View Full Version : TongFu Opens an Internet Cafe

29-12-2013, 08:10 AM
Many of you know the name TongFu from watching various international Dota tournaments, but like many other gaming clubs they have their hands in a wide variety of other games as well. UNLIKE other gaming clubs, however, TongFu has embraced a very nontraditional side of the eSports community as it has decided to open its very own internet cafe.

The cafe will be opening in Wuhu, which is within the Anhui province of China, and it will feature more than just Dota 2 on their systems. Oh, speaking of which, there will be 160 systems for use within the cafe itself. That's a lot of Dota, to be sure. TongFu has also announced that they will be running a variety of events with players from their Dota 2 squad such as Gong "ZSMJ" Jian.

some photos from the internet Cafe (https://www.facebook.com/2P.Dota/posts/638414739551727)