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    Rank: Squire
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    Default IHL RULES! V1.2 [Changes in vouch system]

    Rules of Clan IHL

    * We reserve the right to ban accounts if people fail to follow the rules.
    * Admins always have the right to overrule the rules written below.

    General rules:

    - Games are played on on the Northrend Realm.
    - You dont have to think about hosting - games are hosted automatically with a DA-hostbot.
    - When your game gets active you have 5 minutes to join it.
    - In startgames the player with the highest amount of DPTS (Dota Skill Points) will be chosen as captain by the bot, the designated captain can appoint another player from his or her team to pick and lead if he isnt an experienced captain. Leading as an inexperienced captain can lead to a warn.
    - Backdooring IS allowed.
    - Altering the game of any kind is not allowed. This includes maphacking and spoofing.
    - Flaming and racism is strictly prohibited.
    - Leaving is strictly prohibited - leaving on a frequent basis will result in a permanent ban.
    - Having more than one safelisted account in ihl is strictly prohibited.
    - English is the only language allowed. This rule applies in the channel as well as in-game.
    - disconnecting frequently will result in a serious warn.
    - Admins have all the rights to score a game in favor of a team that has a 99% chance of winning, whenever a serversplit or something alike occurs. This is to prevent the players that are into "statswhoring" that try to claim a draw for a game that was clearly lead by one team, ruined because of, for example, a serversplit.
    - If a disconnect/leave occurs before the 10 minute mark!
    Option 1: You play on like nothing ever happened - the decision to play on has to be announced shortly after the disconnection, by the team which has the leaver, and once announced there is no going back.
    Option 2: The game will be resulted as draw even if firstblood has been given, however, game is on and will be played if one team is leading with 5 or more kills or has the advantage of having destroyed 2 or more towers.
    Option 3: You remake - in order to remake the majority of players have to agree.
    In the event of a remake the players have to go to their initial lanes and buy the same starting items. When the third wave of creeps spawn, players are free to roam and leave their initial lanes.
    - If a disconnect/leave occurs after the 10 minute mark game will continue.
    - Forfeiting can be done at any point of the game. In order to forfeit three players from the same team must type: FF in All Chat, one of these players has to be the team captain. Moreover, for the concede to be valid the 3 ff's must be typed in the same interval of 30 seconds.
    - It's every player responsibility to enter the right result after the game. To result a game type either:.end 1 (team sent wins) or .end 2 (team scourge wins) or .draw
    - If the hostbot crashes during a game it will be resulted as a draw unless one team has a clear advantage of 3 more raxes. For instance - having destroyed 3 raxes and lost 0, or having destroyed 5 and lost 2.
    - If a team leaves because of a dispute about the rules and that team is in fact wrong, they have forfeited their right to play on and will recieve a loss.
    - Leavers can be punished by the league-users with the command .leaver [name] Disconnecters are punished with the command .exclude [name]
    *Either one of these commands must be used before you enter the result of a game - else they wont work.

    Leaver heroes

    - Leaver heroes are allowed to be used freely within the rules.
    - The items they leave behind can can be left equipped on the hero, teamsold, split between you heroes or you can gear up your carry with all of it.
    - Whatever you choose to do with the items - has no impact on whether you can use the hero or not - aslong as you use the hero within the rules.


    - Each team can pause the game as many times as they want to, however, each team only has a total of 2 minutes pause-time, when that time is up the opponents have all the rights to resume the game.
    A gesture of good will and sportsmanship is always appreciated though.

    Item restrictions

    - There are currently no item restrictions.

    Item sharing

    - Is allowed


    - It's not allowed to replace someone who is already in the game, unless they agree with it themselves.
    Replacing your lastpick in a challenge, however, is perfectly ok aslong as the other captain agrees.


    -Stacks are only allowed if BOTH captains agree on them. You can not force another captain into not picking a player in the pool, it's his/her decision solely.

    Warnings and timebans:


    Underneath is found a complete list of all the rule violations.
    It's always ultimately up to the staff team to decide the level of the warning/timeban. When a warning is issued though, it will in general follow this rule model:

    Leaving: Will result in a 10-30% warn (depending on the frequency a player leaves games)

    Disconnecting: Will result in a 5-15% warn (depending on the frequency)

    Flaming: Will result in a 10-30% warn (depending on the case)

    Trolling: Will result in a 10-30% warn (depending on the case)

    Intentional game ruining: May result in a perma-ban from the channel (depending on the severity)

    Not listening to the team captain: 20-40% warn (depening on the individual case)

    Not showing up for a game that you've signed up for: 10-20% depending on the frequency.

    Abusing the replace command: 20-30% warn depending on the frequency.

    Entering the wrong result and/or misleading an admin/moderator to do so for you: 10-30% warn.

    Purposefully game ruining: 30-100% warn (Depends on how fatal the gameruin in the game was)

    Not meeting up to the IHL requirements: 10-60% warn (this highly depends on the individual case.

    Spamming the channel: Will result in a non-numeric warn beforehand. If spams persists, a 5-10% warn is applied.

    Speaking non-English repeatedly, even after people have begged said player to stop: Will result in a 5-10% warn.


