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Thread: Unvouch Flow4v

  1. #1
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Unvouch Flow4v

    Unvouch this Flow4v. Signs an afker user into a CL (Admin abuse) game makes us wait 25 min for a game.We waited till 15mins and he said 15min=not truant, must be manner'd and wait for him so we waited 10mins more ext3` saw it and demonted him.
    [20:45] <@ext3`wrk> .demote Flow4v
    [20:45] * @P2-BOT User Flow4v demoted from [Moderator] to [Veteran]
    [20:45] <@ext3`wrk> .demote Flow4v
    [20:45] * @P2-BOT User Flow4v demoted from [Veteran] to [Captain]
    [20:49] <@ext3`wrk> .info 2828
    [20:49] * @P2-BOT3 Game DPCM2828: Team Sentinel: <Flow4v, Arla]Ryze, Flow|Souljah^RU, luNdeeen-_-, ManOfTheMatch> Team Scourge: <unclearly, NewClassic, nGu^lung, GeneralMint, Erza> Still in progress: 26 minutes

    26 min game never started nice admin here.
    Flow4v has 9 wins, 22 losses, 754 experience [Level:5] Current losing streak: -3 [Feeding Spree]
    Flow4v is ranked on Dota Pride 2 League 982/991, Rated [Jinx]
    Excellent stats,worlds best player here!

  2. #2



    i was hoping that you would open a topic.

    my version of the story;
    i NEVER knew i was not allowed to signuser.
    - he was a mate of mine and he said 'brb some mins'.
    it was a mistake to sign him, i know that now - i will NEVER do it again.


    first unclearly makes .sg, and i signed with some of my mates, but then he kicks me from pool, together with looser0 - so i asked him why he kicked me (btw, i have never played with him before, and never spoken to him), but his answer to my question was = " cuz ur a retard.

    i said 'nice manners you got there' (first rulebreak from unclearly).
    so i asked him, ' do you want to challenge me instead ' .

    so he did, and we picked etc, then ryze signed out because he saw lundeeen was not signed in, so me / unclearly asked him why he signed out and he said ' i dont wanna play without lunden, but his afk '.

    and then UNCLEARLY SAYS "NP, we replace him after picks" (before i .signuser lundeeen, he agrees to put the afk'er into the game).

    when picks were made, noone was hosting - i rebooted my pc, and when i came back still noone had hosted. so already from there 5-7 mins passed on dota.pride.2 bot.

    - finally i tell souljah to host, so he did - and we joined the game (all exept lunden).

    we sat there, and unclearly's friend started to flame another player for some reason, so i told him ONLY THIS ' ey, please manner up '.
    - then his friend said ok, but then this happens;

    unclearly starts flaming me and telling me to stfu etc ( FOR NO REASON!!), i diddnt know unclearly was Calvin on ggc, so i asked after i was tabbed "btw where is unclearly". then unclearly says "its me moron", and then i said "ahh, calvin + unclearly = same flamer, how nice".

    by that time, people got impatient and told us to truant ludeeen.

    then i told them, "dont truant him TRUANT ME INSTEAD"

    and when i go to dota.pride.2 channel, i see myself demoted by ext3 and i have no idea why.

    so bottom line is => i broke one rule, by signing luunden, but unclearly made 20000 rulebreaks, and still manages to do this.

    anyways i spoke to ext3 and my problem is solved with him (i think).

    unclearly wants me banned cuz i have bad stats, but hey => im not afraid to play vs stacked teams / mym / nirvana / EG players )

    i play to gain experience, and btw - moderators/admins doesnt need to be pros in dota, if they are good admins they dont need skills for dota .

    my 2 cents, and truely sorry for my rulebreak and your whaste of time.

    kind regards


  3. #3
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 31


    Dude you're full of shit just look.
    [20:16] <+unclearly> .kick flow4v
    [20:16] <+Koreia> CONFIRM DUDE
    [20:16] * @P2-BOT Flow4v has been kicked; 1 slots remaining
    [20:16] <+Flow4v> go confirm
    [20:16] <+souljaah> fonfirm
    [20:16] <+Flow4v> XD?
    [20:16] <+Flow4v> .sign
    [20:16] <+Flow4v> why kick me?
    [20:16] * +clone`Traze ([email protected]) Quit (Signed off)
    [20:16] <+just-in> Arla]Ryze go sign
    [20:16] <+Flow4v> dont
    [20:16] <+Flow4v> ryze
    [20:16] <+Flow4v> guys
    [20:16] <+Arla]Ryze> need +2 slots
    [20:16] * P2-BOT sets mode: +v Keith-
    [20:16] <+Flow4v> go out we go other game?
    [20:17] <+unclearly> .kick looser990
    [20:17] * @P2-BOT looser990 has been kicked; 2 slots remaining
    [20:17] * +Keith- ([email protected]) Quit (Registered)
    [20:17] * Keith- ([email protected]) has joined #dota.pride.2
    [20:17] * * sets mode: +v Keith-
    [20:17] <+Keith-> .games
    [20:17] <+souljaah> takes hours
    [20:17] * +AstroTheIntel ([email protected]) Quit (Quit)
    [20:17] <+looser990> omg tards...
    [20:17] <+souljaah> that i alrdy wasted
    [20:17] * +Rikka ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
    [20:17] <+Keith-> .games
    [20:17] <+looser990> like yes he comes last
    [20:17] <+WoG|GeneralMint> .sign
    [20:17] <+souljaah> its rly sad
    [20:17] <+Flow4v> no it doesnt
    [20:17] <+looser990> and i need +2
    [20:17] <+unclearly> MINT
    [20:17] <+souljaah> so i just wanna play
    [20:17] <+Arla]Ryze> really fucking lame that you draw this game
    [20:17] <+looser990> its not prob bcs kicking me
    [20:17] <+Arla]Ryze> 100% freewin
    [20:17] <+WoG|GeneralMint> .listplayers

    Tell me where did i call you a retard? and i didn't flame i simply said i'll fucking truant any of you idiots for wasting time dumbass.

