View Full Version : Staffa and abuse

29-07-2013, 03:32 AM
mi nick dle rgc es : G7|.NEYmAR|-10

pais : peru

motivo : staffa y abuso

Users founder of the channel / join IHL Anubia "founder abuse their power wing deceiving people to play their season ends in a month qe when missing a week does not meet all the awards and prizes cleared away unvouch closed" demotea not meet the awards possible that, after you get new awards claim, going back one day change here I have a picture, this photo is http://prntscr.com/1i3fer TOp 8 From Rankin "change name + 10 Rgds Sa tc + vouch public in prime nation, from the next day changed again the prize, Rankin http://prntscr.com/1i3fdd Top 8 + Tc in public sa tc in prime nation.'s Founder is: korosu .. we as rankeamos in their channel meets asked qe due this scamming us please Haguen something that will not give awards founder top (1) 200 rgds, top (2) 100 rgds, top (3), 50 rgds Del rankin unless it changes now is scam ask a help to us, if the founder here talking to a top 3 protesting to http://prntscr.com/1hpo7b can see, review also abused the banhistory

! banhistory G7 |. Neymar | -10

! vouchhistory G7 |. Neymar | -10

review as unvocheo and bans can not do that one founder.

please check my banhistory I have several correct qe are not clean and my vouchhistory would also porfavorrr many thanks

31-07-2013, 02:38 PM
neither one of those Accounts has a banhistory .
If Founder Doesnt Give Rewards Within 1 week Please /w Achilles in the client and explain the situation