Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Rank: Regular
    • Join Date: Nov 2009
    • Posts: 77

    Default Abuse result by Zextar

    Abuse result by Zextar

    - scourge's player got drop, we played on (lina)
    - zextar nothing against u, but we (as ppl of dp2) had many questions about manner and u re doing nice example for others -> read chat
    - when we killed most of ur team and we were going to push ur base (throne - we had two sides down) flowa as host dropped and all dc. Our team wanted draw or res sentinel, u were ignoring that and after that u reported it to scourge. Little joke don't u think?

    (01:23:16) (@Nirvana|ZexTar) .report 184 scourge
    (01:23:16) � @P2-BOT Game DPCM184: Result confirmed and submitted; The scourge have won
    (01:23:24) � @P2-BOT Experience change: High|Vlade[-21] Junevi[-29] [4xF]Djokica-[-26] Wisin[-25] 328Q[-27] Nirvana|ZexTar[+28] The_Lig[+23] ART|Flow4v[+26] DonkeyJay[+27] Pacifier[+24]

    I don't care about points atm but about ur abuse skills, think about it a bit what u done.

    Replay of the game:

    Regards xind3x
    Last edited by xind3x; 22-06-2010 at 01:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Sep 2009
    • Posts: 37


    Chat here

    <+Wisin> rax and win
    <+Serbia_is_art> rofl
    <+Serbia_is_art> mega creeps
    <+Wisin> mega?
    <+Serbia_is_art> and glyph
    <+Wisin> wtf
    <+Razer|Howa> .teams
    <+Razer|Howa> .listplayers
    * @P2-BOT 03luNdeeen-_-[Lousy], Razer|Howa[Beginner] have already signed in. [8 slots remaining]
    * +LuCksHoT ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: blub)
    <+Djokica> but if you wanted to bd
    * [-_-]LotuS^ ([email protected]) has joined #dota.pride.2
    * P2-BOT sets mode: +v [-_-]LotuS^
    <+Djokica> then it was going to be
    <+Djokica> 4 v 1
    <+Razer|Howa> go sign
    <+Serbia_is_art> i had
    <+Serbia_is_art> tp
    <+Serbia_is_art> mb?
    <+Serbia_is_art> bot
    <+Djokica> we were going on throne
    <+Djokica> i know lig
    <+Djokica> thats why i am saying
    <+Djokica> 4 v 1
    <+Serbia_is_art> ok
    <+Serbia_is_art> im in eedl
    <+Serbia_is_art> afk
    * Power-Net ([email protected]) has joined #dota.pride.2
    <+Djokica> only pig was alive , i guess
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> .sign
    * P2-BOT sets mode: +v Power-Net
    * @P2-BOT 03[-_-]LotuS^[Fair] signed in; 7 slots remaining
    <+youknow`luNdE-> any1 up for cl?
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> why is it
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> win
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> for asentinel?
    <+Djokica> its draw
    <+junevi> bce 3 dead
    <+Djokica> we got all disc
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> its not draw we had like 5 rax down
    <+junevi> and all mid for throne
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> so?
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> we needed 1 rax
    <+junevi> so
    <+junevi> come on
    * Iwin4Broesly ([email protected]) has joined #dota.pride.2
    * P2-BOT sets mode: +v Iwin4Broesly
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> ??
    <+Djokica> but zex , only 1 hero was alive
    <+junevi> youknow
    <+Iwin4Broesly> .whoami
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> no
    * @p2-bot3 3 Iwin4Biskos[Peon]: Vouched by wAr|LoRD|(07:17:24 04/06/10); Rated Beginner(165/237); Last game: DPCM175;
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> i was alive
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> necro was alive
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> and bb was alive
    <+junevi> no
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> necro was about to kill last raxw ith creeps )
    <+junevi> bb
    <+Djokica> necro
    <+junevi> dead
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> ??
    <+ART|Paci|ART> LOL
    <+ART|Paci|ART> n1 juke
    <+Djokica> was going to tp down
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> bb bought out
    <+ART|Paci|ART> i disced
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> are you dumb?
    <+ART|Paci|ART> rly nice
    <+Djokica> 4 v 2
    <+ART|Paci|ART> juke.
    <+ART|Paci|ART> nc
    <+ART|Paci|ART> .
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> check replay man
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> he bought out
    <+ART|Paci|ART> ofc i was not dead.
    <+junevi> 5 vs 1
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> no
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> only
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> rhasta was dead
