View Full Version : Vouch Rq

31-08-2012, 02:30 AM
-Your RGC nickname: Linken

-Personal information (name, age, location, etc): Barney, 19, Bulgaria

-Your Dota & Dota2 history (when did you start, where you have played, do u have a clan - link, etc.)
Been playing Dota since probably 2007 but mostly for fun in inhouses with friends and pubs.Started to want to watch and play competitive dota like 1.5 years ago and have been following it strcitly since then.Im a player that is sick of playing matchmaking in Dota 2 because of the fact that you have to rely on your teammates most of the games that you play and in most of the times it makes you dislike the game. I got my dota 2 beta key at october 2011.Dont have a clan atm, been playing competitive, didnt work out with that clan.

-Do you know how to use MIRC and Teamspeak (version 3)? Yes

-Do you have a microphone? Yes

-Whats your stats? https://dotabuff.com/players/86815183, though its not 100% accurate

-What is your steam account on steam community? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047080911/

-Screenshot of the heroes you played and your performance:
Most played heroes are furion, windrunner and anti mage.

-Do you know anyone in ED2L who could support your req.? If yes, name them.
I dont know anyone in ED2L.
-Is there something else you wanna add?
I fucking love dota !

31-08-2012, 11:10 AM
Vouched as a trial, make sure to post screenshots of your first 3 games in the league.