View Full Version : UNpausing game

20-12-2009, 05:20 PM
* Accused User Account : Scourge

* Game Name : pdc1261

* Offence of User : Unpausing,flaming,leaving

here is the replay

i said 5mins afk cuz i had problems at home and every team have right to have 5mins pause so i go afk and they result .end 2 instead of end draw

pls change this result and warn them

20-12-2009, 05:25 PM

i was in his team, he is totally right and Mr sleepy told Soulewe that i was feeding on purpose who gave me 30% warns


20-12-2009, 05:25 PM
Ok I think the only 1 here that should get a warn is you coz you did multiple abuses.
Abuse 1: you muted all chat 4 whole game.
Abuse 2: unannounced pause in the middle of a teamfight.
Abuse 3: being afk.

Earlier today i played with you and you did the same abuse (unannounced pause in the middle of a teamfight). I told you to stop doing that and instead of that you replied capsed about your "fail" team.
After you went afk we unpaused and your team just left.

20-12-2009, 05:26 PM
Also a warn for orange(lion - idotasuck) or sth like this nick he ruined game again ;/ I will just report almost every game witch is not ok... cause enought of looses like this1... normaly ppl don't care any dont write anything ;/

20-12-2009, 05:34 PM
Ok I think the only 1 here that should get a warn is you coz you did multiple abuses.
Abuse 1: you muted all chat 4 whole game.
Abuse 2: unannounced pause in the middle of a teamfight.
Abuse 3: being afk.

Earlier today i played with you and you did the same abuse (unannounced pause in the middle of a teamfight). I told you to stop doing that and instead of that you replied capsed about your "fail" team.
After you went afk we unpaused and your team just left.

answer 1 : he muted ONE player because he was flaming and he unmuted him a few minutes after
answer 2: he told everybody he had to afk because the police was at his door
answer 3 : he was afk and the whole scourge did unpause after unpause

Conclusion -> u didn't respect the rules


20-12-2009, 05:36 PM
ok i am ingame but they are whispering me like "haha u will get ban bla and game is drawed ^^ blabla" so fast answer:

THE PROBLEM is that noone of u telled us any reason why pause. EVEN when we wrote like "wtf" and stop" U KEEP pausing without announce.

We thought about warning ya for rage pause hole time AND NOW U WANNA REPORT?

come on ..

AND THE OTHER PROBLEM: we raped ya totally hole game. You even had a rage quitter because of feed. So its over and out...

20-12-2009, 05:38 PM
come on he told the police was there at his door -_- and u wanna make believe he said nothing. When you put pause and when u are so long afk it means u have a problem no? be fair play, it is just a game, accept the pauze and wait 5 mins. 5 mins in a life is it so long ?

and just for your information: game wasn't over


20-12-2009, 05:43 PM
answer 1 : he muted ONE player because he was flaming and he unmuted him a few minutes after
answer 2: he told everybody he had to afk because the police was at his door
answer 3 : he was afk and the whole scourge did unpause after unpause

Conclusion -> u didn't respect the rules


Ok so I'm not doing this just to make you look stupid, but I don't want you lamers that are complaning here to get a draw.

1. The global chat was muted from the beggining of the game.
2. Because of item no. 1 Scourage couldn't see what was he saying -so we didn't see that he had to go afk because the police was at his door = unannounced pause in the middle of a team fight.
3. Since you don't have a right on pause, without saying the other team why you pause, we have a right to resume the game. The game was going on and his afk should be counted as rule abuse.
4. Even tho that game was already won, you guys were the ones that left 1st.

20-12-2009, 05:55 PM
ok i'll write it again :

" When you put pause and when u are so long afk it means u have a problem no? be fair play, it is just a game, accept the pauze and wait 5 mins. 5 mins in a life is it so long ?

and just for your information: game wasn't over

bye "


now i won't answer anymore i'm getting tired of the pdc players

20-12-2009, 06:08 PM
Just dont spam the support of this league.

This is really nonsense. You lost the game and even with some "i mute all players; try to go afk; and hopefully they dont wait 5 minutes so i draw the game .. bs" wont help it.

The admins need time for more worthy things ..

20-12-2009, 10:18 PM
will someone check this topic???

20-12-2009, 11:28 PM
And yes Pucknorris[HFN] you have warns from other admins not only from me so what you can say in your defence you dont have argument so go away.. First of all you always flame...
Second when you start losing games always someone else is quilty...
You leave games and goes AFK you dont have any chance to survive in this league continue like this and you will see from other staffs not from me
you will warn 100% and bye bye litlle kiddo..

21-12-2009, 11:40 AM
rofl are u mad cuz i reported u go check replay and u 'l see you are new mod here so we dont have 5min pause anymore ? nEw mod new rules???U are here for check replays not to do any other shits so go check replay btw u can't change RULES In RULES clearly says 5MIN PAUSE FOR TEAM

21-12-2009, 12:58 PM
Lisen to me you litlle kiddo i was in that game and i know what i am talking abaout so stfu ...

1. You got leaver
2.You flame always
3.You go AFK

IF you dont have time for playing dota go away
And sure i am not new MOD here i was here
When GDGE starts and IGC
Thats long time ago you litlle kiddo so i know RULES.
No problem you got 4 WARNS 1 from me other 3 from other MOD , ADMINS
so i don t think so i made mistake

1 WARN Ue.babywankme reason :: game ruin on purpose ID 1842
2 WARN Edt_Chaos reason :: D/c flame ID 1911
3 WARN Makazoruki reason :: masive flame on forum. ID 1775
stop flame or you will earn 100% soon
4 WARN Raa-Key-Yahh reason:: masive flame ID 1978

thats all from me ... you will soon be denied or deleted for sure if you continue like this..

Find some hard argument now....

So i will stop fight whit you

Dont Argue With Idiots, They'll Just Take You Down To Their Level And Beat You With Experience -

my opinion

21-12-2009, 08:56 PM
Rofl thaat wast other game when u played with me this was other game..u have so pro brain :) i have replay so go check

22-12-2009, 04:53 AM
Junior member madness :o

- People, provide proof when you toss out random claims. The people here are not-guilty until otherwise proven, consider that next time.

28-12-2009, 07:06 PM
Since no proofs were posted in a long time this thread is closed.