    <+ART|Paci|ART> why so many liers
    <+ART|Paci|ART> for points
    * +divicest ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
    <+Djokica> xD , i know that big was alive
    <+ART|Paci|ART> dont get it -.- SHAME ON YOU DP2
    <+Djokica> thats 5 v2 yep
    <+youknow`luNdE-> any1 up for cl?
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> ok
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> do you need
    * +PowerNet ([email protected]
    .net) Quit (Ping timeout)
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> someone to help you with math?
    * +smulli ([email protected]) Quit (Signed off)
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> Necro + BB + Tiny = 2?
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> ok
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> )
    * +AW-pepiZil ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
    <+Iwin4Broesly> they need to study maths
    <+Iwin4Broesly> zex
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> Nirvana|ZexTar
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> i want promote
    <+Djokica> necro was tp-ing he said
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> no shit LOL
    <+Djokica> D
    <+Iwin4Broesly> math mark 0
    * @P2-BOT 03Warning - The game will be auto-cancelled! Use 4.extend 3to continue
    * +DEXTERQUINN ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .timeleft
    * @P2-BOT 03Time left for sign-ups: 136 seconds
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .extend
    * @P2-BOT 03GameTimer has been extended to 583
    * uR-GuitarPro ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
    <+Tundi> broesly milenko?
    <+youknow`luNdE-> any1 up for cl????
    <+ROCKnROLL> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03Methodrlz[Burden] signed in; 6 slots remaining
    <+Bait3d_> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03Bait3d|eSiK[Beginner] signed in; 5 slots remaining
    <+Razer|Howa> .listplayers
    * @P2-BOT 03luNdeeen-_-[Lousy], Razer|Howa[Beginner], [-_-]LotuS^[Fair], Methodrlz[Burden], Bait3d|eSiK[Beginner] have already signed in. [5 slots remaining]
    <+youknow`Manny> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03ManOfTheMatch[Sickening] signed in; 4 slots remaining
    <+________328Q`x3> .teams
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Sentinel: High|Vlade, Junevi, [4xF]Djokica-, Wisin, 328Q
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Scourge: Nirvana|ZexTar, The_Lig, ART|Flow4v, DonkeyJay, Pacifier
    <+Iwin4Broesly> 328q
    <+Iwin4Broesly> )
    * +[A]Ziqqi_pH-fo ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
    <+Iwin4Broesly> go study
    <+Iwin4Broesly> dude
    <+Razer|Howa> xd
    <+________328Q`x3> i ll now again
    <+________328Q`x3> all night
    <+________328Q`x3> sux
    <+________328Q`x3> :X
    <+Tundi> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03Tundi[Fair] signed in; 3 slots remaining
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03a1a|Nagato[Lousy] signed in; 2 slots remaining
    <+youknow`luNdE-> any1 up for cl?
    <+youknow`luNdE-> nagato?
    <+youknow`luNdE-> wanna cl?
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> im alone
    <+youknow`luNdE-> haha so am i
    <+Djokica> .sign
    <+youknow`luNdE-> we just do freepool
    <+youknow`luNdE-> ?
    <+youknow`luNdE-> I just wanna cap
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> well sg its the same
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> ok go
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .abort
    * @P2-BOT 03Game aborted!
    * P2-BOT changes topic to '4,1/08,04!04,1\0,1 12Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - 4,1/08,04!04,1\'
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .cl [A]Nagato-gr
    * @P2-BOT 03Dota.Pride.2 challenge starts in 450 seconds. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.Type:[4Challenge3] Mode is CM, <4luNdeeen-_- 3challenged4 a1a|Nagato3>.First To Pick:4luNdeeen-_-
    * P2-BOT changes topic to '4,1/08,04!04,1\0,1 12Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - 4,1/08,04!04,1\ Sign-up for chall is opened atm, mode is CM, luNdeeen-_- and a1a|Nagato are the captains. Commands are disabled now!'
    <+youknow`Manny> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03ManOfTheMatch[Sickening] signed in; 3 players have already signed in.
    <+Wisin> .teams
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Sentinel: High|Vlade, Junevi, [4xF]Djokica-, Wisin, 328Q
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Scourge: Nirvana|ZexTar, The_Lig, ART|Flow4v, DonkeyJay, Pacifier
