19-04-2012, 04:31 PM
Accused Battle.Net account: GamawTaZwaTouMH, lawXamesGa ,nomorenoobsplz
Your battlet.net Account: Po(N)oS
Game name: ar7317
Abused rule: manners,leaver use
Time of event:
Further details:
Λοιπόν ας αρχίσουμε από τα βασικά ..υπήρχε πολύ spam για μάνες και διάφορα άλλα
11:01 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): KRIMA POU SOU GAMAW TI MANA LINA ?
11:06 [All] cro_abuse (Tinker): fuck this
11:07 [All] DA-SHEPHERD: cro_abuse has left the game voluntarily.
16:24 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): qq malaka
16:31 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): o filos sas
16:35 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): kai tha sas gamisoume etsi
16:41 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): ahahaha
16:41 [All] exeiPeseiPeina (Anub'seran): me 2-7 scor de ntrepesai na les QQ?
16:46 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): skase remale
16:50 [All] exeiPeseiPeina (Anub'seran): poutsa
16:58 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): poutsa sto mouni tis manas sou
17:12 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): sou gamw tous paterades sou
και αφού usaran τον leaver 19:31
[All] Po(N)oS (Rubick): pios usarei leaver?
19:36 [All] Po(N)oS (Rubick): peite mou ligo
19:38 [All] Po(N)oS (Rubick): pios
19:38 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): i mana sou
19:38 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): vres to malaka
19:41 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): apo ton tafo
και πιο μετά :
21:54 [All] Po(N)oS (Rubick): ante go ff 8elo n fao
21:56 [All] DA-SHEPHERD: [nomorenoobsplz] has forfeited the game. (1/3 votes for Sentinel)
22:00 [All] exeiPeseiPeina (Anub'seran): poutsa
22:00 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): OXI
22:07 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): KATHISTE NA FTIAKSETE STATS
22:12 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): skase gamo thn mana sou
22:16 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): poutanasge
22:34 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): KATSE KERNAME POUTSA SHMERA
22:46 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): tis manoulas s to mouni mpinedako
23:01 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): xaxa
23:04 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): mpinedako
23:22 [Allies] Po(N)oS (Rubick): !checkme
23:23 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): mpastardakiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
επίσης usaran τον leaver ενώ δεν είχε items (βέβαια δεν μπορώ ν πω ποιος γιατί δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω από το D.R.M. :P )
αυτοί είναι οι κύριοι λόγοι που το postara . τώρα δεν ξέρω ας το τσεκάρουν και ας αποφασίσουν οι αρμόδιοι..
Your battlet.net Account: Po(N)oS
Game name: ar7317
Abused rule: manners,leaver use
Time of event:
Further details:
Λοιπόν ας αρχίσουμε από τα βασικά ..υπήρχε πολύ spam για μάνες και διάφορα άλλα
11:01 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): KRIMA POU SOU GAMAW TI MANA LINA ?
11:06 [All] cro_abuse (Tinker): fuck this
11:07 [All] DA-SHEPHERD: cro_abuse has left the game voluntarily.
16:24 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): qq malaka
16:31 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): o filos sas
16:35 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): kai tha sas gamisoume etsi
16:41 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): ahahaha
16:41 [All] exeiPeseiPeina (Anub'seran): me 2-7 scor de ntrepesai na les QQ?
16:46 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): skase remale
16:50 [All] exeiPeseiPeina (Anub'seran): poutsa
16:58 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): poutsa sto mouni tis manas sou
17:12 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): sou gamw tous paterades sou
και αφού usaran τον leaver 19:31
[All] Po(N)oS (Rubick): pios usarei leaver?
19:36 [All] Po(N)oS (Rubick): peite mou ligo
19:38 [All] Po(N)oS (Rubick): pios
19:38 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): i mana sou
19:38 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): vres to malaka
19:41 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): apo ton tafo
και πιο μετά :
21:54 [All] Po(N)oS (Rubick): ante go ff 8elo n fao
21:56 [All] DA-SHEPHERD: [nomorenoobsplz] has forfeited the game. (1/3 votes for Sentinel)
22:00 [All] exeiPeseiPeina (Anub'seran): poutsa
22:00 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): OXI
22:07 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): KATHISTE NA FTIAKSETE STATS
22:12 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): skase gamo thn mana sou
22:16 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): poutanasge
22:34 [All] lawXamesGa (Xin): KATSE KERNAME POUTSA SHMERA
22:46 [All] GamawTaZwaTouMH (Slayer): tis manoulas s to mouni mpinedako
23:01 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): xaxa
23:04 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): mpinedako
23:22 [Allies] Po(N)oS (Rubick): !checkme
23:23 [All] nomorenoobsplz (Anub'arak): mpastardakiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
επίσης usaran τον leaver ενώ δεν είχε items (βέβαια δεν μπορώ ν πω ποιος γιατί δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω από το D.R.M. :P )
αυτοί είναι οι κύριοι λόγοι που το postara . τώρα δεν ξέρω ας το τσεκάρουν και ας αποφασίσουν οι αρμόδιοι..