View Full Version : Ban Request '' Leavers ''

13-10-2012, 04:17 PM
username: DoX.Like , Prome-theus , 掉线丶王子
room : (EU) public
reason : Left the game.
proof's : (12:07) |cFFFF0000RGC: DoX.Like has left the game voluntarily.
(16:12) |cFFFF0000RGC: Prome-theus has left the game voluntarily.
(19:02) |cFFFF0000RGC: 掉线丶王子 has left the game voluntarily.

replay :http://www.rankedgamingparser.com/view_replay.php?file=1350137661.w3g

17-10-2012, 10:11 AM

DoX.Like is now timebanned from this channel until 09:10 on 22/10/2012

Prome-theus is now timebanned from this channel until 09:11 on 22/10/2012


掉线丶王子 left the game whilst 2v5 which is not playable.

Join Ban Support "/j ban Support" , to discuss about your ban

Thank you for reporting