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  1. #21
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    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Quote Originally Posted by krolmeister
    Yeah - we're thinking of doing a similar chat on our Msg Boards. I think our French partners want me to chat on their msg board - so, if you 'parle francais' - you'll have a 2nd chance!
    Not in french >_<"""

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Back to the Hardy Boys. How would those be different 'if' you did take those on?

    I grew up reading the Hardy Boys, my sister read Nancy Drew. I think Chet would make an excellent comical sidekick in HB games!

  3. #23

    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Quote Originally Posted by HIddenSanctum
    Back to the Hardy Boys. How would those be different 'if' you did take those on?

    I grew up reading the Hardy Boys, my sister read Nancy Drew. I think Chet would make an excellent comical sidekick in HB games!
    Definitely 3rd person, where you could control the Hardy Boys. The Hardy Boys are much more about action IMHO. Chet could definitely be a funny sidekick, but Aunt Gertrude could also be used for some funny moments. Like, maybe the Hardy Boys sneak back into their rooms and then the lights suddenly go on and there's the horrific figure standing there, but it's just Aunt Gert in her housecoat, rollers and cold cream!

  4. #24
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    Hehehehe, yeah plenty of those "Aw Shucks!" moments at the start of a chapter after a cliffhanging end to the previous one. My most memorable was the head on collision they had while driving. Despite trying to avoid the crash, they opposing car did the same and remained in their path. Of course all this turned out to be a huge mirror in the road!

    3rd person, eh? That brings up a question. Why do we never see Nancy?

  5. #25
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    Hi. I am a big fan of your ND games. Especially old games, when they had a bit of edutainment. After 'Scarlet hand' I could decifer primitive hieroglyphs, after 'Haunted carrousel' I got some practice in shorthand. Unfortunately it seems that last ND games lost it. Now all we got is some pages of information about region. Rather dull. I asked friends of mine who are also big fans of ND games what do they think. And they have the same feeling. But at the same time last ND games had real commercial success. Does it mean that in the future ND games will be like "Kapu cave" and "Danger by design"?

  6. #26

    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Hello Dorofey,

    We try to mix up the content - so that it's not always scary/moody or 'edutaintment' like. But we always try to convey interesting information such as what we did in Scrarlet Hand. For example, in Danger by Design, we discussed the French Resistance, codes, fashion design, etc.

    We like to take our players to different worlds - be it based on location or based on the information/story that's going on. For example, in White Wolf, you'll discover a lot more information on wolves and other things that I cannot give away yet.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    That is pity that your appearance on ADOC'06 was announced too late. Will you be browsing this forum tomorrow and on thursday so our readers can ask you questions if they have them?

  8. #28

    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex ASP
    That is pity that your appearance on ADOC'06 was announced too late. Will you be browsing this forum tomorrow and on thursday so our readers can ask you questions if they have them?
    I'm not sure - it's definitely fun hearing feedback and discussing 'shop' with y'all. I'm also not sure if this discussion gets magically closed down now (3 minutes to go).

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Actually you can still post even if it is in the 'closed' section. Of course, it's up to you whether you want to stick around!

    What are your thoughts on the way big sites treat point-n-click adventure games? (Ok, maybe this is too dangerous of a question...)

  10. #30

    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Quote Originally Posted by HIddenSanctum
    Actually you can still post even if it is in the 'closed' section. Of course, it's up to you whether you want to stick around!

    What are your thoughts on who the big sites treat point-n-click adventure games? (Ok, maybe this is too dangerous of a question...)
    I'm just always amazed at how the computer game industry criticizes the old point-and-click. I talked with some VIP's at a very VIP game developer, and they could not for the life of them understand why haven't yet taken Nancy to the '3d' world. I think they were imagining she should be like Lara Croft or something. I dunno.

    But my belief is that the medium and technology should fit the requirements of the market. Our market is not at all interested in buying the latest and greatest video card to play the game, how many frames per second they get or how many vertices/polygons are used in production of the game. They want a strong storyline, realistic environments and an easy interface. And IMHO, point and click is the way to go.