    <+Bait3d_> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03Bait3d|eSiK[Beginner] signed in; 4 players have already signed in.
    <+youknow`luNdE-> go sign again lads
    <+Djokica> draw ?
    <+High|Vlade> so
    <+High|Vlade> wtf now
    <+Razer|Howa> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03Razer|Howa[Beginner] signed in; 5 players have already signed in.
    <+Razer|Howa> nagato <3
    * +CrabWoman ([email protected]) Quit (Quit)
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> hi
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03[-_-]LotuS^[Fair] signed in; 6 players have already signed in.
    * howhighT ([email protected]) has joined #dota.pride.2
    * P2-BOT sets mode: +v howhighT
    <+howhighT> .games
    <+howhighT> .gamEs
    <+howhighT> .stats
    * @P2-BOT 03Top 5: 1. FFF]Linky[1481], 2. henrik-[1476], 3. Ryze[1464], 4. CricketfanPER[1463], 5. a100kpm[1418] will be invited to dota-pride!Soon some changes will be announced!If u have dota ninja skills make your vouch request on forum! - - If u didnt got voice (+v) pls rejoin the channel!4English/No Caps/No TextFlood in channel
    4or else there will be a punishment.Use DotA Pride Vt [more...]
    <+youknow`luNdE-> go sign again lads
    * @P2-BOT 03At!
    <+Tundi> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03Tundi[Fair] signed in; 7 players have already signed in.
    <+howhighT> .sign
    <+Hossi> w8
    <+Hossi> us
    <+Tundi> .stats
    <+Bait3d_> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03[howhigh][Fair] signed in; 8 players have already signed in.
    <+IsidoR> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03IsidoR[Fair] signed in; 9 players have already signed in.
    <+howhighT> .games
    <+Hossi> .Sign
    <+HariboH> .sign
    <+IsidoR> me + hossi + hariboh
    * @P2-BOT 03Hossi[Acceptable] signed in; IGG-HariboH[Beginner] signed in; 11 players have already signed in.
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .ready
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> .lastgame flow4v
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> .ready
    * @P2-BOT 03Sign-up closed. It's a1a|Nagato's turn to pick.
    * @P2-BOT 03Player pool: ManOfTheMatch[Sickening], Bait3d|eSiK[Beginner], Razer|Howa[Beginner], [-_-]LotuS^[Fair], Tundi[Fair], [howhigh][Fair], IsidoR[Fair], Hossi[Acceptable], IGG-HariboH[Beginner]
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> .pick Razer|Howa
    * @P2-BOT 03a1a|Nagato picked Razer|Howa; luNdeeen-_-'s turn to pick
    <+junevi> .stats
    * +junevi ([email protected]) Quit (Quit)
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .pick ManOfTheMatch
    * @P2-BOT 03luNdeeen-_- picked ManOfTheMatch; luNdeeen-_-'s turn to pick
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .pick Tundi
    * @P2-BOT 03luNdeeen-_- picked Tundi; a1a|Nagato's turn to pick
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> .pick IsidoR
    * @P2-BOT 03a1a|Nagato picked IsidoR; a1a|Nagato's turn to pick
    <+Hossi> me isi and hari
    <+IsidoR> hossi and hariboh
    <+Tundi> pick lotus
    <+Razer|Howa> .listpool
    <+Hossi> pick us
    * @P2-BOT 03Player pool: Bait3d|eSiK[Beginner], [-_-]LotuS^[Fair], [howhigh][Fair], Hossi[Acceptable], IGG-HariboH[Beginner]
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> .pick HariboH
    * @P2-BOT 03a1a|Nagato picked IGG-HariboH; luNdeeen-_-'s turn to pick
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .listpool
    <+HariboH> cs� tundi
    <+IsidoR> hossi with us last
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .listpool
    * @P2-BOT 03Player pool: Bait3d|eSiK[Beginner], [-_-]LotuS^[Fair], [howhigh][Fair], Hossi[Acceptable]
    <+Tundi> cs
    <+HariboH> .stats tundi
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .pick [howhigh]
    <+Tundi> holnap kibannolnak
    * @P2-BOT 03luNdeeen-_- picked [howhigh]; luNdeeen-_-'s turn to pick
    <+Tundi> ugyis
    <+Tundi> mer ugattam
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .pick [-_-]LotuS^
    <+HariboH> Xd
    * @P2-BOT 03luNdeeen-_- picked [-_-]LotuS^; a1a|Nagato's turn to pick
    <+HariboH> kajak?
    <+[A]Nagato-gr> .pick Hossi
    * @P2-BOT 03Team Sentinel: a1a|Nagato, Razer|Howa, IsidoR, IGG-HariboH, Hossi
    * @P2-BOT 03Team Scourge: luNdeeen-_-, ManOfTheMatch, Tundi, [howhigh], [-_-]LotuS^
    * P2-BOT changes topic to '4,1/08,04!04,1\0,1 12Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - 4,1/08,04!04,1\'
    <+Tundi> ja
    * @P2-BOT 03Game mode is -cm; Game name is DPCM187; Map version is 6.66b; Use .teams and .heroes to get a reminder on the line-ups
