Quote Originally Posted by Agustin Cordes
Quote Originally Posted by Nuxly
But now ag aswer our questions, I'll ask something that I already asked on our forum...
The second night, when you see the mask behind the door, is it really a nightmare?
I ask this question because, in the first dream, you can go only in the affrican room, and some details of the house have changed (like the face on the painting), all like a dream. But the second night, all is at the right place, and the sounds are not like in the first dreams...
Yes, the second night (first sequence) is really a nightmare. The player was allowed to freely walk precisely to give the impression that it wasn't a dream - and therefore providing a bigger scare ;D
it worked, like the ambiance trick with the car

Now another question that jumped into my mind:
You said Milton could get Robin to sleep to change his clothes... Some years ago. But didn't he notice like a hole in the wall? When you try to break the wall of the robin's room, michael says it would take ages, even using a tool... Wouldn't it take longer without a tool? Robin had to start digging a long time before michael comes...
The only time Milton could notice the hole is when he goes in this cellar, I guess he doesn't dare to look through the cellar window when he comes with the food for some security reason, or maybe it's just another brick in the wall...