View Full Version : Background Creation Process

30-11-2007, 10:16 PM
As a student in art, and an accomplished artist, I'm of course mostly curious, when it comes to A Tale of Two Kingdoms, about the creation process of the beautiful backgrounds.

Here are my questions.

How long does a background normally take to make?
What kind of process do you prefer?
Do you do research before you draw or do you go by imagination and script?
How much free reign were you given in ATOTK with your background creation?
What was your favorite background to make and what was the hardest background to make?

Thank you for your time. :)

30-11-2007, 10:28 PM
Hi Fawful, thanks for the questions!

How long does a background normally take to make?
I've never timed myself, but probably 5+ hours if working at 320x200 resolution, longer if working at higher resolutions. I usually take breaks in between though, so it might be up to a week before I actually complete the background depending on my motivation.

What kind of process do you prefer?
I usually do a rough sketch with the layout (sometimes on paper, sometimes on tablet), show it to Radiant to make sure everything is ok, then block in colours roughly. From there I refine the background by tidying it up, and add detail and texture last.

Do you do research before you draw or do you go by imagination and script?
Yes, if I'm not sure how something looks, I will look up references just to see how a certain object looks. Otherwise, I pretty much create the background from imagination and the description provided by the writer.

How much free reign were you given in ATOTK with your background creation?
A lot. As long as the room was functional in the way the script required, I could do anything I wanted really (in a fairly similar style to the rest of the backgrounds of course).

What was your favorite background to make and what was the hardest background to make?
Probably the feasthall background in the beginning of the game. Hardest background - probably the pond scene since I redid it several times, and then had to reanimate it as well!

30-11-2007, 10:43 PM
Thank you for your answers, and congratulations on the game, you did a fantastic job! ;D

30-11-2007, 10:53 PM
Thanks Fawful. :)

For any that are interested, here's a step-by-step of the kiss scene (if you get the best ending), worked on with Meerbat, our portrait artist:


30-11-2007, 10:58 PM
Wow, that's really neat!

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the best ending because, after doing everything required, I got to the end, but the game wouldn't let me go upstairs before the final scene. :'(

30-11-2007, 10:59 PM
Unfortunately, I couldn't get the best ending because, after doing everything required, I got to the end, but the game wouldn't let me go upstairs before the final scene. :'(

That's because you're supposed to free the princess before you get to the end.

30-11-2007, 11:05 PM
Woops. Oh well, its a beautiful game. and now i have a reason to replay it. ;D

30-11-2007, 11:07 PM
Woops. Oh well, its a beautiful game. and now i have a reason to replay it. ;D

Plus you get to listen to Cuppit in each room, if you do :)

30-11-2007, 11:09 PM
Oh right. I remember that cheat code. When I win I hear Cuppit, and when I die or get stuck I hear Destiny, but angrier. :o
