View Full Version : Reporting -Marlboritoo

22-06-2012, 10:54 AM
Name : -Marlboritoo
Room : EU Public
Reason : i think huskar mh....in game he was doing some suspicious moves and when i checked replay he was pinging on map and specificaly on the places i planted bombs over ( was playing rubick and using techies bombs ) and they didnt push throw lanes filled with bombs despite having the 2nd tower on bottom lane with lesser than 100 hp and instead of this they pushed top ( the only lane with no bombs ) u can check replay and see huskar pinging over bombs
Replay : http://www.rankedgamingparser.com/view_replay.php?file=1340355234.w3g

23-06-2012, 06:14 PM

Next time please provide exact timestamps. It takes so much time to look through the entire replay for FC and suspicious pings. And you'd have noticed that your MH accusition (or better the ones from your mates) were completely unjustified. What looks like suspicious movements in game is easily explained by scouting bombs from techies.

The only time he pinged "on" a stack of mines was at 42:28. And he didn't ping on them, he pinged about 800 units away from them (on the ramp north of the bomb stack). And even if it was spot on, it wouldn't have been enough to ban somebody for MH.

23-06-2012, 06:41 PM
Denied - Thread Closed