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  1. #1
    Rank: PQG Staff
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    Default Can't Join Games? Read this!

    Welcome to RGC =)

    I wrote this guide mainly for the Support Channel on RGC (/j Support) since there are frequently Users who cannot join a hosted game. This should be a collection of all possible measures to ensure that everyone is able to join hosted games. Additionally I addressed some general problems which can occur in the progress of using Warcraft III.

    Table of Content
    1. DotA Map and Folder
    2. RGC-Bug
    3. Antiviruses and Firewalls
    4. Warcraft III Patch + RGC Version
    5. Your Name-Characters
    6. Malware
    7. Slot Reservation
    8. Internet Connection
    9. Other Clients
    10. Reinstalling your Environment
    11. Conclusion

    Main Part

    1) DotA Map and Folder

    One of the most frequently made omissions is to download the latest official DotA Map and put it in the correct folder.

    Official DotA Map Download:

    Correct Map Path: YourWc3Folder>Maps>Download

    Currently Used Map Version: DotA 6.74c
    Added a Screenshot for the Correct Path:

    2) RGC Bug
    Recently, there is a usually very rare bug appearing more often, prohibiting you to join any game. If you have bad luck and you are the victim of this dreadful bug, you most likely have to redownload RGC. (In some rare cases just restarting RGC solves the problem aswell)
    The problem is, that you cannot detect this bug on your own. You just join the game and get kicked in an instant again, so fast, that you wont notice it. But for the players already in the game, a message will appear, similar to this: "The player "xxxx" could not join the game, please tell him to redownload RGC." As you see, if there aren't nice members in the game notifying you about the message, you have no chance of knowing what's wrong. (This should be an appeal to all members: Please immediately act accordingly when you notice such situations!)

    Generally i would advice you to just redownload RGC from here:

    3) Antivirus and Firewall
    Many Antiviruses and Firewalls, including the Windows Firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials (Microsoft�s Antivirus) are able to block your Warcraft III without you noticing it, or without you explicitly setting it up.

    If you have Problems joining a hosted game, disable BOTH your Antiviurs and Firewall (including the Windows Firewall, if turned on!) COMPLETELY!

    If you are able to join a hosted game after you have disabled all of your Firewalls and Antiviruses you should take some time to configure them properly. I do not recommend anyone to be connected to the internet without an Antivirus and a Firewall. If you cannot configure them on your own, just join the Support Channel on RGC (/j Support) and I�m sure someone (including me!) will offer you his help.

    Furthermore, it is possible that there are still some left-over files from previous Antiviruses/Firewalls blocking your Warcraft III. To delete them you have to find out which types of Antiviruses/Firewalls you had installed in the past and find removal tools for the respective protection programs.

    Below is a collection of removal Tools for the most common Security Programs:


    4) Warcraft III Patch + RGC Version
    Since many people have illegal copies of Warcraft III (�) they miss crucial Warcraft III Updates because they are not used to connect to the Battle.Net. The problem is that in order to join hosted games you need to have the latest Warcraft III Patch installed.

    I will try to keep this Guide updated so you can check which Warcraft III Version you need to have to play on RGC:

    Version: (v 1.26a)
    Download Link:

    Below i added a Screenshot showing where you can check your Warcraft III Version (Warcraft III Start Interface):

    Additionally some people may have problems installing Warcraft III patches. They get an error that the Warcraft III Patcher cannot find the correct path.
    This happens when you never INSTALL Warcraft III and just copy it onto your HDD. Following this pattern there is no Registry entry made showing the Patcher the correct path of your Warcraft III.

    To fix this, look at these links:

    Lastly, I will add the latest link to the latest RGC Version aswell. If you can't join games, you should download a new Version of RGC aswell:

    5) Your Name-Characters
    Another very common reason why people cannot join games are VERY extraordinary Characters in their name (eg.: ೋ, ೠ). Make sure to avoid such Characters.
    If you were able to join games without any problems and after a Namechange/Using Another Account you suddenly cannot join games anymore, prohibited characters are most likely the reason.

    If you are not sure if your used characters are the cause of the problem, just make another Account with "normal" characters and try to join a game. if it works, the characters of your other account are 99% the reason why you cannot join a game with the respective account.

    6) Malware

    Basically Malware is used to �destroy� your Computer or at least disable vital functions. When your Computer is infected with Malware it is possible that you cannot join hosted games.

    To get rid of this Malware you have to run Anti-Malware Tools. In order to do so, take a look at BitchGotRaped�s post:

    If you are somehow not able to follow the steps in his Guide, or the Malware is not getting removed, report back on the Support Forums or the RGC Support Channel.

    7) Slot Reservations
    First read this:

    When 10 people sign for a game, the slots in this very game are reserved for 1 minute.
    When you do not sign for a game it is possible you cannot join any game because 1 minute is not over yet and these Slot Reservations have not been removed yet.

    Solution: Make sure to sign for a game if you want to join one.

    8) Internet Connection
    It is possible that there are some flaws regarding your Internet connection.

    When you cannot join a game and all the other Steps I have mentioned did not help you at all, make sure to check your Internet Connection.
    In order to do so you can execute Speed and Ping Tests and see if the results match your regular Internet Connection Bandwidth and Ping Quality.


    9) Other Clients
    If you are using many Gaming Clients (especially DotA Clients) at the same time it is possible that there are internal IP and Port Conflicts restraining you from joining hosted games.

    Solution: Disable all Clients but RGC.

    10) Reinstalling your Environment
    If all the other steps did not help you, there is only one left. You have to reinstall Warcraft III (For Example it could be damaged due to the use of 3rd party prorgamms like Warcraft III Version Switchers) and you have to redownload RGC again to make sure you have a working Version.

    RGC Download Link: For an updated link look at Point 3) Warcraft III Patch + RGC Version

    11) Conclusion
    At the moment I cannot think of any other measures. If you still are not able to join hosted games just type /j Support to join the Support Channel to get further and more specific help.

    If these Steps helped you to join games: Welcome to RGC and happy Gaming

    PS: Future Solutions regarding Problems arising with new RGC Patches will be added continuously

    #1 Update, added RGC Download link
    #2 Update, added RGC Mediafire Download Link
    #3 Update, added some lines + lil clean-up
    #4 Update, added updated RGC rev9 Link
    #5 Update, added a new point, 4) Your Name-Characters
    #6 Update, added a new point, 2) RGC-Bug
    Last edited by SkyF!r3; 28-04-2012 at 08:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Rank: Forum Emperor
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    Added to stickies.
    Good job.

  3. #3
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Nice Work GooD job

  4. #4


    Facing Internet/PC/Warcraft/LAG-Delay Technical Problems Press here > ???
    Extreme Dota Leauge Room

    Conact me on RGC : �BυէChεЯ

  5. #5
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2011
    • Posts: 1

    Unhappy Hi Admin .. with regards to your post.

    why is it that i can join to Asia games but not to Philippine games? ( im from the philippines )

  6. #6
    ( Click to show/hide )
    U MAD BRO?

  7. #7
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Jun 2012
    • Posts: 124


    Old screenshot for map D:

  8. #8


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