    <+IsidoR> szopj le is a new english word
    <+HariboH> engem is m�r
    <+HariboH> bannoltak
    <+HariboH> 1x
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> dk room who host?
    <+dont---> hosis
    <+dont---> here?
    <+dont---> hossi*
    <+HariboH> i'll host
    <+youknow`luNdE-> manny hosts
    <+youknow`luNdE-> en denmark
    * +ART|Paci|ART ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
    <+howhighT> .stats lunde
    <+howhighT> .stats lundeeen-_-
    * @p2-bot3 3 luNdeeen-_- has 8 wins, 8 losses, 982
    3experience [Level:9] Current winning streak: 1
    <+HariboH> .stats lundeeen-_-
    * @p2-bot3 3 luNdeeen-_- has 8 wins, 8 losses, 982 experience [Level:9] Current winning streak: 1
    <+Razer|Howa> host?
    <+dont---> .games
    * @P2-BOT 03Games currently in progress: DPCM184[94] DPCM186[42] DPCM187[2]
    * @P2-BOT 03Top 5: 1. FFF]Linky[1481], 2. henrik-[1476], 3. Ryze[1464], 4. CricketfanPER[1463], 5. a100kpm[1418] will be invited to dota-pride!Soon some changes will be announced!If u have dota ninja skills make your vouch request on forum! - - If u didnt got voice (+v) pls rejoin the channel!4English/No Caps/No TextFlood in channel or else there will be a punishment.Use DotA Pride Vt [more...]
    * @P2-BOT 03At!
    <+howhighT> .info 184
    * @p2-bot3 3Game DPCM184: Team Sentinel: <High|Vlade, Junevi, [4xF]Djokica-, Wisin, 328Q> Team Scourge: <Nirvana|ZexTar, The_Lig, ART|Flow4v, DonkeyJay, Pacifier> Still in progress: 94 minutes
    <+dont---> .info 184
    * @p2-bot3 3Game DPCM184: Team Sentinel: <High|Vlade, Junevi, [4xF]Djokica-, Wisin, 328Q> Team Scourge: <Nirvana|ZexTar, The_Lig, ART|Flow4v, DonkeyJay, Pacifier> Still in progress: 94 minutes
    <+HariboH> Join me
    <+HariboH> HariboH
    <+howhighT> .info 186
    * @p2-bot3 3Game DPCM186: Team Sentinel: <luckygodlike, ReaLBLaDe, Dollyanna, decoyzz, HardOwnage> Team Scourge: <keqsika, TbilisiFinest, SwDeviL, Phantom, ea-RoJ> Still in progress: 42 minutes
    * +axjibenai ([email protected]) Quit (Signed off)
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> .result scourge
    <+howhighT> lubo
    <+youknow`luNdE-> <youknow.Manny> Ping: P:| Map: [DotA Allstars v6.67c.w3x]
    <+youknow`luNdE-> gogo
    <+howhighT> ae da te replacenem
    * +Lagoon-_- ([email protected]) Quit (Quit)
    <+howhighT> lundee
    <+howhighT> can we replace
    <+howhighT> 1 friend
    <+HardOwnage> .result scourge
    <+howhighT> luckygodlike
    <+howhighT> ??
    <+howhighT> Lundee
    <+youknow`luNdE-> then replace lotus
    <+howhighT> .teams
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> no
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Sentinel: a1a|Nagato, Razer|Howa, IsidoR, IGG-HariboH, Hossi
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Scourge: luNdeeen-_-, ManOfTheMatch, Tundi, [howhigh], [-_-]LotuS^
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> dont repace me.
    <+howhighT> yes
    <+howhighT> go
    <+howhighT> or tundi
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> lotus e nai slabiq
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> wtf.
    <+howhighT> replace
    <+howhighT> lotus
    <+IsidoR> join this manny guys go
    <+youknow`luNdE-> then write what to write
    <+HardOwnage> .result scourge
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> dont replace me-_-
    <+howhighT> .replace [-_-]LotuS^ luckygodlike
    <+howhighT> do it all
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> guys no.
    <+Dollyanna> .result scourge
    <+keqsika> .teams
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Sentinel: luckygodlike, ReaLBLaDe, Dollyanna, decoyzz, HardOwnage
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Scourge: keqsika, TbilisiFinest, SwDeviL, Phantom, ea-RoJ
    <+ART|BOSS> .result scourge
    <+youknow`luNdE-> .replace [-_-]LotuS^ luckygodlike
    <+Citadel-RoJ> .result scourge
    <+ReaLBLaDe> .result outpicked
    <+decoyzz> .RESULT scourge
    <+keqsika> .result scourge
    * @P2-BOT 03Game DPCM186: Result confirmed and submitted; The scourge have won
    <+Citadel-Phanty> .result scourge
    * @P2-BOT 03Experience change: luckygodlike[-29] ReaLBLaDe[-23] Dollyanna[-21] decoyzz[-18] HardOwnage[-22] keqsika[+26] TbilisiFinest[+20] SwDeviL[+27] Phantom[+22] ea-RoJ[+26]
    <+Sw^DeviL> .result scourge
    <+IsidoR> .replace [-_-]LotuS^ luckygodlike
    <+keqsika> .stats
    * @p2-bot3 3 keqsika has 13 wins, 10 losses, 1056 experience [Level:11] Current winning streak: 2
    <+howhighT> .replace [-_-]LotuS^ luckygodlike
    * +keqsika ([email protected]) Quit (Quit)