  4. #4
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 31


    [20:17] <+Flow4v> unclearly
    [20:18] <+Flow4v> go cl ?
    [20:18] * +Ds|L1oN^ ([email protected]) Quit (Registered)
    [20:18] * Ds|L1oN^ ([email protected]) has joined #dota.pride.2
    [20:18] * * sets mode: +v Ds|L1oN^
    [20:18] <+Flow4v> cl me
    [20:18] <+just-in> the draw is really unfair :/
    [20:18] <+just-in> sad
    [20:18] <+souljaah> confirm
    [20:18] <+unclearly> cl you?
    [20:18] <+Flow4v> y
    [20:18] <+Flow4v> cl me
    [20:18] <+unclearly> .abort
    [20:18] <+souljaah> confirm
    [20:18] * @P2-BOT Game aborted!
    [20:18] * P2-BOT changes topic to '/!\ Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - /!\'
    [20:18] <+tktklol> .stats
    [20:18] * @P2-BOT3 tamer has 6 wins, 6 losses, 1003 experience [Level:10] Current losing streak: -2
    [20:18] <+unclearly> .cl flow4v

    ok give me proof that i flamed you and called you a retard thanks .

  5. #5
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: Sep 2009
    • Posts: 61


    you wasted 26 mins my life

  6. #6


    funny how you only take the chatlog, from after / before the flame.

    @ mint => im very sorry to have whasted your time, but i actually thought he would show up, and we could have got a nice game.

    @ unclearly.

    first example of you flaming and being unmannered, just because i posted my former post.

    second example of you flaming.

    now wether its private chat or not - point is you're nothing but a flaming player. suuuuuure your skilled at dota etc,
    but not everything in Dota is skill .. this is not public gaming - this is high lvl'd gaming with manners in fokus.

    if you cannot manner up, then why do you want to play here?

    but one question - are you denying that you called me a retard in game lobby? are you denying that you told me / 3 other players to "STFU FUCKING MORONS AND FUCKING TRUANT".

    im only trying to prove, that you've been flaming ever since game started.
    and you did, from minute one till the last min.

    i appologized for letting the players wait, but i thought that dota was about manners - when being in a community => you should have manners.

    i was mannered to wait for him, because i know - if it was me who was afk and ppl was waiting for me, they (atleast the mannered ones) would wait for me, and give me a bit more of time.

    i know i would. all the players who were not your friends, actually PM'd me on forum when i was tabbed, because you were flaming them.

    if you prove to me, that you're not a flamer , i will cut off my right arm, and give it to you. how's that?

    i really feel like we both gave our versions of the story, so i think that we should stop posting, and let the admins do the rest

    Kind regards

  7. #7
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Jan 2010
    • Posts: 34


    I thought private chat was private therefore anything said in it can't be used as flame. Just like if someone speaks to you in russian in private chat and flames you in russian. They are breaking two rules, non English and flame, but that's not in main chat. Maybe I'm wrong but I saw people not get in trouble cuz they took it to private.

    Also Pelatis why would you promote him over me, He doesn't even play that much in this league. I thought we were TIGHT!!!! You don't trust me!!!!

  8. #8
    Rank: Wanderer
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    #1 im gonna go msg a friend in spanish go ban me for non english in chat please.
    #2 you're low skilled = should be unvouch you didn't play any games vs nirvana/mym just do .Compare.
    #3 you're making yourself look like an idiot lieing about everything.

  9. #9


    @FU^ => youre right , its nothing i can use.
    - i just tried to show them how much of a flamer he is - im not requesting him because of those screenshots.
    - im trying to give out a point.
    i dont know why he chose me over you - but you sure as hell show the readers how much of a sore loser you are

    @unclearly => i played 2 games vs maelk, 2 vs puppey and 3 vs
    - i dont care about their tags, in my eyes i played vs known and skilled players. and again - i dont care wether i played vs MYM / NV or whoever i played with.

    point is, im here to gain experience, im here to learn. besides i dont need to show you anything to prove that im worthy enough for DP2.
    and again, im not lying about anything, i just posted my 2nd reply with alot of questions, and you haven't managed to answer them - shows me how much of a debater you are .

    and yet you say i lie about things, => youre denying that you flamed.

    i became paparazzi 20 mins ago - tell me if you want ss's of yourself flaming IN dota.pride.2 .

  10. #10
    Rank: Board General
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclearly View Post
    I thought private chat was private therefore anything said in it can't be used as flame. Just like if someone speaks to you in russian in private chat and flames you in russian. They are breaking two rules, non English and flame, but that's not in main chat. Maybe I'm wrong but I saw people not get in trouble cuz they took it to private.
    1. True but administrators are working in this league for its betterment and its players, not for themselves, by virtue of which they deserve and command some respect from players. If even that minimum amount of respect isn't given whether it be in private chat or main channel, it certainly is punishable, however I wont pursue that in this case.
    2. It was a mistake on his part having used .signuser but people are liable to make mistakes, no need to make a big issue out of this. He has apologized for it and thats the end of the story
    3. Unclearly next time i see flame towards admin be it in main or private, ill unvouch you myself

    and 4. Denied and closed
    MSN? :c

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