29-11-2007, 06:50 PM

1) Basil Withapick:
The main character, to be controlled by the player almost the entire game.
He didn’t like his job at all. It’s seems to him monotonous and boring. He would like to be an actor. But at the moment he’s just a beginner; he pays good money for lessons of dramatic art, and he has the blind hopeness that someday he’ll make the big jump, and he’ll become in a famous actor, one of the most valued in the world.
He confess to be a bit superstitious. Though his job mate, Miss Pretty, the beautiful and arrogant young women he feel in love, although he doesn’t dare to declare, define him as one of the most superstitious –and stupid-- individuals in the hold world.
He happen to be a good person because he never say no to nobody. Thus, people abuse him. People order him to make all the errands, and the most unpleasant tasks. If extra hours need to be done in the notary’s office, he’s always the chosen. That’s the reason why the notary likes him, because he’s all the time up to work, and never protest. That’s the reason he was selected to accomplish the mission of finding the son of the count.
He lives with his widow mother, in an old house in the capitol of the country, Z. His mother treats him like a child, because according to her he cannot take care of himself.

Here his Id Card photo:


29-11-2007, 07:00 PM
2) Count of Bramble:
His name is Roderick of Mountains. He dresses with top hat, monocle, and cape. He has so many properties that he even got problems to know. Entire buildings, lands of pastures, forest of all kinds of trees, etc. A bull’s cattle farmer, and a lots of money in all kinds of bank assets. All together give him a huge yield, which got no time to spend.
But despite all of that, his life was lonely and sad. Because the people he treated with always behave towards him with a dreadful reverence, keeping always a wall between, like the soldiers deal with theirs general, or something alike.
He didn’t have a special friendship with her wife either, since their marriage was impose, and none of the parts like each other, not understanding themselves, so that they only interchanged banal words of pure formalism meanwhile she was alive.
So, he never got the comprehension or affection that all human beings are needed of.
Now, in his old age, facing dead, he wants to change in an outburst of sentimentalism that he had never had in his long life. He wants so to find to his son, the one who he never knew, he never saw. He wants to see him, to feel loved by him, and also to let him all his richness, that never help him to be happy.

No photo available at the moment.

29-11-2007, 08:19 PM
3) Badshadow Brothers:
They are nephews of the count of Bramble. Aristocrats in decadence. In his parents begun the dissolution, having to sell them a lot of theirs proprieties to be able to keep their lifeway, and to pay de psychiatrist clinic and the clinics for treatment of drug addict problems, for them and for theirs sons.
Both brothers continued the lifeway of theirs fathers. First they mortgaged their real estates, after they had to sold it, and now they only keep the old family mansion, where they live.
They are confident in being the sole heir of his old rich uncle, the count. If they lose the inheritance, they’ll have to sell the mansion and face the worst of the horror: ¡get to work!

Here is a photo taken to them secretly in one of their meetings:


30-11-2007, 07:00 PM
4) Miss Pretty Creeping:
She is a girl obsessed with power, with luxury and with money. She dreams with living in a palace, surrounded of servants, and organizing balls and parties of ancient lineage, of blue blood people, or the new aristocracy, the rich or famous that are the food of the yellow press.
Meanwhile, she suffers everyday for having to go to his job. An employ that she hates with passion, because she feels doom to attend to all kind of people (clients of the notary) of the lowest condition. She attends them unwillingly, with arrogance and disdain, showing that she is totally above them, all of them.
With special scorn treats to the poor Basil. She takes advantage of the love that he feels for her to make him do practically all of her odd jobs. She just needs to smile to make him say always yes. Thus, she spend the most of the time looking up the latest news of yellow press, and replying with bad manners to the few clients that dares to ask her anything, since her duties are accomplished by Basil.

She is too cute. No photo available at the moment.

30-11-2007, 07:01 PM
5) Agust ExpensiveLife:
He got nearly eighty years old, and he’s the typical village native. A small village where he lives of his pension, and his ewes. He likes to drink anisette, and everyday he finishes up more than one bottle. He never take a bath or a shower, but once a year, in Saint Francis day, which happen to be the patron and protector of the village. He barely speak words, and he thinks than everything can be perfectly expressed with grumbles and menaces. He always uses a beret. He cultivates grapes, and by Saint Andrews day, he makes his own alcoholic grape juice. He’s miser, and since he was a kid he was saving money, and others importants things to him, in a secret hole into his old house. He got there a huge amount of money, nobody knows where it come from.
The village where he lives got scarcely one hundred of inhabitants, and it’s in frank decline. The road it’s in very bad conditions, it’s narrow, with more waves areas that straight stretch, and some parts with fallen sides. There is no public transportation to the village, and only the more brave and audacious adventures dare to travel to that obscure place.

No photo available at he moment. He's too ugly.

30-11-2007, 11:28 PM
It seems you've worked the story in depth, and it's good to see you're so concerned about the script, due the lack of quality of the adventures I've recently played. In my case, visuals are not as important as dialogs.

30-11-2007, 11:34 PM
Thanks very much for your words. We pretend to create a solid story. And we’ll try to accompany it with nice graphic, soft control, and entertain gameplay.