    <+Sw^DeviL> .rank
    * @p2-bot3 3 SwDeviL is ranked on Dota Pride 2 League 72/237, Rated [Newbie];
    <+Citadel-Phanty> .top
    * @p2-bot3 3Top 10: 1. IcHiGo_[1221], 2. ea-RoJ[1217], 3. 5yue8h[1202], 4. luckygodlike[1190], 5. Phantom[1187], 6. LuckyYou[1185], 7. TbilisiFinest[1178], 8. CsoKiHerCeG[1173], 9. Hossi[1147], 10. pngpongxongwong[1118]
    <+youknow`Manny> .replace [-_-]LotuS^ luckygodlike
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> .adminreplace [-_-]LotuS^ luckygodlike
    * @P2-BOT 03User has [4/6] replace votes;Need +2;
    * @P2-BOT 03Player [-_-]LotuS^ Successfully replaced to luckygodlike in DPCM187 by Administrator Nirvana|ZexTar.
    <+howhighT> lubo join Manny
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> vatre sam
    <+ART|BOSS> cl
    <+ART|BOSS> any1
    <+ART|BOSS> ?
    * Chile|SebiQQ is now known as JB|SebiQQ
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> i want but no cap.
    <+Dollyanna> cl with me
    <+ReaLBLaDe> .rank
    * @p2-bot3 3 ReaLBLaDe is ranked on Dota Pride 2 League 26/237, Rated [Fair];
    * Griva ([email protected]) has joined #dota.pride.2
    <+ART|BOSS> .cl Dollyanna
    * P2-BOT sets mode: +v Griva
    * @P2-BOT 03Dota.Pride.2 challenge starts in 450 seconds. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.Type:[4Challenge3] Mode is CM, <4TbilisiFinest 3challenged4 Dollyanna3>.First To Pick:4TbilisiFinest
    * P2-BOT changes topic to '4,1/08,04!04,1\0,1 12Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - 4,1/08,04!04,1\ Sign-up for chall is opened atm, mode is CM, TbilisiFinest and Dollyanna are the captains. Commands are disabled now!'
    <+Griva> a
    <+Sw^DeviL> .stats
    <+ART|BOSS> .stats
    <+Citadel-Phanty> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03Phantom[Trustable] signed in; 3 players have already signed in.
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> .sign
    * Griva is now known as Dashaaa
    * @P2-BOT 03[-_-]LotuS^[Fair] signed in; 4 players have already signed in.
    <+Tundi> zextar it was a bad game why bann me?-.-
    <+High|Vlade> .stats
    <+Citadel-RoJ> 1 mogeba minda pirvelze gadaval da davisveneb
    <+Citadel-RoJ> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03ea-RoJ[Reliable] signed in; 5 players have already signed in.
    <+Sw^DeviL> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03SwDeviL[Newbie] signed in; 6 players have already signed in.
    * +tiMOS ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
    <+High|Vlade> .stats
    <+High|Vlade> .teams
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Sentinel: High|Vlade, Junevi, [4xF]Djokica-, Wisin, 328Q
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Scourge: Nirvana|ZexTar, The_Lig, ART|Flow4v, DonkeyJay, Pacifier
    * +Djokica ([email protected]) has left #dota.pride.2
    <+Dashaaa> .listplayers
    * @P2-BOT 03TbilisiFinest[Trustable], Dollyanna[Newbie], Phantom[Trustable], [-_-]LotuS^[Fair], ea-RoJ[Reliable], SwDeviL[Newbie] (6 players)
    3have already signed in.
    <+ROCKnROLL> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03Methodrlz[Burden] signed in; 7 players have already signed in.
    <+Dashaaa> .room
    <+High|Vlade> .capstats
    * @p2-bot3 4Garena Room 7Europe 13-> 7Dota Pride Tournament Room 4Recommended Server:3
    * +lajm ([email protected]) Quit (Quit)
    * +Paczek ([email protected]) Quit (Signed off)
    <+Dashaaa> .stats jullyardy
    <+Hossi> .teams
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Sentinel: a1a|Nagato, Razer|Howa, IsidoR, IGG-HariboH, Hossi
    * @p2-bot3 3Team Scourge: luNdeeen-_-, ManOfTheMatch, Tundi, [howhigh], luckygodlike
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> .whois dollyanna
    * @p2-bot3 3 Dollyanna[Captain]: Vouched by PeLaTi(13:17:53 24/05/10), Promoted by PeLaTis; Rated Newbie(97/237); Last game: DPCM186;
    <+Sw^DeviL> .stats ea-roj
    * @P2-BOT 03Top 5: 1. FFF]Linky[1481], 2. henrik-[1476], 3. Ryze[1464], 4. CricketfanPER[1
    03463], 5. a100kpm[1418] will be invited to dota-pride!Soon some changes will be announced!If u have dota ninja skills make your vouch request on forum! - - If u didnt got voice (+v) pls rejoin the channel!4English/No Caps/No TextFlood in channel or else there will be a punishment.Use DotA Pride Vt [more...]
    * @P2-BOT 03At!
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> .whois decoyzz
    * @p2-bot3 3 decoyzz[Captain]: Vouched by Storm(09:22:46 09/02/10), Promoted by ext3; Rated Beginner(192/237); Last game: DPCM186;
    <+Citadel-RoJ> .stats
    <+Dollyanna> .reject
    * @P2-BOT 03Game aborted!
