View Full Version : Warn request on 2 players

22-02-2010, 11:14 PM
In a game we played this guy asks for Dusa, and he totaly sucks with her, he was 0-9 i think, he couldnt farm at all. Also i would like to report our capt for just FF and leave, i don't think its alowed for capt to say FF only, team has to agree with him.
Game name:DPcm1600
Dusa name:Ozkavo
Capt name:BrokenDreamZ_

Also how is decided in startgame who will be captains? Since our captain claimed and said like this:
02:48 [Allies] BrokenDreamZ_: lion so bad hero
02:52 [Allies] BrokenDreamZ_: i mean useless

23-02-2010, 09:48 AM
1. brokendreamz_ banned for 3 days
2. Dlich banned for 3 days
3. wDm^Rale.rs banned for 5 days
4. ozkavo next time i see such pub play its unvouch