View Full Version : I, Robot

29-04-2005, 08:49 AM
I finally managed to watch ‘I, robot’. I missed it while it was in cinemas and now I was waiting for it on DVD, I’ve read almost all books written by Isaac Assimov and I must say I’m highly disappointed by this move. Maybe because I was expecting to much of it. It is to shallow, without all this what is the true value of Assimov’s books. Does anyone of you watched this film?

Dimitris Manos
29-04-2005, 08:57 AM
I watched the trailer, it was enough to make me wanna save my money instead for another movie :)

09-05-2005, 03:59 AM
I knew it was based on a book before I watch it on DVD, but even without having read I felt it was missing a lot. I didn't like it ...

11-05-2005, 01:52 AM
I've watched that too. The reason is that the movie was based on special effects, not story and acting.

28-05-2005, 02:21 AM
I've watched that too. The reason is that the movie was based on special effects, not story and acting.

... but even just these special effect made it worth watching ! Enjoyed it too.


28-06-2005, 06:47 PM
I never read the book, and I really enjoyed the movie. Not very big story, but nice action scenes and nice idea of the future :)

28-06-2005, 07:19 PM
a lot dissapointed by the movie :-\ nice specail effetcs but the story.... :'(

05-07-2005, 12:54 AM
since I seem to be the only one who likes crappy movies for crappy movies sake, I would like to say I really liked this movie.

I, Robot rocks my world!!

ok, that was a joke. ::)

04-09-2005, 08:09 AM
since I seem to be the only one who likes crappy movies for crappy movies sake, I would like to say I really liked this movie.

I, Robot rocks my world!!

ok, that was a joke. ::)


20-09-2005, 03:14 AM
The movie caught me completely off guard. It was a fine action sc-fi film! Will Smith's character was likeable and there were some neat details I don't see in other films.

12-11-2005, 09:58 PM
Is TM3 standing for Terminator 3?

26-11-2005, 07:02 AM
Yeah, i watched the movie a while ago... and i found it pretty cool. ::) I never read that book & i've never (maybe once or twice) seen good movie version of any book. :-\
The hero's much fun (i like that actor :P) & the effects were good... + i watceh it in original version, and i don't get those often here, in Ukraine. :( So that's why i believe this movie's quite mediocre Hollywood clone-thing... If you've got some time to waste & want to waste it with some pleasure, watch it. ;D