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  1. #1
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Riki's best build

    As we all know. riki is 1 of the most annoying heros to fight against.. but what is the perfect build? post ur build and share with us why you think this is the ultimate build

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Riki's best build

    You start out with 2 circlets, 2 set of tangoes and 1 clarity potion. The circlets are for the stats, which help surviving, final hit and cast Smoke Screen.

    However, if nobody on your team gets a courier or wants to share it, take a courier, 1 circlet, 1 tango and 2 clarity potion(optional this magic stick - delivering u with mana and life). You absolutly need that courier. It's excellent for a blink strike target. Morph him into a flying courier later on. It can help you to blink strike over cliffs, and you are safe.

    All SA needs is Treads, Wraiths, Diffusal and he becomes an infernal rapemachine.
    ->Cloud is one of the best skills in the game. Very nice AOE with SILENCE, EVASION and BLIND properties all at once!!! If you purge someone while they're under it, they're dead before they know what happened.

    After Diffusal get a gem, cauz at this point of the game, number of wards will increase.

    After you used all of ur charges from diffusal you can optionally go for a basher, to replace ur missing slow, even its not that imba, or go for another diffusal (+20 agility are still nice). When u came through the game till then, without dying that much and hopefully pwned some guys u finish manta on one diffusal and get a butterfly afterwards -> boosting ur agility, means boosting ur backstab.

    If you finished ur second diffusal (or basher), ur manta, and a butter, u can drop ur gem, as u shouldnt be afraid of anyone at this point anymore.
    Get more agility through sange or get a black king bar, depending on enemy heros and items.

    This dont have to be the best build for rikki, but seems to be a solid build in my eyes.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Riki's best build

    [list]Your build is quiet good but it depends on heros in front of you.

    Usually you just taking yasha is a good thing after diffusal (add damages, and move speed and really easy item to farm). If you are front of lot of aoe's hero just go heart of tarask before doing butterfly or manta.

    About skill build i'll give you how mouz l'event play it.

    Skill build:
    1. Blink Strike
    2. Backstab
    3. Backstab
    4. Smoke Screen
    5. Backstab
    6. Permanent Invisibility
    7. Backstab
    8. Blink Strike
    9. Blink Strike
    10. Blink Strike
    11. Permanent Invisibility
    12. Smoke Screen
    13. Smoke Screen
    14. Smoke Screen

    One level in blink for escape, Backstab because it's you main way to damage and smoke screen for slow / silence

  4. #4
    Rank: Squire
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    Default Re: Riki's best build

    Hm, Basher, second Diffusal? Get a Butterfly. Or two.

    I was someday raped terribly by a riki from another lane who somehow managed to get Skadi in around 30 minutes. Couldn't even leave the cloud half. But well, no one needs hints for games like these.

    2 Wraiths, Treads, Diffusal, Buttefly would be my advice.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Riki's best build

    imo: 2 wraiths, treads (str until u got lvl 4 smoke), maelstrom, butter
    if u lane with a slower/nuker just play this offensive build and rape all midgame.
    max blink/smoke first ofc as u dont have the agi or as for backstab to deal much dmg (if u finish mael on time take 1 lvl of backstab early).

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Riki's best build

    I would still recommend max out blink first then put smoke in about level 7 and then put backstab after putting 1 smoke screen. You don't need backstab in the early game cause your agi is still low. Then stats until about level 15. Then max out smoke. My Item build would be: 1st threads, Then vlads, then diffusal, then complete your butterfly, then complete your manta, then butterfly again, and finally MKB.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Riki's best build

    Make a bkb instead of that mkb and you are pretty good to go.
    Also imo, take blink as 1 skill. smoke screen as 2 skill, then max out blink while putting in the ulti and backstab asap. Though if you need the added hp from adding stat bonuses to stay alive that's fine as well.

    There is no ultimate build for riki though. As it's highly circumstantial.

    The best build for him ( and a lot of other heroes) would prob be 3 divines, butterfly, satanic and treads. But this is a rather costly build in comparison to some of the abovementioned.

  8. #8
    Rank: Squire
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    Default Re: Riki's best build

    there is no ultimate riki build, mostly its just what you prefer as a player. most games for me its all about what heros i am facing. if the other team got a warlock or omniknight diff is the best but if you go for a carry rush mjollnir and then a butterfly. the new mantastyle is allso a pretty nice item with that build.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Riki's best build

    power treads , madness butterfly mkb 2 wraiths

  10. #10
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Default Re: Riki's best build

    pt difusal manta bfly buriza heart
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  11. #11

    Default Re: Riki's best build

    However, if nobody on your team gets a courier or wants to share it, take a courier, 1 circlet, 1 tango and 2 clarity potion(optional this magic stick - delivering u with mana and life). You absolutly need that courier. It's excellent for a blink strike target. Morph him into a flying courier later on. It can help you to blink strike over cliffs, and you are safe.

