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View Full Version : [DENIED] Admin Abuse : Aoua[NoLag]

04-11-2009, 12:16 PM
* Accused Admin Account : aoua[nolag]

* Game Name : nldrunk

* Παράπτωμα του Admin : evrise mana user sto all logo whisper tou user

04-11-2009, 12:26 PM
Ka8ws 3ekinhse to game o Filos_tou_sure (topmayrjjj) mou kanei /w kai arxizei na brizei poly asxhma opws ton ebrisa kai egw sth synexeia. Apla elpiza na katalabainete oloi sas logiko einai na 8olwseis otan o allos se brizei sou lew 8a se xysw 8a se kanw ktl ktl kai sto telos petaei thn ataka 3es poios eimai egw? e anti na paw enter /r phga katala8ws sto all. Sth sunexeia mou eipe oti einai o topmayrjjj kalo zwo kai tou logou tou.
Twra to abuse pou mou postarei o drunk to 8ewrw la8os. Drunk re file mia sumboulh exw na sou dwsw, anti na kaneis emena report koita na prosexeis ta neura sou dioti otan solarei mid exeis 0-3 esu sf kai eisai vs razor, kai sou leei o kahmenos o tb apo ta woods esy ti kaneis mid, neuriazeis kai tou les mhn m 3anamilhseis kai meta kaneis kai to tragiko post sto all '' Tb mhn me prokaleis'' ahahah file eisai tragikos mathe na xaneis ! Ka8aros ouranos astrapes dn fobatai. Sthn telikh sou e3hghsame oti egine pare3hghsh alla esy ekei! Epeidh elouses mid kapou na ta vgaleis ta apo8hmena sou! Np m8 alla koita afou me postares.
Thelw oi ype8unoi na doune sto game ena akuro mute pou kanei o drunk ston tb xwris logo, poulaei kai trelitsa ligo gt mporei...einai admin... Apla koitaxte ti dikh tou sumperifora ligo mesa sto game!
Apla gia ypen8umish to post einai mia pare3hghsh anamesa se friends pou anti gia /r pathsa sto all!
Thanks gia ton xrono sas! Drunk 3ydaki m8 :)

04-11-2009, 01:28 PM
to mute to ekana gia na mhn sinexistei i kontra pou arxise o tb opos tha deis tou to evgala argotera oxi epidi to eipes esu alla epidi etsi leitourgw otan kapios arxizei na ginete eristikos

04-11-2009, 03:31 PM
Nai alla to 8ema dn einai to mute, to 8ema einai to report pou m kaneis enw sou e3hghsame mesa sto game kai meta egw oti apla egine mia pare3hghsa dioti enas m8 mou mphke me allo acc.
Afou loipon sou e3hgoume gt me kaneis report kai dn katanoeis oti htan apla ena an8rwpino la8os?

05-11-2009, 01:38 AM
lipon to thema dn xriazete na to sizitisoume egw eimouna me allo name opos FILOS_TOU_SURE auto to name eixa kai ekana wisp ston friend mou ton ebriza ala meta ta brisidia tou eipa pios eimai entometaxi me ebrise for fun btw dark sou eipa kiolas oti ta eipe gia mena ala esy me egrapses sta paparia sou dn nomizw na xriazete na ginei thema gt dn exei ksana ginei auto ston ouaou pisteuw na min exei ginei kati paromio me ton ouaou exei kalh sumperifora kai to paidi einai apla gamato5 :D

05-11-2009, 12:28 PM
Δεν υπαρχει θεμα abuse εδω για τον λογο που προανεφεραν συν οτι δεν εβριζε κατ εξακολουθηση στο "all".

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