View Full Version : [TEMPORARY] Unban Request: life.your.live

24-07-2017, 05:33 PM
Your Battle.Net nickname: life.your.live
Game name: /
Admin name: Bus@IRC
Reason: plug
Time of event:2017-05-26
Unban Card Usage:/
Further details:

I got plugged and I got banned for it.
I dont have the luxury of having friend and such a great admin like @live.your.life.

Could I get unbanned please ?

24-07-2017, 06:10 PM
eBAle to onoma mou kai thelei na mpainei sta games twra kai na kanei ruin kai na nomizoun oloi meta oti eimai egw -1 dn thelw na exei to idio name me emena

25-07-2017, 05:47 PM
LOL, you got reported twice yesterday, you have 0 credibility as an admin, none whatsoever.
I'd like to read the opinion of an UNBIASED admin, a REAL admin... that means not you.
If you wana reply to a tread why don't you reply on this one ?

Is this how MYMGN works ? I report an admin for their cheating behaviour and then suddenly my unban request could get denied, because of him? LOL

Oh yea and btw live.your.life, if I fakedisc/ragequit during a game we are both in, could you hold a slot for me also in the next lobby? you know, like you do for your friends?

I submitted a proper unban request, I hardly ever post them.
If I have to take timeban on this one fine( eventhough this account has already been banned a month), but a perma ban would be quite harsh.


25-07-2017, 05:50 PM
Can you play with this acc: eTeRNaL_DrEaMeR ?

25-07-2017, 06:39 PM

26-07-2017, 11:07 AM
Temporary Ban: 3 days
Topic Closed