  12. #12
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: Riki's best build

    Try to get three wraiths and power tread......after that take diffusial (purge ur enemy and smoke , he will die in three seconds) make manta theb butter , if enemy's heroes have good items then make hearth and divine ripper if u are to strenght...
    Item build said u man in 2nd post....
    [b][size=7][color=red]Repub[color=blue]lika S[color=white]rpska

  13. #13
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    first of all riki is a good char unless opponent is sladar either gondarthen i think ofc lifesteal(vladimirs)maybe a deso or mjolnir...if u have opponent int perfect is malevolence..the rest i leave t u
    DemOn AgaInsT DaRkneSs

  14. #14
    Rank: Nordic Troll
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    I find mass agi - wraiths-treads(str)-diffu-manta-butter the most efective... And no need for lifestel imo.

  15. #15
    Rank: Head Peon
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    I agree with chuckNmegakill as a standard build. I'm only proposing variations here:

    Both item and skill builds are a bit situational and also depend on your personal playing style. Personally once I hit level 6 I go roaming and pretty much stop farming. (Again that changes if I'm the only dps in the team.)

    I'm still investigating if s&y may be a good alternative to diffusal in some situations because of the str/hp and ms boost. I think it is only in situations where you're having a hard time surviving.

    In an attempt to have a more constant regen for hp/mana than the courier can offer, sometimes I go for stick or bottle (if no better bottle/rune hero is in my team) or even vladimir's!!

    Before you start bashing:
    Its ingredients (RoR and Sobi or Basilius) help early levels regen (less use of the courier - less money on consumables) and then if I get enough gold later I upgrade to vladimir's since lifesteal is always good late game. Again if there are enough melee allies and there must be a team vladimir's then I won't go for it.

    My usual (roaming) skill build:
    Smoke screen (this early it helps avoid early suprise fb's, triple lanes etc)
    Blink strike
    Blink strike
    Blink strike
    Permanent Invis
    Blink strike

    Then it depends on how the game has developed so far but usually I get at least one more level of smoke screen before max backstab.
    I disagree with a build based on smoke screen as you don't have that much mana to use it all the time with blink strike.

    In my alternative farming build I aim for max backstab first, the purpose being to get maximum damage for easier/certain last hits.

  16. #16
    Rank: Councilor
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    "I disagree with a build based on smoke screen as you don't have that much mana to use it all the time with blink strike."

    Agree on that

    Thx for sharing your ideas :-)

  17. #17


    I max blink 1lvl smoke 1lvlbackstab and ulti ofc, then max backstab cuz by that time ill have some agility and backstab is perfect for farming/lasthiting
    items pt dif manta buter buriza, vlads or hot.
    dont underestimate backstab early game (it deals pure dmg I think )

  18. #18
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Tread agi

    Diffusial blade ( It gives u agility + drain mana and u can slow ur ennemies )
    But Desolator is not bad too, if there a lot intel or heroes with low armor make this item

    Manta style, is really one of the best item for heroes agility, it give u movespeed, attack speed and u got 3 illusion + 10 str, agi, intel ( great item )

    Butterfly, You got evasion + a lot agility and u attackspeed

    Vladmir, You need lifesteal, but if someone else got a vladmir so get HoT ( for tank )

    Buriza For critik
    or Mkb ( Mkb is for they there a PA or heeroes with butterfly or evasion )
    But buriza is better

    Skill :

    1. Blink Strike
    2. Smokescreen
    3. Blink Strike
    4. Backstab
    5. Blink Strike
    6. Permanent Invisibility
    7. Blink Strike
    8 � 10. Backstab
    11. Permanent Invisibility
    12-14. Smokescreen
    15. Attribute Bonus
    16. Permanent Invisibility
    17 - 25. Attribute Bonus

    soo, the build
    1 : Travel ( Travel is better) / Tread agi ( Phase boot = useless on riki )
    2 : Diffusial blade
    3 : Manta style
    4 : Butterfly
    5 : Vladmir
    6 : Buriza
    Last edited by Julia; 23-11-2009 at 10:07 PM.
    The Best Counter Strike's Video :
    " Fuck this im just gonna go creep in wood... Aah, peaceful creeping, I can just taste the serenity not a techies in sight " xD

  19. #19


    I think the best items for rikimaru are

    Power Treads
    Vladimirs(in late game you can turn it into satanic)
    Skadi(don't worry the orb lifesteal works with skadi and you don't need maim because you always have slow)
    Monkey Kings Bar

    For the skill...i think you should do this like that

    1)Blink strike
    3)Blink strike
    4)Blink strike
    7)Blink strike

    I hope i helped you
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  20. #20
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    two times level 3?
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