    * P2-BOT changes topic to '4,1/08,04!04,1\0,1 12Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - 4,1/08,04!04,1\'
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> .report 187 scourge
    * @P2-BOT 03Game DPCM187: Result confirmed and submitted; The scourge have won
    * @P2-BOT 03Experience change: a1a|Nagato[-20] Razer|Howa[-21] IsidoR[-26] IGG-HariboH[-21] Hossi[-29] luNdeeen-_-[+26] ManOfTheMatch[+31] Tundi[+21] [howhigh][+22] luckygodlike[+17]
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> ?
    <+Sw^DeviL> .top
    * @p2-bot3 3Top 10: 1. IcHiGo_[1221], 2. ea-RoJ[1217], 3. luckygodlike[1207], 4. 5yue8h[1202], 5. Phantom[1187], 6. LuckyYou[1185], 7. TbilisiFinest[1178], 8. CsoKiHerCeG[1173], 9. pngpongxongwong[1118], 10. Hossi[1118]
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> .games
    * @P2-BOT 03Games currently in progress: DPCM184[99]
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> .info 184
    * @p2-bot3 3Game DPCM184: Team Sentinel: <High|Vlade, Junevi, [4xF]Djokica-, Wisin, 328Q> Team Scourge: <Nirvana|ZexTar, The_Lig, ART|Flow4v, DonkeyJay, Pacifier> Still in progress: 100 minutes
    <+Citadel-RoJ> lucky gratz
    <+decoyzz> .cl LuCkYGoDLiKe
    * @P2-BOT 03Dota.Pride.2 challenge starts in 450 seconds. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.Type:[4Challenge3] Mode is CM, <4decoyzz 3challenged4 luckygodlike3>.First To Pick:4decoyzz
    * P2-BOT changes topic to '4,1/08,04!04,1\0,1 12Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - 4,1/08,04!04,1\ Sign-up for chall is opened atm, mode is CM, decoyzz and luckygodlike are the captains. Commands are disabled now!'
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> oooooooops
    * +Creatus ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> x
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> D
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> we start
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> .sign
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> now
    * @P2-BOT 03[-_-]LotuS^[Fair] signed in; 3 players have already signed in.
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> .
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> .report 184 scourge
    * @P2-BOT 03Game DPCM184: Result confirmed and submitted; The scourge have won
    * @P2-BOT 03Experience change: High|Vlade[-21] Junevi[-29] [4xF]Djokica-[-26] Wisin[-25] 328Q[-27] Nirvana|ZexTar[+28] The_Lig[+23] ART|Flow4v[+26] DonkeyJay[+27] Pacifier[+24]
    * P2-BOT changes topic to '4,1/08,04!04,1\0,1 12Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - 4,1/08,04!04,1\ Sign-up for chall is opened atm, mode is CM, decoyzz and luckygodlike are the captains.'
    * +mastery- ([email protected]) Quit (Quit)
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> .voidgame 187
    * @P2-BOT 03Game DPCM187 voided! Experience changes: luNdeeen-_-[-26] ManOfTheMatch[-31] Tundi[-21] [howhigh][-22] luckygodlike[-17] a1a|Nagato[+20] Razer|Howa[+21] IsidoR[+26] IGG-HariboH[+21]
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> omng
    <+Tundi> pls
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> i failed
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> .games
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> result
    <+Tundi> dont ban
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> let me know
    <+Tundi> me zextar
    * +dLxYaN ([email protected]) Quit (Signed off)
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> the result
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> .lastgame luckygodlike
    * @p2-bot3 3Game DPCM187(18:22:43 21/06/10): Team Sentinel: <a1a|Nagato Razer|Howa IsidoR IGG-HariboH Hossi> Team Scourge: <luNdeeen-_- ManOfTheMatch Tundi [howhigh] luckygodlike> Result: draw
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> of the game
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> when its done
    * +|BaDi| ([email protected]) Quit (Signed off)
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> ok
    <+Dashaaa> .stast
    <+Dashaaa> .stats
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> i will pm to u
    <+^RyA^SataN> .aign
    <+Dashaaa> .stats ilovedashaaa
    <+^RyA^SataN> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03^RyA^SataN[Lousy] signed in; 4 players have already signed in.
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> @@@@@the game is voided and just let me know result & i will fix later
    <+Tundi> i apologized what im don
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> .reject
    * @P2-BOT 03Game aborted!
    <+Citadel-Phanty> .teams
