View Full Version : Just about A Vampyre Story

27-11-2006, 10:28 PM
Hi there,

Bill is right now in the middle of a meeting with the team and I will try to answer your question :)
It's for sure there are no "lags" anymore and the game will be out by next year.
Regarding Mr. Schäfer I only can say this should be answered by Bill because he know him for a long time :)

28-11-2006, 12:23 AM
Yep. Sorry about that, but we only just got funding in June so it take a good 18-24 months on average to make a computer game. As far as when it will be out, we haven’t finalized that yet. That is all based on a lot of complex factors that are still not solid yet. Once we nail down all the details of the production plan then we can make a good solid decision on the release date. I expect we will be able to announce a release date some time in the first quarter of next year. Again, I am very sorry for the delay.

No Tim Schaffer has his own company and own games to work on. I’d love to have his help, but I ma afraid he is too busy to work on AVS, and he’d rather work on his own game I am sure. Plus he liked more action oriented games now, so I don’t think AVS is quite his cup of tea anymore. He makes very good action games and I heartily encourage everyone to buy and play Psychonauts. It is truly a unique and wonderful experience.

Yes, we fully plan to make more cartoon adventure games in the future, May background is in animation, so cartoons something I hold near and ear to my hearts. So I’d expect a lot of cartoon adventure games from AME. I wouldn’t rule out a serious game now and then, but 90% of the games we plan to make are cartoon based and humorous.


28-11-2006, 04:15 AM
Hello. Some questions to answer :)

Halloween came, and the game was nowhere. :D Can we expect further lag of the release, or this date is fixed?

Is that true that Tim Schafer had participated in the making of the dialogues for the game?

Will you plan to make similiar cartoon styled adventures in the future?