View Full Version : Ban Request - Game ruining

31-10-2011, 06:11 PM
Username: kR1pt0n1t3
Room: (EU) Public
Reason: Ruining the game, feeding on purpose
Replay/Screenshots: http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/244260
Additional info: We (Scourge) had a good game early on. As often in pub games, this makes enemies leave. Some players from the Sentinel wanted to remake, but as I considered this a deserved victory and since the opposite team very seldom remakes when players from my team leave, I decided not to votermk.

This caused our Windrunner to start feeding the enemy Anti-Mage in order for them to win 2v5.

[12:04] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): nub huskar
[12:14] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): only nubs dont rmk when there are leavers..
[12:15] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): so pathetic
[12:17] Dex_ter (Allies): NO RMK
[12:23] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): nub huskar go feed more
[12:26] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): ure gonna suck anyway

[12:51] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): who cares
[12:55] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): nub theres no point playing this
[12:59] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): you point nub whore
[13:21] kR1pt0n1t3 (All): they dont want to rmk , ill feed you magina

Eventually we won the game, with WR's score being 1/19/1.

31-10-2011, 06:48 PM
Username: kR1pt0n1t3
Room: (EU) Public
Reason: Ruining the game, feeding on purpose
Replay/Screenshots: http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/244260
Additional info: We (Scourge) had a good game early on. As often in pub games, this makes enemies leave. Some players from the Sentinel wanted to remake, but as I considered this a deserved victory and since the opposite team very seldom remakes when players from my team leave, I decided not to votermk.

This caused our Windrunner to start feeding the enemy Anti-Mage in order for them to win 2v5.

[12:04] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): nub huskar
[12:14] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): only nubs dont rmk when there are leavers..
[12:15] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): so pathetic
[12:17] Dex_ter (Allies): NO RMK
[12:23] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): nub huskar go feed more
[12:26] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): ure gonna suck anyway

[12:51] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): who cares
[12:55] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): nub theres no point playing this
[12:59] kR1pt0n1t3 (Allies): you point nub whore
[13:21] kR1pt0n1t3 (All): they dont want to rmk , ill feed you magina

Eventually we won the game, with WR's score being 1/19/1.

Totaly wrong description of the game.

3 Sentinel left in first 10 minutes of game due to we killing them and coz they werent that good players. Other 2 sentinel made votermk and i also did but my other teammates from scourge including this "pro" reporting me. So to protest to those "point whores" i started dying in hopes they'll lose the game. And him saying " deserved victory " is just pathetic....

And the i didnt ruin the game. Game was ruined by those 3 sentinel that left + my teammates for not votermking since the game was only in 9th minute... They're just another bunch of point whores.

31-10-2011, 06:49 PM

avohaybr is now timebanned from this channel until 17:46 on 05/11/2011

Left the game for no apparent reason.

.termi08^gg is now timebanned from this channel until 17:47 on 30/11/2011 (30 days)

Destroys his own items before leaving the game.

kr1pt0n1t3 is now timebanned from this channel until 17:48 on 15/11/2011 (15 days)

declared he was going to feed at about the 11:30 minute mark. He then did 19 times in a row at about the end of the game.

31-10-2011, 07:07 PM

avohaybr is now timebanned from this channel until 17:46 on 05/11/2011

Left the game for no apparent reason.

.termi08^gg is now timebanned from this channel until 17:47 on 30/11/2011 (30 days)

Destroys his own items before leaving the game.

kr1pt0n1t3 is now timebanned from this channel until 17:48 on 15/11/2011 (15 days)

declared he was going to feed at about the 11:30 minute mark. He then did 19 times in a row at about the end of the game.

And what was i supposed to do when those idi*** didnt want to rmk. Game was just pathetic and the ppl who should get banned are those morons that wont votermk. Well it doesnt matter anyway, was planning on going somewhere else since rgc nowdays is full of points whores and total nubs.

31-10-2011, 07:11 PM
You could've just left the game instead of spoiling it even more. I wouldn't ban you since you had a noble reason.

I'll reduce your ban duration later.
