View Full Version : Demote and unvouch Way2SkiLLdyA

22-11-2011, 09:34 PM
[21:28:08] * @MGN-BOTv1 Teams of Game #1841: The winner was: Sentinel - Duration: 44 minutes
[21:28:08] * @MGN-BOTv1 Team Sentinel (991): AEON.swedic.ru(+29), fletcher312(+29), ChOmY(+29), Awake.failQ(+29), mistQ(+29)
[21:28:10] * @MGN-BOTv1 Team Scourge (1043): Way2SkiLLdyA(-29), exilm(-29), dzd.emma(-29), TheSaint(-29), immunepwnz(-29)

How he get promote to CAPTAIN? Are you kidding???80% of players on league have CAPTAIN. He dont think when picking!!!!He pick Bane elemental and all game staying top and feed!!!And you say, you havent problems? 70% of all league UNSKILLED, but you dont want to understand this!

Watch on CM (dzd.emma) He dont know how to plant wards, and this is a best league at Europe? ok, if you dont have stack on mgn, you cant play, case you play with 3-4 unskilled players, thet got vouch case PMing any admins.


23-11-2011, 10:39 AM
What the heck is this ? 3 guys posting me for what? seroisly friends here told me be4 that if ur new all will post u but didnt imagine that they are that much retarded Saint GET A LIFE u feeded invoker mid 35 min urn treads stfu and shoot yourself invoker gankd me at begin and you say fu retard? nice manners and not saying ss ye and wards were really amazing cant see a shit... w/e ask alot of ppl here how i play i was admin on like 5 leagues i played ldhl sfg ncl all decent leagues and u want to tell me am bad? wow seroisly dude dont talk by the way am Way2SkiLLdyA w/e dude dont care for ur shit opinion..

23-11-2011, 12:35 PM
3 unvouch request on you at last 3 days, ok. You are realy very skilled "ex Admix" ahahaha.

23-11-2011, 01:52 PM
Yes 3 posts 2 friends posted me and u =3 that 2 guys 1 of them rq-ed my game and the second wanted to defend him on the way that he post me and u invoker beated up u so damn hard if i didnt got ganked pudge would suck a **** on my lane but ur fault make me fail :/

23-11-2011, 11:29 PM
ill check it out

26-11-2011, 01:31 AM
Well, If I am to warn someone, I have to warn the whole team because everyone sucked very hard in this game and actually that's what I'm gonna do guys.

As for denistheslayer, he was a really aweful captain and I really doubt how he got promoted, that's why he's already demoted to user. Not only he failed hard in the picking phase part, but after this he didn't lead his team at all, without giving any piece of advice, suggestions or plans. He was only flaming and arguing with his teammates during the whole game.

immunepwnz, objectively was the best of the team, although it's unforgiven mistake to skill spell shield at 10 lvl on :am:, especially against a such offensive line-up with full nukes and spells. Besides that, very bad blink-ins, which had a result multiple deaths and losses of fights.

exilm, was the second best of the team and played generally ok, but he did some crucial mistakes, as preferring to buy boots instead of very needed support items and having but positioning in fights and ganks, which had as a result to get caught and killed even before the fights start.

TheSaint, was really bad too. On the one had, he was soloing against a really taught opponent, :voke:, which means he would lose the lane with :ns:, although he shouldn't lose it that hard. The best and reasonable solution was to gank, although for several reasons he didn't do so.
Besides that, 20/1 creep stats, soloing mid, in 25 minutes of game, are we serious? ;s

DzD.EmMa, was quite bad too I have to admit. He didn't support :am: property, having bad position in lane, giving to enemies the opportunity for free kills and he didn't help the team in crucial times buying wards, smokes, sentries etc.

Besides all mentioned above, I would like to focus on this too:

5:13 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): NO NEED TO DENY IT
5:13 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): OTHERWISE
5:13 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): I LEAVE
5:13 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): OR UNVOUCH U AFTER GAME
16:27 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): latency
16:31 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): dont call me fag
16:32 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): and spamm to me
16:34 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): or i unvouch u
16:35 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): instantly
16:39 [Allies] immunepwnz (Anti-Mage): deal?

Yo immunepwnz are you so stronk man?

Just let you know that such threats do not pass here.

Let's go to the penalties part now.

denistheslayer warned and banned for 3 days because of his bad behaviour and poor-playing. Next time he causes the very little problem, he's out of the league.

immunepwnz warned and banned for 3 days not only for his bad perfomance in game, but mostly for his threats to users.

exilm warned for bad-playing and taking into consideration that he has been truanted in the past, next time he commits any offence he gets unvouched.

TheSaint warned for bad-playing.

DzD.EmMa warned for bad-playing.
