View Full Version : technological and business questions

29-11-2006, 10:24 PM

It's the same questions i ask all the developers:

1. What game engine and tools did you use to create your game ?

2. how did you start up your business, and managed to finance the production of your game ?

3. How much did the production cost and what's the commercial success of the the game so far ?

4. any tips and advice for us independent developers and start-up game companies ?


29-11-2006, 10:36 PM

It's the same questions i ask all the developers:

1. What game engine and tools did you use to create your game ?

The game is based on WME engine... http://www.dead-code.org/ . And as for other programs, we use the "common standard".

2. how did you start up your business, and managed to finance the production of your game ?

The game is freeware....

3. How much did the production cost and what's the commercial success of the the game so far ?

No comment ;D...?

4. any tips and advice for us independent developers and start-up game companies ?

Dont take too large piece, start from easy projects, belive your projects and push it though every problem that will occur, be totally "attached" to eat, listen other people adviced, but always keep your own mind above all these advices, if you say that something is imposible, then it really is, and above all of these...- It depends... :-D


29-11-2006, 11:11 PM
WME is indeed a wonderful engine. I use it myself.

Thanks for the answers, and good luck with your games !


29-11-2006, 11:14 PM
WME is indeed a wonderful engine. I use it myself.

Thanks for the answers, and good luck with your games !


Also thanks for participating in this event, good luck too.