View Full Version : [SOLVED] User Abuse : KalaSksPlay , mircea)

21-07-2013, 02:39 PM
Accused Battle.Net account:Luna, witch doctor, lucifer
Your battlet.net Account: Dire)Wolf
Game name:ar..
Abused rule:manners, mh
Time of event (In Game):sxedon se olo to game
Further details: luna kai luci kai witch vrizotan sto all olh thn wra. o luci eixe mh to opoio fenetai kai apo to replay pou paei roshan kai feugei mazi me ton omni epeidi erxontai oi antipaloi. Episis o luci otan kaname def den erxotan mazi mas.

21-07-2013, 03:01 PM
ama den peis time pou ksekinisan den boh8as kai polu...

21-07-2013, 04:37 PM
Ακριβώς τις χρονικές στγμές για το maphack του lucifer, αλλιώς θα εξεταστεί μόνο για τα υπόλοιπα.

22-07-2013, 11:09 AM
[Eleos]: [QiIMaX] was banned by [H-Vtec] on 2013-07-21 (AR1772) because: [PERMANENT]

[B]kalaSKSkplay mircea) banned for bad manners

Abuse Solved
Topic Closed