  11. #31
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    yes, you can post even when the topic is moved to "finished section". But I only wanted to say that our readers simply were not informed that Her Interactive will participate in ADOC and thats why they simply had no chance to prepare questions... And yes, Nancy games have their own auditory in Russia.

    nancy - like lara croft? hmm... a sexy one teenager girl solving mysteries... hmm.... :-))

  12. #32

    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex ASP
    yes, you can post even when the topic is moved to "finished section". But I only wanted to say that our readers simply were not informed that Her Interactive will participate in ADOC and thats why they simply had no chance to prepare questions... And yes, Nancy games have their own auditory in Russia.

    nancy - like lara croft? hmm... a sexy one teenager girl solving mysteries... hmm.... :-))
    The discussion is very pleasant and enjoyable. I think I'll be checking out soon to do.... well, work. But, it's a 'snow day' here in Western Washington, so it's not as busy. Therefore, I can check back and add my 2 cents here and there.

    And no comment on the 2nd response.

  13. #33
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    Exactly. I think they don't understand what it is all about. To me it about taking your time and absorbing everything in. Picking up clues, solving challenges, etc. No other format compliments that style like point-n-click. Many people find the current games a bit overwhelming because there is some much to do and examine. Just imagine how much more complex it would get if they could actually look behind everything with free movement. Then you would REALLY hear complaints about how unfair things are if they missed looking behind a dresser. It gives a whole new meaning to the words "pixel-hunting".

  14. #34
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    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Quote Originally Posted by krolmeister
    For example, in Danger by Design, we discussed the French Resistance, codes, fashion design, etc.
    "French Resistance". Checked. "Codes". Checked. "Fashion design'' Well, I wouldn't agree that creation of collection for that old lady (cannot remind her name) had something common with fashion design study. That was pure logic task.
    And one more claim. I cannot understand why you mix in one game task which had absolutely different level of diffiulty. For example, in 'Danger by design' you put really primitive parfait preparation task and at the end of the game - really difficlult task with decoding of Noisette message. Why not to 'normalize' the level of difficulty?

  15. #35
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    That seems kind of hard to do Dorofey. Everyone thinks differently so determining a balanced difficulty is a nearly impossible task in my opinion. Someone may find puzzle A easy and Puzzle B impossible, and someone else may be the complete opposite.

  16. #36

    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Puzzle balancing is very tough - and a lot times despite our testing, we discover that there are some puzzles where either people can solve them very quickly and others are stumped and vice versa. The parfait production was put in as a 'fun' thing to do. If the puzzles get too heavy or difficult as you get through the game, it can be draggy.

    But these are good comments. We always ponder over puzzles. One user complained that he wanted all puzzles OUT of the game! He just wanted story.

  17. #37
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    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Yeah is realy must be difficult making the puzzle and the games because there is so many ages playing the games, but I think you are doing a good work!!!

    Some one realy wanted the games to be with out puzzles? I think they belong in the games!

  18. #38
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    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Here in the Netherlands, Nancy Drew games are quite hard to get. yet they are the best-selling adventure series in the USA. So when I finally found one, I had to buy it. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy it much (Curse of Blackmoor Manor) because of a couple of things.
    1) I didn't like Nancy's voice much (but that was not really a big issue)
    2) There were too many mini-games that involved quick reflexes (typing, throwing ball, chasing ghosts...) or sheer luck (board games) for my taste
    3) Each time you wanted to open a door or use the computer, you had to solve the same puzzle over and over again which was frustrating

    Now I am hesitant to try another game in the series. Are all games like this or did I just pick the wrong game? In this thread, some people consider Curse of Blackmoor Manor the best Nancy Drew game, yet I was unable to finish it... perhaps they are just not for me? Let me know if you think I should try to play another one or leave the series alone. I'm willing to give it a go if the other games depend on dexterity less.
    Beta-tester of Scratches, Carte Blanche, Time Stand Still, Hope Springs Eternal and others. Feel free to contact me if you need beta-testers!

  19. #39
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    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    PolloDiablo2 I personnaly think that Curse of Blackmoor Manor was the best game but obbiosly you have an other oppinion, I wish that you would try another game insted of just stopping, the games are differnt and maybe you will like some of the others.

    I know all about what you say in the top of your post about it being difficult getting the games, it is in Denmark too, actuly you can't get them in any shop that I know of very frusuating >

  20. #40

    Default Re: Welcome! Howdy! Bonjour! Gutentag! Hola!

    Hi everyone, I'm late but may I join?

    PolloDiablo2, I personally enjoyed CUR, because I loved all of the secret passageways, and having to do research, it is one of the best games in those ways. I didn't enjoy it for the zodiac, but other than that I believe it was a great game. About the different puzzles that you had to do to get in somewhere, there is usually a way around that. Each game is different, I would give it another chance. You may want to try Secret of Shadow Ranch, Treasure in the Royal tower or Secret of the Scarlet hand. You may find those a little more interesting.

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