    Timebans are to be handed out when a rule is broken. It's always ultimately up to the moderator to decide the level of the timeban. When a timeban is issued though, it will in general follow this rule model:

    -Spamming the channel: will result in a 120 min timeban (could be more if done repeatedly)

    -Leaving a game: Will result in a 1440 min timeban(depending on the individual case)

    -Flaming: Will result in a 1440 min timeban (depending on the individual case)

    -Trolling: Will result in a 120 min time ban

    - Speaking non-English repeatedly, even after people have begged xxx-player to stop: Will result in a 120min timeban.


    -In order to play in IHL, players are required to possess the following knowledge and skill:

    -Understanding the basics of competitive DotA. The default mode is CD and seeing as CD is a competitive mode, games are to be played accordingly.

    Understanding the basics of competitive DotA includes: Understanding how the different roles of DotA are to be played. Supporters stealing their carrys farm are not welcome in IHL. Carries running around ganking are not welcome in clan IHL. Gankers farming on their initial lanes until the game ends are not welcome in IHL. Here is a list of things you should know about competitive DotA in order to play in IHL:

    Supporters: Supporters are such heroes as: Crystal Maiden, Ezalor, Lion, Vengeful Spirit, Chen, Warlock etc. The main goal of a supporter is to ensure that the carries of the team manage to farm as undisturbed as possible for the lategame phase of the game. The supporters do so by: Buying chicken, placing wards to ensure the survival of the carries, harrassing of the opponent heroes, TP saving the carries, letting the carries have all the creep kills on the lane, roaming so that the carries get more farm on lane. Depending on the captains strategy, supporters will be played differently. Listen to the captain and do things accordingly.

    Gankers are such heroes as: Sand king, Vengeful spirit, Lion, Nerubian assassin, Earth shaker, Sven, Chen, Enchantress, Mirana and many many more. The main objective of the gankers is to keep the enemy heroes on top of their toes constantly. They do so by running around on the different lanes trying to get kills where ever they go. While roaming around they'll leave room for the carries on their team to gain more exp on their lanes when they are gone. A successful gank will also result in possible free farm for an ally on the lane where the gank was carried out. A gank hero is not to be immobile on it's initial lane unless the team captains specifially says so.

    Carries: Carries are such heroes as: Phantom lancer, Void, Medusa, Terror blade, Anti-mage, Chaos knight, Shadow fiend and many many more. The main objective of the carries is to farm as much as possible. By doing so he'll get an advantage in terms of items and level. This advantage will (if everything goes according to plans)eventually lead to a hero "carrying" the team. A carry often has a lategame potential. It could be certain skills or a certain stat growth that turns that specific hero into a more useful hero later on. A carry hero is not to die too much. Every team is extremely dependant on their carry, so failing your role as a carry will in many cases cause your team to lose the game.

    -An IHL player should understand competitive concepts (and be able to perform them somewhat efficiently) such as: Tri-laning (The strategy of having three heroes on the same lane, giving your team two solo heroes for a more concentrated exp share), Babysitting (See support), jungling (Killing neutral creeps AND in many cases also gank the lanes close to the forest), roaming(see ganker).

    -An IHL player should have basic ideas of item builds. Battlefury is not the best item on all heroes, it just isn't. Sometimes items can play a key role in the game. Listen to the team captain and buy items accordingly.

    -An IHL player should know the importance of playing as a team. This includes carrying TP's AT ALL TIMES and being at the right places at the right time. This is not easy and we don't demand perfect map awareness. A player never buying a TP however, is, however, not welcome in IHL.

    -An IHL player should of course understand basics of DotA. This includes: Last hitting well, skilling the right spells, understanding how to adapt their gameplay on a certain lane (a tri-lane facing a solo SF is always to be played aggressively for instance, whereas the SF is to play extremely passively)


    IHL is a league using a vouch system. Administrators/Moderators/Wardens reserve the right to vouch anyone at any time.

    There are Three ways to get vouched into IHL.

    1. Getting vouched instantly by a Super Admin or Higher. [Note: Staff lower than Super Admins are not allowed to Instant vouch]

    2. Achieving a Dota Skill of 85% or higher with 15+ games.

    3. Make a post to the Vouch request section. You will need 3 Supports From staff members to be accepted


    Moderators and admins reserve the right to promote players to captains at any time. There are 2 ways to get promoted to a captain.

    1. Getting instantly promoted by a staff member. NOTE, never beg staff members for promotion, If they say no, it means no.

    2. Writing a captains application HERE.

    Additional information:

    -All bot commands can be found HERE

    - If you think you've been banned unfairly plead your case in the ban appeal section.
    - Never whisper a staff members directly asking him to unban you - this will only put yourself in a worse perspective.
    - Ban appeal section is found HERE
    -Any reports about flaming or rule breaking should be posted on the forums in the warn request section, which can be found HERE

    Thank you for reading and enjoy the quality games we give you,

    The iHL Staff Team
    Last edited by DieByZer0; 13-10-2010 at 06:06 PM.
    ~In broken images~

    Quote Originally Posted by Raa-Key-Yaah
    i tend to not make any sense

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