View Full Version : [DENIED] Admin Abuse : ner0.

29-12-2009, 02:50 PM
Tha ta pw st agllika gt o Drunkhater m eipe oti o ner0. dn einai ellinas
First of all i wonder why this wannacall ''admin'' start a game with AR mode without swwitch players option on...seconldy i think that in the game if you Play 5v3 in 40:00,i reapet 5v3 without switch players mode ON,as a person with mind,i would have end it,but ner0. had another solution,he told me ''if you want,leave,i wont ban you'' and i ask you guys is this a proper reaction for an admin? he should have end the game right there. ty for your time

29-12-2009, 02:54 PM
ner0. never uses -so mode.Well i guess that is his option, you can put whatever mode you want but in case of 5v3 he shall end it imo, because im pretty sure that if he was with the side of the few players he would have end it

29-12-2009, 03:17 PM
y right. if he was in the side with the few,but he wasn't he was on the other side and he didnt end it

29-12-2009, 03:37 PM
According to the rules (http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=1440) he is not obliged to use -so. He is also not obliged to use !end unless the leave happened in the first 10 minutes (or so) and your team asked for an !end.

He was right to tell you that if you'd left there would be no ban.

No abuse here.

It would still be nice if you'd provide a replay so as to check the situation of the game after the leavers had gone.

29-12-2009, 04:26 PM
No abuse here. The above posters covered me.

ner0. does not use -so. You should get used to it and if you don't like it don;t join his games.

Topic closed.