21:12] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: trolling is enough already ​ ​
    [21:12] `iRawr: Guys
    [21:12] `iRawr: can any 1
    [21:12] `iRawr: help me plz
    [21:12] `iRawr: ?
    [21:12] white-esp_pauline3>: yes?
    [21:12] Superpicachu: yoona are you afraid of jeasus??
    Your friend Aphrodite` is now online.
    [21:12] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: yes..?
    [21:12] `iRawr: -yoona-
    [21:13] Superpicachu: ohh yes is the nswer
    [21:13] `iRawr: u can help?
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: `iRawr
    [21:13] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: yes what..?
    Your friend NeW| is now online.
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stop
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: abood
    [21:13] white-esp_pauline3>: what we can help you?
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yoona thats agies
    [21:13] `iRawr: DD
    [21:13] `iRawr: Damn u
    [21:13] `iRawr:
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: damn u
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: and akira
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: and reena
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: cut the crap
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`:
    [21:13] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: -_-
    [21:13] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: im outa this
    Your friend NeW| is now in (EU) Public #49 -ap (Lobby)
    [21:13] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: enough trolling me
    [21:13] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: ama get mad
    [21:13] Superpicachu: are you scared?
    [21:13] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yoona
    [21:14] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: go pm
    [21:14] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akirimsh stop
    [21:14] Superpicachu: :|
    [21:14] `HyHy`: hello
    [21:14] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: dudeee
    [21:14] `HyHy`: me no speak
    [21:14] `HyHy`: english
    [21:14] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: <3
    [21:14] aO.`akirmish: !baninfo yazedstyla-_-
    [Account Ban] :: 09:41 on 30/12/2011 [Admin] :: `pandora [Reason] :: maphack ->[
    [Timeban] [EAL] :: From 05:41 on 06/01/2012 To 05:41 on 13/01/2012 [Admin] :: d3at4-v3ag0 [Reason] :: 2ed warn leaver
    [Timeban] Please note that the above timeban was issued on the account: trooya
    [21:14] `HyHy`: can u help meh?
    [21:14] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: akirmish
    [21:14] Superpicachu: sure
    [21:14] aO.`akirmish: !baninfo poisonv187
    [Timeban] [EAL] :: From 05:41 on 06/01/2012 To 05:41 on 13/01/2012 [Admin] :: d3at4-v3ag0 [Reason] :: 2ed warn leaver
    [Timeban] Please note that the above timeban was issued on the account: trooya
    [21:14] Superpicachu: how can we help you
    [21:14] EmmaWatsons: guys
    [21:14] `HyHy`: i want to be
    [21:14] EmmaWatsons: help me
    [21:14] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: can unbanned my fren ?
    [21:14] `HyHy`: admin
    [21:14] `HyHy`: here
    [21:14] aO.`akirmish: yes? whats ur prob?
    [21:14] Superpicachu: hahahhha
    [21:14] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ahahahhahaha
    [21:14] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: EMMA
    [21:14] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: AHHAHAHAHAHA
    Your friend coming4you is now offline.
    [21:15] `HyHy`: guys
    [21:15] EmmaWatsons: my account is hacked :S
    [21:15] `HyHy`: i wanna be admin
    [21:15] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ok
    [21:15] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: name boyz'regal he been banned by cascas'
    [21:15] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: enuff
    [21:15] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: trolling
    [21:15] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: am bored
    [21:15] `HyHy`: whos is the admin here?
    Your friend DyingInTheSun is now in (EU) Public #119 -ap [00:00]
    [21:15] `HyHy`: i will hack this platform.
    [21:15] EmmaWatsons: im serious
    [21:15] EmmaWatsons: omg
    [21:15] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: aphrodite
    [21:15] `HyHy`: am indian
    [21:15] `HyHy`: computer geek
    [21:15] Superpicachu: you know admin is the admin here
    [21:15] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: O_O
    [21:15] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: You want to be an admin?
    [21:15] aO.`akirmish: emma! LOL
    [21:15] EmmaWatsons: ._.
    [21:15] aO.`akirmish: now ema?
    [21:15] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: wth
    [21:15] EmmaWatsons: omg
    [21:15] aO.`akirmish: after me?
    [21:15] aO.`akirmish: haha
    [21:15] `HyHy`: Yeah plz
    [21:15] EmmaWatsons: what hapen here?
    [21:15] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: rgc is good
    [21:15] EmmaWatsons: im really hacked
    [21:15] EmmaWatsons: ._.
    [21:16] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: Go buy a channel.
    [21:16] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: [15:15] EmmaWatsons: ._.
    [21:16] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: reenas face
