Hey0 Commands
Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewto...f=1012&t=23340

Player Commands

  • /help [Page] - Shows a list of commands. 7 per page.
  • /playerlist - Shows a list of players
  • /kit [Kit] - Gives a kit. To get a list of kits type /kit
  • /home - Teleports you home
  • /sethome - Sets your home
  • /me [Message] - * hey0 says hi!
  • /msg [Player] [Message] - Sends a message to player
  • /spawn - Teleports you to spawn
  • /warp [Warp] - Warps to the specified warp.
  • /getpos - Displays your current position.
  • /compass - Gives you a compass reading.
  • /lighter - Gives you a lighter for lighting furnaces
  • /motd - Displays the MOTD

Admin Commands

  • /reload - Reloads config
  • /modify [player] [key] [value] - Type /modify for more info
  • /whitelist [operation (add or remove)] [player]
  • /reservelist [operation (add or remove)] [player]
  • /time [Time|day|night] - Changes time
  • /setspawn - Sets the spawn point to your position.
  • /item [ID] [Amount] <Player> - Gives items
  • /kick [Player] <Reason> - Kicks player
  • /listbans <IP or bans> - Gives a list of bans
  • /banip [Player] <Reason> - Bans the player's IP
  • /unbanip [IP] - Unbans the IP
  • /ban [Player] <Reason> - Bans the player
  • /unban [Player] - Unbans the player
  • /mute [Player] - Toggles mute on player.
  • /tp [Player] - Teleports to player. Credits to Zet from SA
  • /tphere [Player] - Teleports the player to you
  • /setwarp [Warp] - Sets the warp to your current position.
  • /listwarps - Gives a list of available warps
  • /removewarp [Warp] - Removes the specified warp.


Plugin: iConomy v.0.8.6
Dependency: Heyo 115+
Link: http://forum.hey0.net/viewtopic.php?id=357

Plugin: Vault Warp System 1.0
Dependency: Heyo 117+
Link: http://forum.hey0.net/viewtopic.php?id=293

Plugin: ChestProtect 1.3
Dependency: Heyo 116+
Link: http://forum.hey0.net/viewtopic.php?id=253

Player Commands

  • /money - Shows your balance
  • /money <p> - Shows player balance
  • /money -p|pay <p> <a> - Pay a player money
  • /money -r|rank <p> - Show your rank or another players
  • /money -t|top - Shows top 5
  • /money -t|top <a> - Shows top amount given
  • /money help|? - Displays the help documentation

  • /vaultwarp [vaultName] - Warps you to your vault named vaultName. If the vaultName parameter is excluded, you are warped to your default vault
  • /listvaults - Lists all vaults that you own
  • /setvaultname oldName newName - Changes the name of your vault named oldName to newName
  • /setdefaultvault vaultName - Sets your vault named vaultName as your default vault (you can warp to it just by typing /vaultwarp)

  • /shop - Shows condensed help
  • /shop <i> - Shows amount per item/bundle for selling/buying
  • /shop <i> <a> - Shows amount per <a> for selling/buying
  • /shop -b|buy <i> - Purchase a single <i>
  • /shop -b|buy <i> <a> - Purchase <a> of <i>
  • /shop -s|sell <i> - Sell a single <i>
  • /shop -s|sell <i> <a> - Sell <a> of <i>
  • /shop help|? - Displays this information

  • /chestprotect 1 - Your chests will be public, anyone can open them
  • /chestprotect 2 - Your chests will be private, only you can open them
  • /chestprotect 3 admins;ops - Your chests will belong to the groups admins and ops, you and anyone from these groups can open them.
  • /chestprotect 4 hey0;wonktnod - Your chests will belong to the players hey0 and Wonktnod, you and these players can open them.

Admin Commands

  • /money -c|credit - Give a player money
  • /money -d|debit - Take a players money
  • /money -x|reset <p> [notify(y|n)] - Resets a players balance, Do not include the word notify in the command!

