Q:FullMetalAlchem:Hey eQuiNOX! What can you tell us about yourself?

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX): Well I'm 20 years old and i am going to study social sciences. In my free time i make some music, visit friends and play dota ofc

Q:FullMetalAlchem: How did you start your DotA "career" and how did you end up playing in major leagues?

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX): I started a long time ago, i think with version 5.84. I started with dotaleague in division 5 and played in many teams. My latest team, dmZ, is among the best in Europe I'd say.

Q:FullMetalAlchem: Why didn't your team, dmZ, participated at ospl tournament ?

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX): Well to be honest it's too expensive for dmZ to go to Kazakhstan. And atm we are not able to beat the best teams so the chance to win the 1st price is not given.

Q:FullMetalAlchem: What do you think about f4f? Do you have chances of succession?

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX): We will try our best and we are training daily at the moment to find our style since we didn't play that well in the last weeks. For f4f i hope that we can beat some top teams again and make it to the playoffs!

Q:FullMetalAlchem What's your opinion about European tournaments? Are they interesting enough so elite players will keep playing DotA, not only as a hobby, but more professionally ?

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX): To have more teams who play frequently and serious it needs more sponsors who add dotateams so the players have a goal... for example to perform nicely on the next lan.

Q:FullMetalAlchem What's your opinion about Dota Pride, what do you think about the whole effort?

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX: Dota pride is the most active inhouse league ever i guess. Due to the pricemoney many good players play here frequently. Between some players the skill difference is too big, but you have to deal with that problem in every league. I think until now dota pride is cool and there is no admin abuse etc. keep it going!

Q:FullMetalAlchem: What's your favorite hero/playstyle?

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX Well i like push strats and strats that are just new for the opponents, so they dont know how to counter or react. I love abba, sniper alchi

Q:FullMetalAlchem: Where would you say you are more efficient?E.g Laning, ganking, coming up with strategies?

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX: I think im a very decent solo player, and in my team I'm all-rounder; i play what's needed. Making strats is just fun to me because i dont like the normal, strong lanes and go gang style

Q:FullMetalAlchem: Where do you stand about the upcoming games, like Heroes of Newerth or League of Legends, which are consider as the new DotA? Do you think DotA will extinct due to those copycats ?

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX Dota will stay forever! All these copegames are just uncreative and dont deserve to be played!

Q:FullMetalAlchem Anything you wanna say in public to your friends,fans, our billions readers or you mommy & daddy? ;-)

A:dmZ|eQuiNOX: chill4skill keep it cool cya!And ducky is the best maiden!