View Full Version : LORDI - Winners of the Eurovision song contest

Dimitris Manos
21-05-2006, 08:43 AM
The unbelievable happened. Among a parrade of ridiculous pop stars, cheap copycats, ex-porno stars, and pretentious hiphoppers Lordi won! Maybe I should start watching Eurovision after all! :D

It's not going to be funny though next year when some countries will want to jump in the bandwagon (hey this sells, this wins, we do it too...typical stupid mentality) and send Lordi-copycats. It was a nice way to show that niche markets...are not so niche after all

:p :p :p :p :p

21-05-2006, 09:48 AM
What country was LORDI from? In the UK, we don't even watch Eurovision anymore. I think our one for Eurovision was some pervert with a bunch of kids!

21-05-2006, 07:18 PM
Lordi was from Finland if I'm right

22-05-2006, 12:29 AM
Yes they were from Finland.

I won't comment about the result ...

Dimitris Manos
22-05-2006, 05:13 PM
I won't comment about the result ...

Why not?

24-05-2006, 09:59 AM
Yes they were from Finland.

I won't comment about the result ...

hahaha, saw the pictures of the winners. Eurovision is just one big, stupid, pathetic joke! Do people in your countries watch it? is it popular in you countries, or is it like UK where no one takes it seriously anymore?

29-05-2006, 05:22 AM
I won't comment about the result ...

Why not?

Well as a song it is not that bad, but their appearances were not for this contest. Many people are agains Eurovision contest, some call it a show for gays, others call it a parade, or whatever. Eurovision is not supposed to be some 'serious', 'important' event of cultural importance, it's just an average song contest for average songs. It never claimed to be of artistic importance either.

I just don't see any use in giving this award to 5 people who humiliated a contest with their appeareances. Other artists, with good voices, went there to sing and these guys just had some fun and won. It isn't about politics or so-called 'culture'.

If one doesn't like Eurovision, then they shouldn't watch it. I don't go to the opera but I wouldn't like to see someone irrelevant to opera winning an opera award. If you know what I mean.

Yes they were from Finland.

I won't comment about the result ...

hahaha, saw the pictures of the winners. Eurovision is just one big, stupid, pathetic joke! Do people in your countries watch it? is it popular in you countries, or is it like UK where no one takes it seriously anymore?

UK doesn't take it seriously because they never win :P Italy withdrawed because they thought the contest was unfair. But, anyway, I've seen much worse shows on TV, I don't mind just another average song contest. To me it's next to football and other TV shows. And I know many people who would call football a big bad joke.

30-05-2006, 07:59 AM
I havent watch Eurovision this year, mainly because I was busy with kids. Later on I read some news on internet about their victory and I strated to search for some more news about it. I found this and I fell in love


This is music of my teens. Manowar, Helloween, Kiss, Iron Maiden Those are bands that came to my mind when I was wathing it. Anyway I think that they are a bit weird, not because how they look, as this is cool, but because they stay like this practicly all the time. So you cant see them not wearing their costumes. But their music is what is important. I know it is not for everyone, you just have to like this kind of music, but if you do you will want more and more of them :)

31-05-2006, 11:25 AM
To tell you the truth I enjoyed a lot Lordi's victory for two main reasons:
a)I am a rock/metal fan and b)it eventually exposed the flaws of Eurovision
and made it look a great pile of crap to those who regarded it as being
something of great value.
Since I trust point (a) does need any further explanations, I'll go straight
to point (b) :)

A contest is defined by its rules and not "by custom". The existence of rules
will make the song evaluation process easier and fairer for everyone.
However, in Eurovision there aren't really any rules to restrict some
important aspects of the contest.

It was deemed a pop contest simply because the majority of the competing and
winning songs belonged to that music style. Rock songs were not banned
whatsoever, hence they were equally probable winners. If they wanted it to be
a pop song contest, they forgot to mention it and more importantly, to
enforce it! Otherwise, I would love to see Nightwish as Finland's
representatives next year! ;D

Regarding the visual part, I believe it should be kept low, so as to focus on
the song. It is not the group of several dancers in the background that
should attract attention, but the song itself. The same holds for extreme
costumes (I remember seeing more entries apart from Lordi!), as well as for
clothes that barely hide the most essential parts of female (mainly) bodies!
For the ones who would like to see more flesh, we could organize a wet
T-shirt contest, or a Euro-penthouse-vision ::)

Considering the voting process, this is another joke itself. When a song is
widely liked, there usually is a significant difference in points. However,
when there is a "close encounter", the favoured one usually belongs to the
country with the most neighbours. I would be surprised if at least one ex
USSR country does not end up in the top 5. This can be partialy solved by
e.g. penalizing a country that has given its 10 or 12 points to a song that
didn't make it to the top 10.

Not to mention the ridiculously high price for voting by sms. In Greece it
was something like €1.20/sms. Although I do understand the reason to pay
slightly more than a regular sms, I highly disapprove of this kind of
extortion. Some friends of mine voted twice, got confirmation for one of
their votes, but got charged twice. The mobile phone's number is visible
anyway in the case of an sms, hence they can ensure that each phone only
sends one vote (or at least, one vote per song) and charge for every valid

So, if they want to keep the show running in an attempt to lure more
viewers, so be it! But don't complain about other Lordi-like surprises (and I
would love to see more rock/metal bands creating a mess!). Alternatively,
they will have to sacrifice some of the show factor and replace it with some
rules that will ensure a pop song contest. Until then, metal rules!

01-06-2006, 12:28 AM
I agree with much of that. I personally find it all false now. 10 years ago each country represented its country with a musical and visual style that was usually in synch with the countries' cultural origins. But it doesn't seem like that anymore. It's all so sleazy and pervers.