View Full Version : Staff Abuse: GoDlike)RiPPeR

26-02-2017, 02:25 PM
Gamename: ap7363
Player accused: godlike)ripper
By: Tedd
Gameplay minute: Min 35-37
I Say to invo (godlikeripper) If you want to win this change your gameplay, start to use tornado and icewall instead of Euls combo. ( Since it was failing last 5-10 mins,he did well before it, but i said to him a change of gameplay would be great. The abuse is here when he said me; " you are a piece of shit" . Thats a good behaviur? when i just said before: cant accept tips? He MUTED ME. WITH OUT reason. Thats a demote or a warn to this guy. ABuse is real
Also i said to him he should check rules. He said " you come from another country to this forum, and you think you can do it?. Check this thanks.

PD: i am acussing his behaviour as admin not his game play.

26-02-2017, 02:55 PM
Once again my "Dear" thread starter it seem that all admins got bad behavior with you, anyway my point is since you post something you got to fill this >>>FORM<<< (http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=125094) since you know so much about the rules you should know that 2

(if you have problem doing it just pm me and ill edit your thread as you like to be)
(also Thread Titles should be like Admin Abuse: (NAME) OR Staff Abuse: (NAME) other details you want to say do it inside the thread) welcome to my section though...

26-02-2017, 08:22 PM
Tedd I like that you're trying to communicate a lot and try to work with people to win the game, but throughout the game you nagged quite a lot on godlike and told him what to do. It's okay to make suggestions ofcourse but I can imagine godlike got fed up with you. I am not going to justify what godlike said, he could've handled it somewhat smoother but the mute was justified. You were generally being annoying there.
And later when you talked about not knowing the rules: you were really annoying there. And heck you shouldnt take everything he says literally, I can understand that he might say things in a different way than he means since I see that he does speak english but it's not perfect.
Well I think you know my opinion on you but you must trust me when I say I can relate to what godlike experienced in that game.

26-02-2017, 09:15 PM
Tedd I like that you're trying to communicate a lot and say what people have to do but throughout the game you nagged quite a lot on godlike and told him what to do. It's okay to make suggestions ofcourse but I can imagine godlike got fed up with you. I am not going to justify what godlike said, he could've handled it somewhat smoother but the mute was justified. You were generally being annoying there.
And later when you talked about not knowing the rules: you were really annoying there. And heck you shouldnt take everything he says literally, I can understand that he might say things in a different way than he means since I see that he does speak english but it's not perfect.
Well I think you know my opinion on you but you must trust me when I say I can relate to what godlike experienced in that game.

He is not making suggestions, he is being offensive and always has to blame someone else and not his average gameplay.

26-02-2017, 10:20 PM
He is not making suggestions, he is being offensive and always has to blame someone else and not his average gameplay.

+1 lul

26-02-2017, 10:48 PM
He is not making suggestions, he is being offensive and always has to blame someone else and not his average gameplay. Well ofcourse. I said it was okay to make suggestions, I never said he made them. He was commanding.