View Full Version : expectatoin from developers

29-11-2006, 10:17 PM
Hey !

I'm Oded from Corbomite games, a new independent game developer, working hard on a new comedy game.
I've been asking the same tough questions all the designers but i have a some new tough questions for you.

1. Can you tell us a bit about the relationships between an independent developer at the first stages of prodution and the publishers ?
2. What do you expect from a developer when he approaches you ?
3. what are you commitments to the developer ? financing some of the development ? advertizing ? distibution ?
4. what kind of adventure games or games in general are you as publishers looking for ?
5. what's your involvement in the development proccess of games ? do you change parts of the game design, story, puzzles, or artwork to meet things you think are market demand ?
6. many commercial adventure games have gone 3d or 2.5 (2d backgrounds and 3d characters), and i have been hearing discussions about publishers ruling out games because they aren't full 3d. what's your stand about it ?

29-11-2006, 10:41 PM
Hi Soundguy,

Kai's crafting a reply to you right now.. might take another minute or two - quite a questionnaire you got there ;)

29-11-2006, 10:56 PM
Hi there,

I love to answer your questions :) and sorry it took some time.

1.Can you tell us a bit about the relationships between an independent developer at the first stages of prodution and the publishers ?

That's an easy one. You'd like to learn more about your partner and also about the way he is doing things, as he wants to learn how you are working. Therefore it is necessary to meet often and of course talk about the project in detail. Only when you understand how both of you are working, this can become a successful partnership with trust and also fun, and by the end an excellent work of both parties. This way, this can be a fruitful and ongoing business relationship, even if an intial success does not happen with the first title.

2. What do you expect from a developer when he approaches you ?

We expect a good, thorough and detailed concept and a at least a rough buisness plan.

The most important thing: the developer should be realistic and also enthusiastic about his product.

3. what are you commitments to the developer ? financing some of the development ? advertizing ? distibution ?

We can do everything. As long as we are convinced about the product we almost always decide to publish the game.

4. what kind of adventure games or games in general are you as publishers looking for ?

Tough question, because this changes from year to year, due to the fact that some genres will be more supported by the customer interest than others.

That means, if you are realising a game in a genre where you are having 8 competitors at the same time of release, it wouldn't sound like a wise idea in 9 out of 10 times. As for adventure games, we are looking for games with faith and spirit because, only these will be the important ones for the genre and also for the gamers, pushing the limits on interactive storytelling.

5. what's your involvement in the development proccess of games ? do you change parts of the game design, story, puzzles, or artwork to meet things you think are market demand ?

In general we are not doing so... we have discussions with the developers about market potential, of course, but if it comes to changes, they will and are to decide by the end if a comment or a suggestion will fit or help the game to be better or not. Only if there are legal restrictions we "have to" act hard, to cut things or find other solutions for it.

6. many commercial adventure games have gone 3d or 2.5 (2d backgrounds and 3d characters), and i have been hearing discussions about publishers ruling out games because they aren't full 3d. what's your stand about it ?

It's not important if a game is in 3D or 2D or 2.5D.. It's the content, the story, the gameplay, the playability wich counts ... take a look at Tetris as an example ;)

29-11-2006, 11:08 PM
Thanks for the ansswers and the info..

I look forward to contacting you in the future.

(and yeah my website charsed just now, ISP say is should be up and running tommorow morning)

29-11-2006, 11:11 PM
Thanks I will take a close look to it and of course, if you need some thoughs and a partner I am sure we will having a nice conversation. :)

30-11-2006, 08:09 PM
I have visit your website and of course I cant read a single thing I am realy impressed by your art.
I relay like to learn more about your product and about the concept.

Thansk for given me the option to take a look at the first impressions :)

16-01-2007, 09:29 PM
I got some stuff to show you. Email me plx :

oded _at_ corbomitegames.com