View Full Version : DP public + stacking

02-02-2010, 09:32 PM
I've tried to get into playing there - but, well, it's like chewing through a brick wall.

If you're alone, you may as well give up playing there, ever. You never find another leader who is there without his team of 3-4 mates, then someone else comes along and demands to play with them. If you don't accede to these demands, the game gets aborted. The game gets aborted about 3-4 times anyway even if you do manage to find one that gets going, just for the whim of it.

Then there's the simple fact that it's a public league, but if you're on your own, you WILL face at least a team of 3. This is not fair in any way shape or form. A team with people who play together regularly is at a massive advantage, and you just have to suck it up and deal with it, or not play.

The two games I played before a stats reset were refreshing, the first day this was announced on PD - a generally good skill level, teams seemed fairly balanced, and they were enjoyable. Now it's just a room full of screaming children demanding to play with their friends. It's the equivalent of a ranked pubstomp.

Personally I think no stacking should be allowed, it should be a competitive, but casual environment, to give people without a team a chance to play decent games, in a competitive mode. If I'm not mistaken that's the general idea of the room. As it stands it's nowhere near that. The environment is.. agressive, and the games are not fun. Everyone flames within 5 minutes, and then gets rolled by whichever side has more friends together.

If you want to play with your team - go play a cw. It's pretty simple.

It's a lovely idea, but it doesn't work.

02-02-2010, 11:32 PM
Hmm, I think
They stack like that, they got much more chances to win

" Personally I think no stacking should be allowed "
Every league, There is stacking.
I think, You played on few leagues,
Because challenge = stack, You cant challenge and take " Unknown " players,
There a lot reasons about to not take " Random " players, "especially on public leagues"
The reasons are, They can flaming, Whinning, ragequiting, game ruinning and be bad at dota.
Of course, You'll that " If they act like that, I am going to report them " but if it is like that, every games? You'll have fed up and u'll start to play with the peoples as u know.

And if u want get picked, then proof to the captains, You are an average player ^^

BesT RegarD : MemoRy

03-02-2010, 01:03 PM
The point is that they bring a team of 4, and then there's no point in playing, really. we all know dota is about teamwork.

I have played quite a few leagues, and yes, whilst there are favourite players, there has never been a case of "my team vs 5 randoms" <- that's just a pubstomp. This is the worst league for stacking I've seen, because it's a public one and the mentality is "I can't trust anyone here, so I bring my friends"

" You cant challenge and take " Unknown " players"
If you're a single player in dp public - how are you supposed to play? OHWAIT you can't. That's my point.

"They stack like that, they got much more chances to win"
They have about a 95% chance to win, this means that it's the only way to play, this means that people who don't have a team with them won't play or will lose most of the time, which means they won't get promoted, or they won't bother coming to play, which means.. the room turns into a lowskilled cw room, and not what it was about.

Simple rule like: no stacking more than 2 others, or no aborting a game -> you play with who gets picked. You can bring your friends, and you can play with a couple of them, but you have to accept that lolstomping other people isn't fun nor fair.

11-02-2010, 07:52 PM
Last option
You can ask to the two captains, ' Can i startgame because there a lot peoples who are waiting? Please '
Of course, You should ask with kindness but if they are stupid, then i cant help you..