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    Default HardCor3.GaminG-STAFF Rules

    Hi HardCor3-Gaming Staffers , I Always believe that we need To have Professional Staff ... If we Want To Make Professional League...So All The Staff Members will Follow These Rules ( Head admins / Admins / Vouchers / Moderators ) No Exceptions ... Any Staff Member will Break Any of These Rules...Will Get Demote ATM Without Warns

    1) You Have to Read HardCor3.GaminG Rules Very Well and save it in Your mind :

    2) You Have To Follow These Ban Durations :

    ( Leave/Lowskill ) ​ ​1st warn= 3 Days ​ ​/ 2nd warn = 5 Days / 3rd warn= unvouch

    (Manners) 1st warn= ​ ​5 Hours / 2nd warn = 1 Day / 3rd warn= unvouch

    Away From Keyboard(AFK) 3 Days / 5 days / 7 days .

    (Game Ruin) 5 Days

    (Bugs Abuser) 3 Days

    (Spam) 1st warn=30m / 2nd Warn = 1h / 3rd Warn = 12h

    (Map Hack) UNVOUCH

    [ How To Ban] :

    !timeban [User Name] [Reason] [Request/Replay Link] [# of ​ ​Warning]

    3) Never unvouch a player, only if he has received his 4th and last warning !

    4) Never !timeunban a player banned from another staff without consultant !

    5) Any timeban or unvouch without a link/good reason will be considered as ABUSE !

    [Most Important Rules]

    6) HardCor3.GaminG-Staff is team , working together, playing together, joking together !

    7) Ranks will be Given on the Hard Work you do for the Channel And The ​ ​FORUM
    Last edited by DonDaSh; 13-04-2012 at 11:26 PM.

    Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity.

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