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Thread: Updating

  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 6

    Default Updating

    I have a problem with ranked gaming client. I download it, unpack and run the cliet.exe. Then it is updating and after update doesn't happen anything. I run it again, it updates again and again nothing happens. Please advise what to do, thanks.
    Last edited by miguelinho; 19-12-2009 at 02:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Rank: RGC Leader
    • Join Date: May 2007
    • Posts: 1,869



    your problem is very easy to solve. The client doesn't run with enough permissions to start the patcher located in 'patcher/patcher.exe'.

    You don't want to start it manually. What you want to do is right-click the client.exe and select 'Run as Administrator'. That will solve the problem.

    Please make sure to post so that I can close the topic and tick the problem as resolved.

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