    * P2-BOT changes topic to '4,1/08,04!04,1\0,1 12Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - 4,1/08,04!04,1\'
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> ye
    <@Nirvana|ZexTar> its ok
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> im ingame
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> later
    * plzDontFucKMe ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    * @P2-BOT 03Top 5: 1. FFF]Linky[1481], 2. henrik-[1476], 3. Ryze[1464], 4. CricketfanPER[1463], 5. a100kpm[1418] will be invited to dota-pride!Soon some changes will be announced!If u have dota ninja skills make your vouch request on forum! - - If u didnt got voice (+v) pls rejoin the channel!4English/No Caps/No TextFlood in channel or else there will be a punishment.Use DotA Pride Vt [more...]
    * @P2-BOT 03At!
    <+Citadel-RoJ> .stats
    * @p2-bot3 3 ea-RoJ has 24 wins, 12 losses, 1217 experience [Level:14] Current winning streak: 8 [Redeeming]
    * iWin4MyGrandMa ([email protected]) Quit (Signed off)
    <+________328Q`x3> 2@Nirvana|ZexTar02) .report 184 scourge
    <+________328Q`x3> are u joking?
    <+Citadel-RoJ> he wrong result
    <+Citadel-RoJ> he will fix
    <+Citadel-RoJ> after game let him know result
    <+________328Q`x3> it isnt ur game
    * +________328Q`x3 slaps Nirvana|ZexTar around a bit with a large trout
    <+Citadel-RoJ> y but he wrote here
    <+Citadel-RoJ> ...
    <+High|Vlade> .stast
    <+High|Vlade> .stats
    * @p2-bot3 3 High|Vlade has 8 wins, 15 losses, 872 experience [Level:7] Current losing streak: -4 [Feeding Spree]
    <+High|Vlade> XD
    <+________328Q`x3> i m talking about my game
    * war|lord| is now known as wAr|LoRD|
    <+ART|BOSS> .listplayers
    <+________328Q`x3> nice abuse zextar
    <+________328Q`x3> gj
    <+LuCkYGoDLiKe> this vlade is pathetic
    <+Citadel-RoJ> <@Nirvana|ZexTar> @@@@@the game is voided and just let me know result & i will fix later
    <+________328Q`x3> roj shut up it sint about this game
    <+Wisin> .teams
    <+Wisin> .lastgame
    * @p2-bot3 3Game DPCM187(18:22:43 21/06/10): Team Sentinel: <a1a|Nagato Razer|Howa IsidoR IGG-HariboH Hossi> Team Scourge: <luNdeeen-_- ManOfTheMatch Tundi [howhigh] luckygodlike> Result: draw
    <+Citadel-RoJ> ok but MORE POLITE PLZ
    <+Wisin> .lastgame wisin
    * @p2-bot3 3Game DPCM184(18:23:18 21/06/10): Team Sentinel: <High|Vlade[-21] Junevi[-29] [4xF]Djokica-[-26] Wisin[-25] 328Q[-27]> Team Scourge: <Nirvana|ZexTar[+28] The_Lig[+23] ART|Flow4v[+26] DonkeyJay[+27] Pacifier[+24]> Result: scourge
    <+Wisin> OMG
    <+Wisin> why scourge?
    <+________328Q`x3> Nirvana|ZexTar NICE ABUSE
    <+________328Q`x3> GJ ADMIN
    <+Wisin> omg
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> .out
    <+Wisin> report
    <@wAr|LoRD|> whats up?
    <+ART|BOSS> .info 187
    * @p2-bot3 3Game DPCM187(18:22:43 21/06/10): Team Sentinel: <a1a|Nagato Razer|Howa IsidoR IGG-HariboH Hossi> Team Scourge: <luNdeeen-_- ManOfTheMatch Tundi [howhigh] luckygodlike> Result: draw
    <+________328Q`x3> abuse
    <+ART|BOSS> .info 184
    * @p2-bot3 3Game DPCM184(18:23:18 21/06/10): Team Sentinel: <High|Vlade[-21] Junevi[-29] [4xF]Djokica-[-26] Wisin[-25] 328Q[-27]> Team Scourge: <Nirvana|ZexTar[+28] The_Lig[+23] ART|Flow4v[+26] DonkeyJay[+27] Pacifier[+24]> Result: scourge
    <+________328Q`x3> of result
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> wAr|LoRD| promote me
    <+ART|BOSS> cl
    <+ART|BOSS> any1
    <@wAr|LoRD|> .games
    * @P2-BOT 03Games currently in progress: none
    * @wAr|LoRD| ([email protected])
    has left #dota.pride.2
    * wAr|LoRD| ([email protected]) has joined #dota.pride.2
    * Q sets mode: +o wAr|LoRD|
    * P2-BOT sets mode: +v wAr|LoRD|
    * +Sw^DeviL ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> .
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> .
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> .
    * +JB|SebiQQ ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
    <+Wisin> 328
    <+Wisin> man
    <+Wisin> go report
    <+________328Q`x3> ?
    <+decoyzz> .cl ART|BOSS
    * @P2-BOT 03Dota.Pride.2 challenge starts in 450 seconds. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.Type:[4Challenge3] Mode is CM, <4decoyzz 3challenged4 TbilisiFinest3>.First To Pick:4decoyzz
    * P2-BOT changes topic to '4,1/08,04!04,1\0,1 12Welcome to #dota.pride.2 - 4,1/08,04!04,1\ Sign-up for chall is opened atm, mode is CM, decoyzz and TbilisiFinest are the captains. Commands are disabled now!'
    <+[-_-]LotuS^> .sign
    <+Citadel-Phanty> .sign
    * @P2-BOT 03Phantom[Trustable] signed in; 3 players have already signed in.
    <+Wisin> abuse of admin

