View Full Version : reduction of sentence

07-10-2012, 12:51 AM
hello admin please like losing follow the reduction of punishment to my cuent F!y; were that blames me for using MH, the truth is that my cousin install this program and I did not know he was cheating I thought it was an error of warcraft I accept the punishment for not checking if the MH was installed, but banearon my mind to the point where I can not get either the RGC and it is the first time I do something and it was not intentional want you to check my background, it was my intention perfudicar anyone.

07-10-2012, 02:10 AM
you don't know that there was a maphack installed in your pc?? can't you find any better excuse??

07-10-2012, 07:31 AM
!baninfo F!y
[Account Ban] :: 10:56 on 06/10/2012 [Admin] :: bitchgotraped [Reason] :: maphacker

Date for unban appeal: 06/12/2012