View Full Version : Unvouch Rev.Memet

15-11-2011, 10:35 PM
[22:32:01] * @MGN-BOTv2 Teams of Game #1664: The winner was: Sentinel - Duration: 53 minutes
[22:32:01] * @MGN-BOTv2 Team Sentinel: nagato(+28), psinakissss(+28), inf4m0us123(+28), unx(+28), Frost-(+28)
[22:32:01] * @MGN-BOTv2 Team Scourge: Saintishka(-28), Loath(-28), exilm(-28), BignumQ(-28), ReV.MemeT(-28)

[22:30:53] * @MGN-BOTv2 Stats for ReV.MemeT (Hosts): This Season: 14 wins, 13 losses and 1048 points. Streak: +1. Ranked: 120/408; Activity: Active, 1.05 games per day, 24 games this week, 34 games this month

Very skillful Krobelus that feed all game spectre. He feed on fb, and then feed every minute on line. Unvouch this unskill!!!AND Dont give hem warn like "last chance"!!!
Replay: http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/264385

15-11-2011, 10:55 PM
krobe against veno es spectre on the bottom lane good captain , asume youre fault .

15-11-2011, 11:21 PM
Ok)))))hes next game
0 9 CM)))))

16-11-2011, 03:35 PM
shit happens

get over it , cya

24-11-2011, 12:17 AM
"In consideration,that he has previous warn for poor playing,Therefore Memet is unvouched."

@MGN-BOTv2 Player neXt.MemetZ0R has 95/100 (Great) reputation and 1 warns: [#446 by Obs, reason: poor-playing, next time is unvouch:http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?107129-Unvouch-Request, -5 rep, -15 exp]
