So, now that the contest is over I will give you my opinion (I already own Ep. 1)

1. I actually like episodic games, if the contents fit the format. Sam & Max Season 1 is a very good example, but also the CSI games would work wonderfully as episodes. BUT: I'm a collector, so having a box, manual & a disc is always preferred (again: The Sam & Max approach is perfect, IMO).

2. I hope so! I love good 2D graphics, I actually prefer them oftentimes over 3D graphics. I think thats because 2D graphics age better than 3D graphics, where there is always sth. new and sth. better. I think Runaway 1 still looks very good, whereas any 3D game of the same year looks quite dated...

I'm really looking forward to those Deadalic Games "A new beginning" and "A Whispered World" that feature great hand drawn graphics and also One upon a time in Japan, which also looks fantastic.

3. Hmmm, hard to say. I think I'll go with Monkey Island, although I like all of them. The style used for TES is not my favourite, but it still looks good..