View Full Version : Vouch Request LordFalkenborn

08-12-2009, 06:59 PM
IRC name: KnC|Lord
Q-Auth: Lordfalkenborn
Garena name: jan15jan

* Where are you from?
North Germany, but i speak fluent english aswell

* How old are you?

* Tell us a bit about yourself.
Well, there is not much to say about me, i am a normal guy who goes to school and spends his free time playing PC (mostly DotA) and on the weekends i like to go away with my friends and do party:)

* Are you currently member of a clan? If yes, post one or more links to a clan profile (homepage, DotA-League profile, ESL profile, etc.).

* Write a brief text about your DotA history (former clans, inhouse leagues, tournaments, etc.).
I have been playing DotA for about 3 years now, i got introduced to DotA by a friend, i started off playing publics and on ggc for 6 months, then i played on dota-league sigs for 1 and a half years. At that time, i started looking for clans. I joined a lot of clans but it never seemed to work out. But finally i found a clan, elg (http://www.dota-league.com/?section=team&id=15817). We played a lot togther and joined the pickleague in div 5.22. We won it with 9 wins and 0 losses. We were preparing for div 4, but the 2 of our players went inactive cause of realife, so our rooster dropped to 4. The during the summer holidays the clan just went inactive. So i went looking again, and i now found an interantional clan (KnC) and this is where i am intendingto stay for the next few months at least.

* Can you play all roles in Dota? (Carry/Gank/support/ect, We don't ask for perfection in every playstyle)
Yes, i can play all although i do not like support as much, since i rather like to decide the game myelf, and not rely so much on people who i do not know at all to win the game (this is from experience, often when i play support the main carry in my team is a so heavy fail that the game can not be won at all)

* Post at least 2 replays, preferably more. (Clanwar/Funwar or good inhouse replays. Use http://www.dota-allstars.com to upload)
I do not have any atm sorry, 2 reason, i generally have never saved any of my replays, and second, i had a virus on my computer about 2 months ago, so i had to reinstall everything. I can try to play a cw in the next few days to get you a replay, or we can try a testgame.

* Do you know how to use Garena, IRC and Ventrilo (version 3)?
Yes, i have all of it and i know how to use it.

* Do you have a microphone?
yes, several.

* Are you aware of the rules and do you agree to them?
I am aware and i agree to them.

* Which name do you want registered on the bot?

* Do you know any Pride members? If yes, please list them.
I am not sure, i think i do know some, but i am not sure if they remember me, because we played a long time ago. I will see if i can contact them and post their names if they remember me.

* Is there anything else you want to add?
I am really looking for forward to playing on this league and hope for an answer.


13-12-2009, 09:29 PM
bump, when are the testgames btw?

14-12-2009, 11:21 AM
no replays

04-01-2010, 05:03 PM
Replays or you will be denied

No more testgames