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Thread: I'll go first

  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default I'll go first

    Bill, you've mentioned that you plan on making multiple AVS games, and that you guys are actually going to start working on part two before the year's end. Assuming all goes well and you're given the opportunity to make all the sequels you want, how many AVS installments do you envision there to be? Like, is it a trilogy?

  2. #2
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: I'll go first

    Yes, at least three games for sure. But I actually have a fourth in mind, so ultimately I'd like to do four AVS games. But if that's not possible, we should do at least three. It takes a while for these story arcs to unfold and I'd like to have the chance to flesh out the story of Mona fully.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: I'll go first

    Thanks, Bill!

  4. #4
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: I'll go first

    This is the game I'm looking forward to since it was first unveiled In The Inventory (long time ago...)

    Any infos about the system requirements? Since it's not full 3D, they shouldn't be too high

    Does Crimson Cow have the rights for all three (or four) AVS-Games? I hope the sucess will enable Crimson Cow to continue the partnership for more adventure games to come from AME.

    To Bill: Do you plan games with an other scenario parallel to AVS (perhaps with a second team ala Deck 13 or Telltale) or will you concentrate on the AVS-universe for the next years and then decide?

    Will we have to wait several years for the next part of the story (like with Runway) or do you plan something like Telltale or Deck 13 with Ankh, so we can play one part per year (or at least every 18 months). If you keep the same engine/technique and the main 3-D-models, perhaps you can move a little faster....

    So keep up the good work and a BIG THANKS to Crimson Cow for funding the game!

  5. #5
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: I'll go first

    Yeah, the game requirements shouldn�t be too high. I don�t have the specifics of that and don�t think they will become finalized until after the testing phase. But it shouldn�t be high and my guess is it will run on most PCs out there.

    Crimson Cow has first rights to all AVS games, so as long as the games are successful, I�m sure they will continue their interest in publishing the sequels.

    As for AVS parallel games, we do have two different ideas for those but they are just in the early development stages of story, character, etc. But there are no concrete plans yet to develop these ideas.

    As for AVS2, the production will go much more quickly than AVS1. We should be able to finish production on AVS2 within the next 15-16 months.

    And yes, we concur with the HUGE THANK YOU to Crimson Cow for funding our game and helping us realize this dream!!! They have been very supportive of us.

  6. #6

    Default Re: I'll go first

    Speaking of testing... how will the testing process look? Will you be inviting people who live nearby to come and test the game for instance, like Telltale does?

  7. #7
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: I'll go first

    Crimson Cow is handling all the testing needs of the game. So, if you live near Hamburg and want to give them a call ... But we won't be doing the testing at our AME studios. Our office is just too tiny! I'd have to cram the testers in a broom closet or something.

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