  • /addvault owner vaultName - Adds a new vault warp named vaultName for player owner at your current location
  • /removevault owner vaultName - Removes a new vault warp named vaultName for player owner
  • /vaultwarp owner vaultName - Warps to vault vaultName owned by player owner
  • /listvaults owner - Lists all vaults owned by player owner
  • /setvaultname owner oldName newName - Changes the name of vault oldName owned by player owner to newName
  • /setdefaultvault owner vaultName - Sets vault vaultName owned by player owner to their default


  • <p> = player, <a> = amount, | = or
  • <i> = item, <a> = amount, | = or

Player/Admin Transportation

Plugin: MagicCarpet 1.1.0
Dependency: Heyo 121
Link: http://forum.hey0.net/viewtopic.php?id=153

Plugin: tpToggle 1.02
Dependency: Heyo 113+
Link: http://forum.hey0.net/viewtopic.php?id=165


  • /magiccarpet - creates a magic carpet which allows you to move in the air

  • /tptoggle - toggles your /tp blocking on and off
  • /tpoverride - just like /tp, but will override blocking. Give this to admins, if anyone, since it undermines the plugin's purpose.
  • /tpheretoggle or /stoggle - toggles your /tphere blocking on and off
  • /tphereoverride or /soverride - just like /tphere, but will override blocking.

  • /wp [name] - Teleport to name waypoint.
  • /wp [player] [name] - Teleport to player's name waypoint. (requires /wpother access)
  • /setwp [name] - Create a waypoint called name.
  • /listwp - List your waypoints (requires /wp access)
  • /listwp [player] - List another player's waypoints. (requires /listwpother access)
  • /rmwp [name] - Removed named waypoint (requires /wp access)

Functionality/Item Creation

Plugin: CraftBook X.X
Dependency: XXX
Link: http://forum.hey0.net/viewtopic.php?id=399

Book Reading

  • Right click any book shelve and you will read a book.

Gate Toggle

  • Make a wall sign near a fence gate with the second line as [Gate]. To toggle the gate, just right click the sign.


  • Make it easy to go from level to level with this nifty elevator. Just make a sign with the second line as [Lift Up] or [Lift Down] and right click it to move between levels. Note that there must be a sign directly above or below the sign you right click on (depending on which way you want to go) in order for the elevator to work. Use [Lift] on the second line of a sign if you just need a placeholder for that purpose. The first line of the sign can be used to say the floor name (it will be printed to chat).


  • This will toggle on the lights in the area on/off (about 10 units away, 5 units up/down). Just make a wall sign with the second line as [|] and have a torch above the sign.


  • Make a cauldron and then do some recipes! Best of all you can easily define recipes yourself: you just need to choose the required 'ingredients' (up to 8) and provide a list of items or blocks to give the player! Edit the cauldron-recipes.txt file to add your own recipes. By default there is one recipe to make grass from three dirt blocks and two saplings. The cauldron must be 2x2 in size with 4 blocks of stationary lava underneath and smooth stone blocks around the cauldron. Right click any block inside the cauldron to make a recipe.

Player Management/Moderation
(Admin/Staff Only)
Plugin: DalaRank 0.95A/DalaSetGroup 0.1A/DalaJail 0.31A
Dependency: XXX
Link: http://forum.hey0.net/viewtopic.php?id=95


  • /promote [user|group|unranked] - Promotes user (or all users in group) one rank. Unranked is to promote every user that doesn't already have an official rank.
  • /demote [user|group|me] - Demotes user (or all users in group) one rank.
  • /sethighestrank [group] - Sets the highest rank (Group) and adds the Inherited groups to a rank-list for fast promotion/demotion.
  • /gethighestrank - Shows the highest rank (Group).
  • /getrank [user] - Shows the users rank, leave user empty do get your own rank.
  • /getranklist - Shows the current ranklist.
  • /setrank [user] [group] - Sets users rank to given group.


  • /setgroup [user] [group] - Sets users groups to given group.


  • /jail create|-c - Sets your current location to the location of the jail.
  • /jail delete|-d - Removes the jail and sets all prisoners free.
  • /jail release|-r [user] - Releases the user from jail.
  • /jail list|-l - List of all players in jail.
  • /jail setrestrictions|-sr [true|false] - If true, players will be restricted to an 20 x 20 invisible box.
  • /jail jailbreak|-jb [true|false] - if true, the players will be able to esacpe, but only if setrestrictions=false. [v.0.3>]
  • /jail cleaninv|-ci [true|false] - If true, players inventory will be wiped when sent to jail. [v.0.31]
  • /jail [user] <minutes> - Sends the user to jail for given number of minutes. If minutes is left blank the user is jailed until manual release.