View Full Version : maphacker obviously

14-08-2014, 02:29 PM
1:my nickname is Yangdaxia

2: The NickNames of the player that you want to ban are SaRgAy, eV!r

3: The link replay of the game. is http://www.rgcdotaparser.com/replay.php?replay=1408018047

4: I have seen many maphackers but this time is the most obvious ever seen

1 replay time 09:50 furion flew right when sniper is about to enter the fountain.

2 replay time 16:40 sf used his regen rune in order to take the doble rune down the hill but he hadnt seen it then he just used the dagger and jumped took the rune without any pause its like he had already clicked the rune when he couldnt even see it.

3 replay time 16:50 now with no vision again he used the doble damage rune and went straight to the scourge ancient creep side because mirana and me were attacking the creeps. Then he jumped near sniper and ddint hesitate to use ulti. Sorry for being so annoying but he doesnt have any ward or sight there!!!!

4 replay time 17:08 sf after killing mirana with maphack he went for sniper and furion teletransported to cut snipers way off. Both with no sight no ward anything.

and alot more but I think those are enough.