View Full Version : Questions from the UK

29-11-2007, 11:14 PM
Hi Dan,

This looks like one to definitely watch. Nice screenshots on the website.

1). Can you tell me a little about the idea behind the game? Is it based on any fact or old tales? Based on any actual location/s?

2). Will it be pure adventure, without action elements or any arcade-type challenges? Any timed sequences? And is it mouse control only?

3). Do you anticipate there being a trailer released, or even a demo, sometime in the Spring?

4). Finally, have your developers been influenced by any other successful games such as Scratches, Last Half of Darkness or Dark Fall?

Thanks. :)

Dan Peach
29-11-2007, 11:23 PM

Thanks for the nice words. :)

1) The idea is not based on any facts or real locations that I know of. It basically start out simple with our Sheriff being bored with life - he has NO crimes to fight in his town, which you would think would be a dream for him, but it's not. He wants some excitemnet - he wants to a shootout with some bank robbers - he wants to jump cars over those roads in San Fransisco like in the movies. Or, he just wants SOME excitement. So when this stranger arrives out of the blue in town, and won't speak, Alex is overjoyed. Finally, he has something to do, a real mystery. And he gets a little irrational and impulsive, which ultimately leads to him being trapped under the farm. Now he will be forced to face the mysteries he's wished for for so long. And through piecing together what was going on under the farm, he uncovers an intricate story about love, revenge, jealousy, and all manner of other things.

2) Yes it's pure adventure - no timed or action sequences.

3) There will definitely be a trailer and a demo at some point. We have a fully functional and playable demo now, but it's not for the public just yet. We'll have a public demo at some point though.

4) I think a lot of indie devs have been inspired by other indie devs who have been successful like the ones you mention. They show everybody else that you CAN make a game, and sell it, and basically be successful. So I wouldn't say influenced exactly - I'd sat more inspired to stick with it and keep trying. :)

29-11-2007, 11:40 PM
Thanks Dan. :)

Will you be (unless I've missed it.), be allowing us to subscribe to regular Email updates about the game? And could you get some of the soundtrack playing as we browse the website sometime in the future?

Dan Peach
29-11-2007, 11:45 PM
Yes I could add a mailing list signup - good idea. :)

You can join the forum too - I post all news and bits and pices of info on there.

I'm not a great fan of music playing over websites as I usually have my own music playing whilst I'm browsing, so I probably won't add that just yet. Maybe later though if we update the site.