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  1. #1
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    Default IN-GAME VIDEO

  2. #2
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    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    The in-game video is really good. I am one of those fortunate that I was able to test the demo presented to Art Futura.
    Personally, as a lover of graphic adventures, I think it is Maldoror deserved the big prize Art Futura.
    My question is, have you already had contacts with some publisher?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    No, we don't have yet any contact with publishers. We want still to enlarge our playable demo, and to improve it, til we try to get in touch with them.

  4. #4

    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    In the video, the interface is really very curious. The rotating pyramid is very original. Where is the idea? Have any meaning?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    The interface is the amulet of Basil (the main character; because he�s superstitious and bought it to protect him from the bad luck; he always carry it with him for that reason, and always trust in it�s power), it represent an Egyptian pyramid, with and eye, a mouth, and a hand, for tree different actions: use, talk or look. It will be the classic point & click interface in a completely tri-dimensional world.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    The game looks nice, really.

    Will we be rotaiting this pyramid cursor (and so choosing the action mode) by pressing the right mouse button or will it automatically rotate (i.e. "smart cursor" approach)?

    Will this kind of (classical orchestra) music present in the final version of the game? What is the planned length of soundtrack?

    The game will have a bit of comical and theatrical feeling, though situated in modern world, right?

    Are you using your own engine for the game?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex ASP
    The game looks nice, really.

    Will we be rotaiting this pyramid cursor (and so choosing the action mode) by pressing the right mouse button or will it automatically rotate (i.e. "smart cursor" approach)?

    Will this kind of (classical orchestra) music present in the final version of the game? What is the planned length of soundtrack?

    The game will have a bit of comical and theatrical feeling, though situated in modern world, right?

    Are you using your own engine for the game?
    Glad you like our game ;D

    You'll have to rotate the pyramid by pressing the right mouse button, and them moving the mouse to choose the action.

    Do you like the music? I do, and I'd like to use it, but we're still not sure about using it or a different one. So, opinions will help (By the way, it's a piece of Aranjuez's concert, by spanish classical composer Joaquin Rodrigo)

    We're using as rendering engine OGRE (like Deck 13). For sound Open AL. I mean, we are using already some libraries, but we also are creating others things (logic, collisions, pathfinting, etc)

    And yes, it can be said that our game "will have a bit of comical and theatrical feeling, though situated in modern world"

  8. #8
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    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    Yes, I like the music. While reading through info about the game I though it will be a darker one, maybe something like "Belief and Betrayal". And when i've heard the music in the game it seemed to be quite another mood. And I think it fits quite well.

    Any etimations on gameplay length? Is there a possibility to make a series of games with the main hero Basil?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    Nice, one vote for that kind of music

    The game is thought to be divided in four parts. I mean, it will have a structure in four acts, like the classic The secret of the monkey island (the two first parts). The length will be different for each part, the first and the final we�ll be short, the second will be the longest, and the third will be intermediate. We have written a structure document, where the length could be appreciated, but we�ll keep it in secret.
    If this helps you to make an idea, it will copy a bit the length and the standard structure for films. To compare, a bit will have the same length (we would like to) than the first Monkey Island. But it could be changed, depending on many factors in the future.

    And about others game with the same character, we really didn�t think about it. It could be possible, of course. But we�re know only focused in finishing the development of the first part of the game, which we�ll use as PoC (proof of concept), to try to find a publisher. I must add that we�re developing it in our spare time, since we have different jobs to earn our lifes.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    Will the proof of concept demo be the whole first part in gameplay?

    Do you feel your game is strong enough to interest the worldwide publisher? Are you planning to recruit more workers after you sign the deal with the publishers to speed up the development process?

  11. #11

    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    I also like the music, but it shouldn't play the whole time.
    Variation would be good.
    I think it looks very good.

  12. #12
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: IN-GAME VIDEO

    The Proof of Concept will be the entire first part of the game, and it'll show what the game will be, for the variety of puzzles, the funny and entertain dialogs, and the graphics and gameplay. We intend to create a good gameplay, involving and dynamic.
    Of course, we believe our game could interest international publisher, if not, we won't be working. In my humble opinion, technically it got nothing to envy to the latest commercial graphic adventure, and I think the script and dialogs and puzzles are as good as the best of the market (of course, it depends on opinions).

    The idea of looking for a publisher is that: to be able of developing the game in a short and reasonable time. The idea is to hire people (if possible freelance) to finish the game in a short time. A publisher would help us with that (we hope with advance of money and a productions established in base of milestones).

    A second vote for the music.
    Of course, the music won�t be playing all the time, and it will be changing, giving variety depending on the sceneries and the situation, but keeping the style.

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