View Full Version : EU 666

08-09-2012, 05:44 PM
My Massive Gaming Network - DayZ
MyMGN opens the doors for a new aspiring DayZ Community with EU 666.

Tired of the 5~10 minute wait times to login to a server? Tired of admin abuse? How much have you been plagued by the battleye script restriction #55? Join EU 666 and say goodbye to all of those issues. Start out with a custom survivor load out, and make haste to the hot-spots for all those precious loots just waiting to be discovered.

Server updated to!! Complete with all items/weapons/vehicles/etc unlocked. AI scripting is about half done. Custom cities & bases are being planned. A limited amount of unlocked guns have been added as legit spawns, including a few vehicles. Gun and vehicle store coming soon! To experience the fun with the rest of us, download the following files and replace the originals in your @dayz\addons folder.


08-09-2012, 05:45 PM

1. No extreme profanity.
2. Respect the admins, or find somewhere else to play.
3. No teleporting. PERIOD.
4. No killing or shooting in survivor base. This includes "testing" weapons. Violators will be warned, and then banned.
5. Expect more rules to come as users give us reasons to create them.