View Full Version : Nintendo Wi-Fi

30-11-2005, 06:58 AM

As some might now The Wifi is no on with the Nintendo DS and one of it's major system that is Mario Kart DS. So if any have it too and can and would like to try playing with some other adventure Europe guys this thread is for you let know that you have the game and wifi and have of course a friend code, and then we can some times play together through Nintendo WiFi ;)


21-12-2005, 02:40 AM
The problem is that I don't want to go to Mc Donald's to play DS.

21-12-2005, 03:37 AM
I do not go to MacDo to play it, I just play it from my home with my Wifi card used on my modem. Else there is the WiFi Dongle that works quite well (and very easily too :))

21-12-2005, 04:46 PM
I only have Animal Crossing Wild World to go online, not Mario Kart. The WiFi-dongle works great, I can now swap stuff and go visit other villages from the bedroom :D

21-12-2005, 06:17 PM
Too bad as I cannot join you :p here in France Animal Crossing is planned for March 31st :/

21-12-2005, 07:32 PM
Same in the Netherlands but I have an American version. The local gameshop knows what kind of games I like and they import them for me. I also have American versions of Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney and Trauma Center Under the Knife, both of which also will be released in Europe in March.

Too bad this shop is strictly consoles-only, no PC games at all. I'm still looking for a new place to get my adventures since the shop I always bought them from stopped selling them (a bookstore that had all the TAC adventures and a few others - they also had DVD-movies etc but they stopped with all the non-book stuff unfortunately).

It is not 100% sure that American en European version will be compatible. Japanese Animal Crossing owners cannot communicate with American Animal Crossing owners via Nintendo's service. But that's probably because of the language/characters. There should be no problem with American Europe because all the letters and numbers are the same. We'll see.

21-12-2005, 08:26 PM
you're lucky, there are not so much shop of this type here, or the price are higher than the original price due to import cost, taxes and so on.