    totally agrre with xind3x
    abuse of administrator Nv.Zextar

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2009
    • Posts: 4


    Hey Kids.

    Maaaaaaaaaybe you should query me and ask _WHY_ i did result it scourge?

    I actully talked to YOUR captain of the game what to do

    [01:19] <Nirvana|ZexTar> I�ll talk with Abby in the morning ok? for now i will result it scourge & maybe it will end up being draw
    [01:19] <Nirvana|ZexTar> fine with you?
    [01:20] <Nirvana|ZexTar> X
    [01:20] <Nirvana|ZexTar> D
    [01:20] <Nirvana|ZexTar> ah cmon
    [01:20] <Nirvana|ZexTar> i carried you twice
    [01:20] <Nirvana|ZexTar> !
    [01:21] <High|Vlade> * p2-bot3 High|Vlade has 8 wins, 14 losses, 893 experience [Level:7] Current losing streak: -3 [Feeding Spree]
    [01:21] <High|Vlade> u did scourge?
    [01:21] <High|Vlade> ff D
    [01:21] <High|Vlade> xD
    [01:21] <High|Vlade> lol u still didnt
    [01:21] <High|Vlade> I'LL HAVE 8-15
    [01:21] <High|Vlade> AND I'LL BE LAST
    [01:21] <High|Vlade> OMFG
    [01:21] <High|Vlade> ;DDD
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> x
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> D
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> u suck
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar>
    [01:22] <High|Vlade> lol
    [01:22] <High|Vlade> LOL
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> anyway
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> i�ll talk with
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> Abby
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> whatever is fair
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> i�ll make that happen
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> even if its
    [01:22] <Nirvana|ZexTar> win for you
    by the way when you�re telling your side of the story you shouldnt lie about details.

    THE ONLY one who was dead from our team was rhasta!

    Necro was pushing top lane to kill the last rax

    remember FIVE raxes where down

    BB & Me was in town waiting for you (you didnt even enter our town)


    I did not ignore it, i tried to talk with you guys about it but it was simply IMPOSSIBLE due to the fact that you all spammed ".result sentinel" without even asking what to do.

    Maybe you should check the replay again.

    Last edited by ZexTar; 22-06-2010 at 11:06 AM.

  4. #4


    huge wall of text, and a huge time whaste to read it all - since half of it has nothing to do with your case.

    anyways , i'll talk to abby myself, and tell him to check it.

    I can't / won't do it, since i was in the game myself.

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