View Full Version : Standalone?

23-11-2005, 04:58 AM
Hello HeatherLee,

I'm a young fellow so I didn't have the chance to play the original Sam & Max games. Was wondering if a newcomer to the series could play with no "guilty" feelings the new episodes. Will they be standalone?

I also want to express my opinions about the episodic form: First of all stop moaning everybody ;), the games will be episodic and there's nothing you can do right now to change that. I may love the boxes too but the fact is I'm sick of the classic crap. You know I'm bored of having to do crazy searches to find oldies-games in good condition and bla-bla... More games should be downloadable in the future. If a boxed edition comes along very good for all, but If you want to play the old game and you can't buy it because i.g. no personal credit card to use e-bay it's a pity that you cant have another solution. Also it would be very itneresting if you were able to give-out such a printable cover as artkwing or somebody else said.

Could you explain the download process? If you loose the file on your disk you cant download again? Can you burn a cd with the game?