    Jo.Dark_king has added you to his/her friendslist.
    [21:16] `iRawr: s
    [21:16] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: gottchA
    [21:16] RGC^PH.Staff-ScarlFr!e: And be the admin of your own.
    [21:16] EmmaWatsons: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    [21:16] `HyHy`: Aphrodite`
    [21:16] `HyHy`: plz admin
    [21:16] `HyHy`: make
    [21:16] `HyHy`: me admin here
    [21:16] Superpicachu: hahhhhhha
    [21:16] Superpicachu: sure
    [21:16] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: abood
    [21:16] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stop
    [21:16] `HyHy`: am good staff
    [21:16] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: akirmish
    [21:16] EmmaWatsons: brah
    [21:16] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stop
    Your friend DyingInTheSun is now away from keyboard.
    [21:16] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: whose abood there..?
    [21:16] askrimish: asfasfa\
    [21:16] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: aphroooditeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    [21:16] Superpicachu: all blame krimish
    [21:16] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: can i know if sign no join
    [21:16] `HyHy`: `akirmish
    [21:16] Superpicachu: he is the who is trolling ffs
    Your friend DyingInTheSun is now in (EU) Public #159 -ap (Lobby)
    [21:16] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: ._.
    [21:17] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: how many days will been banned?
    [21:17] `HyHy`: rbither
    [21:17] `HyHy`: brother
    [21:17] aO.`akirmish: yeah?
    [21:17] ∙♪∙YusukeReena: what is happening here?
    [21:17] `HyHy`: i can give u free rgdz
    Your friend NeW| is now in (EU) Public #49 -ap [00:00]
    [21:17] `HyHy`: for ur channel
    [21:17] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: fxThePRo
    [21:17] `HyHy`: come pm
    [21:17] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: depends on what channel
    [21:17] Superpicachu: `HyHy`
    [21:17] Superpicachu: dude
    [21:17] `HyHy`: yes?
    [21:17] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: asia.gaming
    [21:17] aO.`akirmish: what?
    [21:17] Superpicachu: make troller channed ffs
    [21:17] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: my fren been banned for 3 days
    [21:17] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: but just now i saw 1 days
    [21:17] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ok then
    [21:17] Superpicachu: we all will rock it
    [21:17] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: u get banned for 3 days
    [21:17] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: its not fair
    [21:17] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ask ur head admin
    [21:17] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: not supp
    [21:17] `HyHy`: Aphrodite`
    [21:17] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yes?
    [21:17] `HyHy`: u are staff herE?
    [21:18] aO.`akirmish: what is his name?
    [21:18] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: yes
    [21:18] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: pm some staffs pretty sure they can help you ​ ​
    [21:18] Superpicachu: yoona
    [21:18] `HyHy`: -yoona-
    [21:18] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: yes..?
    [21:18] Superpicachu: whats up
    [21:18] `HyHy`: u are female or male?
    [21:18] `HyHy`: u speak english?
    [21:18] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: i know who are you..stop trolling jesus ​ ​:P
    [21:18] Superpicachu: shemale
    [21:18] Superpicachu: xD
    [21:18] aO.`akirmish: zzz. guys tell ur prob here.
    [21:18] `HyHy`: BAH~
    [21:18] aO.`akirmish: don't troll pls
    [21:18] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: -.-
    [21:18] `HyHy`: !FF
    [21:18] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: stfu
    [21:18] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: guys
    [21:18] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: back
    [21:18] ♀♂JesusGotAegisIzSexeh`: am out of here
    [21:18] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: ur gettin anooying
    [21:19] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: cya
    [21:19] ♀♂Aphrodite`IzSexeh`: all
    [21:19] Superpicachu: i quit ffs
    [21:19] RG`Asia-|-Yoona-: ama out here.. no sense anyway ​ ​:P
    [21:19] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: im back
    [21:19] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: brb
    [21:19] `Ze`AkrZ`ItSelf`: i rejoin rgc
    Your friend AkrZ` is now online.
    [21:19] ღVonღfxThePRoღVonღ: how to become admin? )
    [21:20] RG`ChiEfWaRcHiEfXxX`TroLleR^: by trolling
    Last edited by G.ViruS; 11-01-2012 at 03:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Rank: Board General
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    Wow Took me 5 miles Scrolling Down that Text....

    I Edited it.

  3. #3
    Rank: Forum Addict
    • Join Date: Aug 2011
    • Posts: 645


    Quote Originally Posted by G.Virus View Post
    Wow Took me 5 miles Scrolling Down that Text....

    I Edited it.
    hhhhhhhh thats the point

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