View Full Version : Request for Ban

30-10-2011, 03:32 AM
Username : nonono999999, possibly others
Room : EU(Public)
Reason : Map Hacking
Replay/Screenshots : http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/242155

I suspected certain members of the opposing team of using map hacks. I can not give exact time stamps, other then at 28 mins passed check player nonono999999. In general the enemy, (not all of them) always knew our locations and the locations of mines/bombs very accurately. After reviewing the replay few times and realizing that they had no wards or traps at certain points in the game, I suspected them of foul play. Kindly review the game.

Thank you.

30-10-2011, 12:18 PM

12:00 Goes straight to Bat without any vision.
18:00 Pings on the map enemies' location.
25:20 Pings again to show that troll was farming in the woods.
26:20 Uses blade-mail + shield and destroy mines with no vision.
30:35 Destroys mines again.

And so on. He's quite obvious.

nonono999999's computer has been banned by `Pandora.

Reason for ban was: Map Hack, perma ban , appealable in 2 months from now.